Showing posts with label News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label News. Show all posts

May 10, 2024

🥳 Happy 14th Birthday, Around The Spiral 🥳

Hi there!

Today marks 14 years since I created this website. A lot sure has happened over the past 14 years - from it taking me 8 years to become an official Wizard101 Fansite & Pirate101 Fansite, to no longer being one, to hosting dozens of in-game events, making YouTube videos, creating another website, and so on! The question is... what do I have planned for the future?

It's not a secret that the future certainly holds new in-game events. I'd like to promote them more and to a new audience. Our real world is very chaotic and divisive. Despite this, I want to offer the community a place to come to escape all of that.  There is a community within the Wizard101 community where everyone is welcome at our events regardless of their sexuality, political affiliation, religion, etc. 

I joined Wizard101 in 2009 to escape the real world for a bit each day. I'd like to provide that same escape to everyone here. If you want to hang out with a truly diverse and lovely group of people, I welcome you to attend our in-game events. I want to work with Kingsisle to bring our events to a much larger audience - not to promote my name, but to promote a truly diverse community.

One other thing I hope to do is to make new YouTube videos - specifically Spiral News Season 3. I've wanted to do that for quite some time and will look into it. Regardless, I'd like to share my opinions on the game. I promise I'm not a Kingsisle hater - per my nearly 15 years of playing their game and being involved in their community for nearly as long. I want to share my thoughts on how they can improve their game.

As of late, I've been very proud of Kingsisle - with their creation of Ravenwood Academy (releasing later this year), listening to players on PvE, and the generous gifts to the community through the Fansite Festival which celebrated its 10th year. There is much to appreciate. I've defended and criticized Kingsisle - that's what true fans do. A fake fan would only share hate or only share love about the game. 

Other than that, I'm happy to finally be back and provide more to the community than I have these past few years. It's been very tough. I've lost family and friends. My dad passed away from Covid this past September, but I thank Jesus, family, and friends for helping me get through this tough time. I've had my ups and downs, and sometimes so far down where I am where the Helephant appears from. 

My support system has helped me get through one of the toughest times in my life to do things I haven't done before. Kingsisle, Wizard101, Pirate101, and the community have been in a special place in my heart for nearly half of my life. Blogging certainly is of the past, but I'm using Around The Spiral to transcend blogging. 

I'd like to thank you all for 14 wonderful years of Around The Spiral. I hope we can have another 14 - but I'll be almost 45. Lol. I'm not going to rush time. Thank you all so much for your support. I hope to see you Around the Spiral. I also hope y'all will join us at this year's Pride Run event to meet our community within the community. 

April 27, 2024

🏳️‍🌈 The Wizard101 Pride Run - Saturday, June 29th 🏳️‍🌈

Hello Wizards!

I'm happy to announce that I'll be hosting an in-game Wizard101 Pride event. Like Pride Parades, we'll have our own parade around Wizard City. You do not need a membership or mounts to participate in this event. All you need to do is wear a pride color (or colors) that best represent you. If you're an ally, wear all of the colors you can! Here's more information about this event:

When: Saturday, June 29 @ 3pm Central / 4pm Eastern

Where: The Commons, Wu Realm


Please share the link to this post with your friends - I hope to promote this event so everyone knows there is a community of love and support. I'm hosting this to let everyone in the community know they are loved and accepted no matter their sexuality, political ideology, religion, race, etc. As a fellow gay man, I'm thankful I got to come out to such a large accepting part of the community. I'm paying the love back by hosting in-game events such as this. I hope you can attend - the picture below is from 2023!

May 10, 2023

Happy 13th Birthday, Around The Spiral!

 Hello Wizards!

You've read the title correctly.. Around the Spiral is officially a teenager! Now, don't worry I won't be going through the "teenage years" with a bad attitude. We all know that occurred several years ago! 🤣 Instead, I want to bring Around the Spiral to new heights and reach a wider audience than just here through my blog. Let's talk!

For years, I've made blog posts or created guides (my past project). I became burned out with blogging back in 2020. I took nearly a three year hiatus to focus on my mental health - which became a major problem from 2015 through the early 2020s. I've improved a lot, but still have work to do. One part of improving my mental health is doing things I enjoy - which is playing Wizard101 and Pirate101. 

These are hobbies. I don't look to be paid for it because I already have a career path that I'm enjoying. I'm happy for those that are able to work while playing these games or any games for that matter. That's a pretty cool job. What I'm hoping to do is build up Around the Spiral to get as many people to know that they are loved and respected in this community.

A true judgmental zone and safe space involves not judging people based on their sexuality, their race, their religion, who they vote for, etc. I'm not capable of changing the community on my own - it takes everyone to do that. I do hope this platform can be part of the change that shows everyone that no matter what they believe, they are welcome in this community. There are people that will agree to disagree. I'm not perfect, I've certainly had my moments - in the past. What I've always wanted, even during those imperfect moments was to make new friends that didn't judge me for who I am. I did judge others for judging me which was a major mistake on my end. 

We all know our world is crazy and a whole lot of bad is occurring. We don't have to ignore the bad, but we can share kindness because I'm a firm believer one kind action can go a long way. One thing I'm very excited about is a new program that I (and anyone) was able to join - Wizard101 Extra Credits. This program doesn't restrict us to only praise the game/team. I believe its purpose is to unite us to also share our love for the game. We can still share our thoughts on what we want changed. That's awesome!

In addition to posting about various topics each month for Extra Credits, I am also going to expand Around the Spiral to new platforms. I know about the leadership talks, but... for now, I'm excited to announce that Around the Spiral is officially on TikTok! It took me years to finally decide to start sharing content there. Anywhere from 0 to 1 million people may watch whatever videos I post on there. LOL. I'm acting silly ab out it, but I think it'll be fun to make different types of videos there. I've had many ideas in the past but never got to share them since I didn't have a TikTok. Now that I do, I hope you'll join me on there for a lot of fun stuff. It'll be slow postings at first, but as we progress through Summer - there will be many new uploads. I've embedded my first video at the bottom of this post if you'd like to check it out.

Overall, I want to try my best to make fun videos, posts, events, and more to help guide a focus on more fun stuff. Life is short. We should always make the best of it - which I hope to do during the teenage years of Around the Spiral. We WILL make it to 20. Imagine that... 20 years old... Goodness. 2033 better not rush here too fast. Anyway, I want to thank each and everyone of you from the bottom of my heart for all of the support you've shown me and this website over the past 13 years. I'm so thankful to call each and everyone of you my friends. Thank you for reading and here's to 13 more years of Around the Spiral. 

May 10, 2020


Hi there!

Today, I am celebrating 10 years of Around The Spiral. When I created this website, I thought that maybe it would last a couple of years, several years at most. I would've never dreamed that this website would still be here 10 years after my first blog post! I never really mention what I'm proud of, but I'm certainly proud that my website has become the 3rd oldest still-active website in this community. And, I'm not even done yet.

Over the years, Around the Spiral has had its ups and downs since its creation in 2010. Sure, there may have been many chaotic moments here and there, but we've overcome those very strange moments and made it to a point I never thought we'd make it - a decade. Around The Spiral would've never made it this far without the support of my true friends here in this community. It's because of you that anything that this site provides continues to thrive whether it's my online safety tips or any in-game event that we host. I am so very thankful for each and every one of you! 

So, now let's travel back in time to 2010. On May 8th & May 9th of 2010, I was deciding on whether or not to create a website with an old friend, Mary Dreamshade of The Pie Loving Necromancer. The following day, May 10th, 2010, I decided to create the website. I called this website... wait for it... Wizard101! I know, I know. It's silly, but I had no idea what to call it. I've never been good at coming up with names for anything. Creating this site provided me a way to share all of my memories at the time from attending Diary of a Wizard's Ravenwood Ball to questing adventures. When I look back on the nearly 2,000 blog posts I've made since that time, there are some adventures that I don't even remember. While I don't remember these adventures, I am thankful I wrote them down at the time so I could still look back on them in the future. One day, I'll even look back on this blog post and be like... wow, that was so long ago, even though 2020 seems futuristic at the time. ;) 

Looking back, I am thankful for all of the support both you and Kingsisle has provided me to make this website the best it can be. Through thick and thin, y'all have continued to support this site and even make it the most popular it's been in 7 years even though I'm not making as many blog posts. I guess if you consider it, it really is the most popular year so far especially if I made as many blog posts as I did back in the day. I would literally wake up and make a blog post about something random in the game. But these were such fun times and while I might not make as many blog posts as I have in the past, I still have many special blog posts, events, and more planned for the future. There will certainly be a future here at Around The Spiral and I hope you stick around to see what I have planned. 

Everyone should go to right now and have one of the best times of your life! If you follow my advice, you will make many new friends and will never get tired of playing the game. Log into Wizard101 now and create a new wizard to have a lot of fun with the rest of the Wizard101 Community. This is somewhat poetic. My first blog post was labeled Wizard101. My 10-year blog post is labeled Community. The true community members that make this place such a fun place to be will always thrive now and forever. Thank you for helping this website make it to 10 years.  Feel free to read ALL of my Bloggerversary posts by clicking on the hyperlinks below. 

I still can't thank you all enough for what you've done for me over the years. My main goal has been and always will be to bring this community together since the very beginning. I hope to continue to do that through this website and more as time progresses. You're great friends, a great family, and overall, a great community. One community. Now, let's see what the next 10 years will bring us! I have avoided making a throwback video because I'm saving that for the future. If Future Edward doesn't make a throwback video for his final blog post, you better cast one of the level 58 spells (or higher) on him! Thank you all for reading. Until next time, I'll see you AROUND THE SPIRAL. 10 MORE YEARS of...

May 10, 2019

Happy 9th Birthday,!

Hi there!

Today's a very special day for this website because we're celebrating its 9th Birthday! Nine Years Ago, May 10th, 2010, I decided to create this website with Mary Dreamshade from "The Pie Loving Necromancer" to start blogging about a game that I love, Wizard101. Since then, we've made so many memories!

I created my website using the domain My original purpose was to share my ice wizard, Edward Wintergem, adventures with everyone. This included farming for specific pets, attending events, and of course, questing! One specific topic that I would often blog about starting out in 2010 was the upcoming world of Celestia! Let's just say I couldn't wait to see this new world released to the public. Kingsisle would often hint at this world by releasing concept art & such, but waited awhile to officially release the world. I made a handful of blog posts about Celestia, but as soon as it was released, I started questing instead of blogging. Oops!

After leveling all six of my wizards at the time, I started paying more attention to reading blogs such as "The Friendly Necromancer" and attending events from another Official Fansite, "Diary of a Wizard". I was not as active in the community at the time and everyone who knew me knew that I was shy. As time progressed, I became less shy & more open. With that, I made many new friends! I also decided to start blogging again during the following year, 2011. I continued making many new Wizard101 blog posts throughout that year and through 2012. 

In early 2012, Kingsisle announced a new game called Pirate101. I knew that I wanted to blog about this game because I loved pirates and really, the first online game that I tried playing was Pirates of the Carribean Online. Although, I must say that it lagged quite a bit since my computer was blah! :P Anyway, Pirate looked amazing and I started making many posts about events & my questing adventures (Edward Cringle to be specific). At the current time of this blog post being published, I believe more than half of the posts made (currently standing at 1,807) are Pirate-related. GO Pirate!

It's 2019, nine years to the day after I created this website. I must say that it's been such a great adventure! As we head into my blog's decaversary, I hope to continue bringing the community together through new blog posts, events, and more. Thank you all for supporting this website whether you just started reading today or have been reading since day one! Let's continue this adventure together.  Feel free to read all of my current May 10th posts by clicking on the dates/links below. 

May 10th, 2019

To end this post, I made a short montage of most of the headers that I've used over the years! Some of you may think that I've used the current header (at the top of the blog) the entire time I've been here, but I've used various headers for this website over the past nine years. Anyway, I'll leave you all to watching the video below. Thank you all so much for reading this post & supporting this website.  Until next time, I'll see you around the spiral. Onwards to 10 years!

May 10, 2018

Happy 8th Birthday,!

Hi there!

I am proud to announce that today is this website's 8th Birthday. I made this website 8 years ago today to make blog posts about Wizard101. Since then, I've attended events such as the Diary of a Wizard events, had interviews, made posts about online safety, became a Pirate101 Fansite owner, and even started hosting events. Since 2010, I've made it a priority to bring more people in the community together using this website. These past 8 years have been a great experience!

As a backstory, I created this website on May 10th, 2010 with a good friend, Mary Dreamshade. We created our websites because we were inspired by many of the great Fansite owners - one of them being The Friendly Necromancer aka our community manager, Tom Purdue! The Friendly Necromancer, Ravenwood Radio, Diary of a Wizard & many other great fansites were fine examples of community leaders at that time. I was inspired by them to be a friend to those who needed a friend. 

Back in 2008, two years before the creation of my website, I had personal issues such as anxiety and depression due to a loss of close family members. I had these issues and didn't really care much about keeping friends, making new friends, or really much at all. This was until I joined Wizard101 after watching viewing an advertisement on television on July 4th, 2009. This was the date I decided to join Wizard101. 

Since joining Wizard101, my anxiety and depression have virtually disappeared, made a lot of great friends, chose a career path, and more. Now, not everything is perfect, but I am so glad I decided to move forward. I've been asked many times why I still play Wizard101 & make blog posts about it. The reason is to pass it forward just as the old community leaders have done for me when I joined during a tough time in my life. I want to help others who may be going through the same thing. This website has been used for 8 years to do just that. 

The Future Of This Website
The future is looking bright! I have a lot of plans for this website. One of these plans is to starting making blog posts again. I've been behind on my blog posts for a few years now. I miss making blog posts like I did during my first few years of blogging. I hope to make that type of return soon! I think it would be great to have more interviews, questing posts, and of course event posts. Speak of events.

We started streaming events last year to improve the quality of the events that we have. So far, it's been a success! We are always working hard to improve these events - and we do improve upon each event as we go. Compared to our first event, I'd say we've improved our events so much that even I don't mind boasting about the events - that's saying a lot because I don't like boasting! They have been great and I look forward to improving them. The purpose of these events will always be about bringing people together, but they'll never be about how many attend. I look forward to making many more event posts over the next who knows how many years.

I have a lot more planned and I hope you stick by to see these goals. I will continue making blog posts for years to come! A lot of you have stuck by me during tough times since the beginning and I am grateful for that. Thank you for all of your support. I look forward to making a difference in this community. Although I'm not a conventional fansite owner, I do care a lot about this community. I've stayed with y'all for over eight years (even before my website). I will continue staying here to try to make a positive difference in this community. Thank you for allowing me to do that! 

Thank You For Your Support

Your support over these past eight years has meant a lot to me. I thank you for your support whether you just now started supporting me or supported me for eight years. I also want to thank Kingsisle for giving me a chance to share news about this website and our events. I am also grateful for their support! Here's to many more years of Wizard101, Pirate101, Kingsisle, this community and to! Let's continue making a positive difference together!

Read Previous May 10th (Bloggerversary) Posts

Until next time, I'll see you around the spiral!

May 10, 2017

Happy 7th Birthday!

Hi there!

Today is Around the Spiral with Edward Lifegem's 7th Birthday. Seven years ago, today, I made my very first blog post about Wizard101. From there, I started attending community events, making new great friends, and making as many new posts as I could. I feel my messages of Online Safety, Anti-Bullying, and Acceptance has reached a lot of people here in the community.

As many of you now already know, I created this website on May 10th, 2010. That was the first few years of when the community really started growing. I was already in the community months before, but with the creation of this website I was able to interact more with the community than I ever dreamed of. At the time, I was very shy and didn't talk much with anyone. The community changed that part of me, which was a good change because I wanted to make new friends. 

I have seen a lot of people come and go in the blogging community. I am glad blogging is starting to grow again as it did back in the day. My website is actually one of few still making posts even after all of these years. I don't find it bad that I'm bringing such an old theme back into the community, I really enjoy doing that. I think now I'm able to interact more than I ever have before with everyone and that's good! 

Future Plans

This year is going to be a great year! I am going to make a few changes, but those changes will never change who I am. I will still be the same person I've always been. I want to interact with everyone in the community, accept everyone for who they are, and remind everyone that no matter what, I am always here for you! If any of you ever want to talk to me, just ask me to follow you or friend you and we'll talk. I'm glad you're here in the community! What does that have to do with future plans? Well..

I'm planning on hosting a lot of great events this year as I have last year. There is now a change in these events. I want to bring all of the community together as a reminder that no matter what, we're all in this together (I'm pretty sure some of you are singing HSM right now :P). We're going to make this a great year for everyone in the community, not ever a select few.

With blog posts, I am going to catch up on the game and everything that I've missed over the past few years. I've been behind on everything, but now I have a chance to catch up and if any of you have any questions, I'll be able to answer them. With catching up, that means I will also have more blog posts about what I'm up to in the game (such as which character I'm questing, something old I just found out but I wanted to share my thoughts about it, etc). I can't wait to make these new posts for you! 

A Blast From The Past

I've made a blog post every May 10th since 2011. I decided to post a few links here for you to read if you would like to! You can scroll over and then click on the links below to read those posts. Thank you all for all of your support over the past 7 years. It is great to be in this community and I'll always support everyone here. I can't thank you enough for the support you've shown me! Here's to many more years of blogging. 

MAY 2017: 7th Bloggerversary!

Until next time, I'll see you around the spiral!

October 14, 2016

Wizard101: Mirage Confirmed!

Hello Wizards!

Tom and Leah announced a new world for Wizard101 on Kingsisle Live today!  They gave a concept art teaser on this episode! I was able to take a few screenshots so I thought I'd share them with you. :D

The talk is that Mirage is expected to be released sometime next month in the Test Realm and hopefully we'll have the new world by Christmas! This is going to be a lot of fun. I can't wait to see if we get new spells OR new pets. If we get new pets, I want my Frost Giant pet on my ice wizard and Storm Lord pet on my storm wizard! :P Well... Here's the concept art teaser. Thank you for the amazing episode of KI Live, Tom and Leah!

May 20, 2016

Pirate101 Test Realm ONLINE: Valencia Part 2

Ahoy Pirates!

It's Friday and the Pirate101 Test Realm is ONLINE. We will now be able to log into the test realm (if you have bought at least $6 worth of crowns or have a Pirate101 Membership in the last 30 days) to test out new content update Valencia Part 2. This new update will raise the level cap from level 65 to 70 and have many other features. I'll be testing it out this week and making a few posts about it! I hope you stick around for that. Make sure you report ALL of the bugs you see to Kingsisle using the bug feature on the test realm. If you would like to read more information about this awesome new update, click this hyperlink -> HERE. If you would like a link to download the test realm, click anywhere on the image below!! Happy Testing!

May 16, 2016

Valencian Steed Mount!

Ahoy Pirates!

Are you ready for Book 15 (Valencia Part 2)? It's planned to be released this week/ today and Pirate101 is celebrating their new book release by giving away a free permanent mount to all pirates that follow the following rules below.

Be sure to check your emails (Spam) for more information about this mount. You can also click on the image above for a link to Pirate101's website explaining when you'll receive your mount if you follow the rules above. Get ready for Book 15! Support Pirate101! Test Book 15 in the test realm this month and play in the live realm if you enjoy it!! :D We can always show Pirate101 how much we enjoy the game so they make more worlds for us (quality over quantity). Note: Be sure to buy your crowns on the Pirate101 Website. Thank you Kingsisle! 

May 12, 2016

Important Kingsisle Information

Hi there,

You may have heard the news around Twitter, Facebook or other social media that Kingsisle had to reduce their amount of employees at their company. I got an email from Kingsisle and decided to release it here on my blog too. I will miss all of you! Thank you all for your hard work at Kingsisle. You have no idea how much it means to us. I also want to thank all employees still at Kingsisle for their hard work. We will get through this. Here is more information from Kingsisle:

“To verify, many talented employees were released as part of a reduction in force today at KingsIsle Entertainment, and we wish them the best. This coincides with a couple of unreleased mobile games being cancelled. The strategy is to refocus our efforts on our MMO games and polish our more promising mobile projects, many of which are still slated for a 2016 release. Fans of our MMOs should know that Pirate101 is soon to receive an update and will be going to Test Realm most likely next week. Wizard101 has new content updates in the works for both Summer and Fall 2016. “

Our community manager, Tom, is still at Kingsisle to answer any question. Leala and #JuliaFromKI was let go. It is sad, but this might be good for the future of the game. My prayers are out for all of those out there who were let go to find another job soon! I know they will because they are very talented just like all of the Kingsisle employees. We have to continue to support Kingsisle. We'll see what the future holds. I hope the future is bright for everyone.

May 9, 2016

Edward Lifegem's Valencia Part 2 Teaser!

Ahoy Pirates!

Kingsisle recently emailed me with an exclusive Pirate101 Valencia Part 2 Teaser! Each fansite will share one unique image of the new world that will be released on Pirate101, so make sure to check those out too. :D Maybe my image is an image of a dungeon? Or a place that contains all of the secrets of the Skyways.. Who knows. I guess we'll have to test that on the Test Realm that will be released soon! Make sure to check out the official Pirate101 Social Media for more information about Valencia Part 2 that is planned to be released this Summer. :)

May 3, 2016

Pirate101: Valencia 2 News & Ending of Arc One

Ahoy Pirates!

I hope you're having a great Tuesday! I usually don't take time off from studying during Finals week, but I decided to take a little time off to make this post. Leah Ruben, our Wizard101 & Pirate101 Producer, announced that Valencia Part 2 would contain two chapters, five levels, contain a lot of answers to many questions we have about the Armada, and it will be the ending of Arc One.

Many are already worried that this will be the ending of Pirate101 since Arc One of Wizard101 ended at level 100 and Pirate101 was expected to last a few more books before the ending of this arc. I don't believe this is the end of Pirate101 for one simple reason. MORE QUESTIONS. If we were told all questions would be answered that would be the time I would start worrying. The quote below from Leah Ruben gives me hope that we will have an Arc 2 in Pirate101. Keep in mind that not everything in Pirate101 has to be related to what Wizard101 to continue.

"We’ll have more details as things progress, but have ever you wondered who built the Armada? Or the REAL scope of Kane’s plans? There will be answers, lots of answers, and of course, more questions too in the thrilling conclusion to the first story arc" (Leah Ruben).

The new city of Florenza, Valencia.

One thing that I was thinking is that this world will take a little bit longer with more quests. If a lot of questions are going to be answered, and maybe the experience of each quest in Valencia Part 2 is a lot lower than previous worlds? I'm ready to find out this information! This is NOT El Dorado. We have not completed the map to El Dorado. So don't worry so much. I'm pretty sure we'll have more worlds to quest through before we reach El Dorado. I don't know what Kingsisle is up to, but I do know that Pirate101 LIVES! :D If you would like to read the Producer's Letter, click this hyperlink -> HERE.

April 23, 2016

#Pirate101Lives Update

Ahoy Pirates!

I hope you're having a great Saturday. I know I am, especially since Kingsisle announced that Pirate101 will be updated again with Valencia Part 2! I wanted to make this short little post to let you that I had no idea that Pirate101 would be updated this year, especially with Valencia Part 2. I was very hopeful the entire year (and last year) that the game would be updated this year.

I knew Pirate101 would live on because we have no idea what's going on behind the scenes. Apparently they were working on this content to release this Summer. Pirate101 will continue to live because I'm sure this isn't the only world they have worked on in three years. I'm sure they'll have new commercials and bundles with the release of this new content. Remember not to lose hope, because if you do, you will be surprised when something good actually happens! :) Well. It looks like we'll have to have fun once this world is released with NXP Events and hopefully farming events too. It looks like it's almost time to buy memberships and crowns again because I'm sure this is not the only update Kingsisle has planned for us, pirates! :D Make sure to spread the word that PIRATE101 LIVES! I'll make more posts about this update as more information is released. Thank you all for reading!

April 21, 2016

#Pirate101Lives: Valencia Part 2 Confirmed!

Ahoy Pirates!

Exciting news! Pirate101 WILL continue! Our amazing community managers, Tom and Leala, announced the new expansion, Valencia Part 2, on Kingsisle Live. This new expansion is planned to be released THIS SUMMER!  This means that Pirate101 is not dead, so ignore any rumor that says the game will no longer continue. Download the game and get your pirates back and questing again because we'll get to explore a new area and have new quests on the game soon. I believe this will be storyline world. I think this is pretty great news considering we will finally have a new world to explore this Summer after all of the years without one. :D Are you excited? Get your pirates ready for questing!! We'll have to get some gold farming and NXP events ready for this Summer. A few more weeks until I'm out of school and then we'll have a lot of fun on Pirate101. :) If you would like to view the video of the new update,  click on the image below (scroll through 2 minute mark).

March 8, 2016

Pirate101 Will Be Updated!

Ahoy Pirates!

I wanted to make a short blog post to let you know that Kingsisle has told us that Pirate101 will be updated on our recent Pirate101 Newsletter and now on Twitter. According to Rob Lovelett, Artist/Animator at Kingsisle, there are updates for Pirate101 that are currently in the works! I don't think there's anything to worry about, especially since Kingsisle is continuing to update things. If they didn't update anything at all, that's when you should worry about the game itself. I think that they'll release a new world soon maybe even after a Spring update to keep us updated until everything is completed? I think it's time to prepare for all of the special surprises Kingsisle has in store for us. :D

March 2, 2016

Exclusive Wizard101 Teaser!

Hello Wizards!

Kingsisle sent me and other fansite owners an official teaser for a new update coming to Wizard101! Will we get to meet our spells on the games in an update that will be released to the game soon? It seems that we will get to meet or even fight Ra in my exclusive teaser from Kingsisle! I can't wait to see what other teasers Kingsisle releases in the next few weeks. :D Remember to check out the other teaser on the official Wizard101 Newsletter and follow all of the official Wizard101 social media accounts for more information about this upcoming update. NOW FOR THE TEASER!! :D

February 5, 2016

#Pirate101Lives (Spoiler)

Ahoy Pirates!

It's official. Pirate101 finally teased something from a new update on Falmea Friday! Falmea revealed an NPC from a new update or as many had called it... BOOK 15! Yes... Pirate101 WILL continue! I can't wait to see what Pirate101 has planned for us. You should get your pirates ready for a new update that should be coming later this year. I'll post a blog post about any other spoiler that's released. If you would like to read Professor Falmea's Friday, click on the spoiler image below!

"So, this fateful Friday, let me share with you a fine fellow who will be making his way to the Spiral in the near future. My question is… tell me his story, if you were the one weaving the tale " (Professor Falmea). 

September 3, 2015

Kingsisle Live Birthday Recap!

Hello Wizards!

I'm sure many of you had a great time watching Tom, Leala and #JuliaFromKI on the Birthday edition of Kingsisle Live, I know I did! Today was filled with a lot of fun which included a Banshee scream from Professor Falmea (that made me laugh for a full 20 minutes)! There were was also a  huge party at Leala's Massively Fantasy Palace with a ton of skeletal pirates and... CAKE! Wait.. You're here for the spoiler.. Right? :P Well....

The image above shows penguins and what seems a dog ( or penguin) sled race in the largest image in the background. I'm sure everybody knows it's Polaris by now! This world was teased back when Kingsisle created a Zafaria commercial when Todd Coleman was still aboard. I think this could be a main world, but it could also be a side world off of Wintertusk. I can't wait to see what Kingsisle has planned for us! Make sure to LIKE their Facebook, FOLLOW their Twitter, and FOLLOW their Google+ for the next reveal. :D

This episode was an amazing episode with plenty of great surprises, like the one above! The first 3,000 people who entered a code also got one of the ultra dungeons. I had a lot of fun at the parties and watching Kingsisle Live. Thank you Tom, Leala and #JuliaFromKI for all of the hard work you do for the community. It really means a lot to me and thousands and thousands of others! :D I'm glad I have this blog so I can post this down for a memory that I look back on in three years and say "OH, I remember that amazing day!"

Skeletal Pirates took over the commons... Sorry, Wizards!

June 1, 2015

Aztecan Builder's Bundle

Hello Wizards!

Gamestop is now selling the Aztecan Builder's Bundle for $39! Kingsisle released a video of it today and it has a lot of information about this awesome bundle. I'm going to link you to their video and a video that Olivia StormCloud made a few days ago. :D If you would like more information about this bundle from the official Wizard101 website, click HERE.