Showing posts with label Newsletter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Newsletter. Show all posts

February 1, 2013

Pirate101 Newsletter (February 2013)

Ahoy Pirates!

Kingsisle released another newsletter for February! Kingsisle says this month is going to be a great month (wonder if that means updates), and they talked about all of the great small updates they had last month. They've released many new things today.. from a new YouTube video to Frogfather Friday . I can't wait to see all of the other surprises they have for us this month! Before I get ahead of myself here's the new video:

This is a great commercial about information that I don't think any of us knew about Captain Avery! Read more of the Pirate101 Newsletter by clicking on Librarian Adelmo or the link below him. Enjoy :)

January 4, 2013

January 2013 P101 Newsletter

Ahoy Pirates!

Have you read the Pirate101 newsletter for this month/year yet? I have and I have to say that I'm excited for this month and 2013 for Pirate101. Kingsisle already said in the newsletter that its going to be a great year for the game and they have plenty surprises for us! This gets me thinking about new worlds, updates such as the bazaar. I've been waiting for the bazaar for awhile :P. I'll post a few important updates from the newsletter on this post so you know more and I'll provide links!


I had to include this in the post too, if you haven't heard Pirate101 has won Game of the Year 2012! I knew it would, Pirate101 deserves the title. I'm pretty sure Pirate101 will be nominated and win a bunch of other awards this year and the years ahead too. Congratulations Pirate101!

The Fa-la-la-la Llama will stop selling on Sunday, January 6th. You should get this mount before it does stop selling. I have to mention that buying this mount is for a good cause so please do buy it if you can/ want :) Good luck and I love this mount! I know someone else who does too :P To add, you have to remember the Yuletide Items will be gone soon too. Make sure you get your items before they're gone until next year or forever for the Llama!

Producers Letter December 2012

Pirate101 Newsletter January 2013

For more updates from Kingsisle make sure to click the links above! I'm going to make a section of my blog for this kind of information and post a few important updates and provide links from now on! I hope this helps you just in case you don't pay attention to the Pirate101 website a lot. Its important you do pay attention because there's a lot of great information on there :) Until next time, see you around the Spiral!