February 12, 2014

Pirate101 Hoodoo Bundle Contest!

Ahoy Pirates!

Today, Kingsisle announced the new awesome, epic, amazing, okay.. I could go on forever.. hoodoo bundle! Today, the hard working One Eyed Jack had time to send fansite codes to giveaway. I never had a contest like this before, but this will be the easiest contests I will probably ever have. I would like to have a comment contest! How does this work?? Keep reading for more information.

    1: Comment On This Post- To enter the contest, I would like you to comment on this blog post. I would like everyone that comments to tell me one thing that you love about Pirate101. For example: I love Ship Combat and all of the spells/attacks the ships use to sink other ships. There's a second step to this contest (keep reading).

    2: Everyone Who Comments- Everyone who comments on this blog post will be entered to win one of two Hoodoo Bundles. There will be two winners for this contest. I will be using Rafflecopter again so I can have your email to email your code if you win. Make sure you click Commented On Post if you comment. IF you don't comment, I will not enter you. Please only use one account or you will be disqualified.

    3: More Information- This contest STARTS TODAY and ENDS 2/26/14. If you win a code, I will email you from my email, edwardfrostgem@gmail.com , if you see an email from that address, than you have won a code! I will label the email Hoodoo Bundle Contest Winner. I have included a list of what's included in the Bundle right below that Rafflecopter. *Click the last image below the Rafflecopter to watch a YouTube video to see what's included in this bundle!

    a Rafflecopter giveaway
    Ghostly Galleon (Dye-able Fog)
    Mojo Monkey Companion
    Conqueroo's Outfit (Up to Level 60 Gear)
    Witchdoctor's Lab Housing Add-On
    1 Month Membership/5,000 Crowns (My codes only include 5,000 Crowns)

    If you would like to know what's included in the Hoodoo Bundle just click this image!


    Unknown said...

    I like collecting different ships. I want a whole fleet of pirate ships!

    tatiana shadowflame said...

    What I love about pirate101 are the graphics. The scenery is amazing :)

    Anonymous said...

    I love all of the graphics and the different ships because they are so smooth but manage to be creepy at the same time, for example the ship that was released for Halloween. I would like to thank you for the contest Edward and hope all is well! :) <3

    Lane said...

    I love earning new companions and buying them from the crown shop. I love me crew.

    Unknown said...

    One aspect of Pirate101 I like is the structure of the game, what classes there are and how to get to where you want to be with ease, sailing ships in the sky - seems impossible but with Kingsisle anything can be true and that's something I love about Kingsisle.

    Unknown said...

    I like getting different companions. It's always interesting to know what they are and what different epics and whatnot they'll do.

    Unknown said...

    Right now I'm having a lot of fun trying to collect all the unique boss drops. This is prob my favorite aspect of the game.

    Mark Deatheyes said...

    I love everything about Pirate101 but theres something that makes Pirate101 slightly better than Wizard101...
    The amazing graphics and details.
    Sometimes while playing i just love to just stop questing and start exploring around.
    I love running around and i never regret it since theres always something that will make me 'wow'.

    David1822 said...

    What I love the most about Pirate101 are the graphics and how beautiful the scenery is! Simply breathtaking.

    jewelshadowcast said...

    Well you said this will be easy contest, all we have to do is to say what we love about Pirate101. Honestly that is the hardest question of all lol. I love everything about it. Companions that secret spice to the amazing story Pirate101 has or amazing animations that are created for each class or companion, or mobs.. Simply I love everything!! Thank you for this contest Edward :)!!

    Unknown said...

    I like how the combat is different from wizard101. Ship battle and just regular battle :)

    Unknown said...


    I really love Pirate101 because I have made many great friends. Also, the combat is very fun and intense, especially ship battles. :D

    Ernis said...

    What I love about Pirate101 is the ability of pets helping with attacking in combats, and the fact that we don't have to train them, because they become stronger alongside us.

    Beatriz Abbott said...

    I love the variety of quests and areas. Progressing through the main storyline is never boring on Pirate101!

    Unknown said...

    I love the companions and each of the companions has their own unique attack.

    Unknown said...

    What I like about Pirate101...To be honest, I've only been a free player so I can't tell you exactly. I do however play because the best thing about Pirate101 is the lovely people which you can meet. I'm not from US, I'm from UK and no means of paying for this game whatsoever. To be honest I've always heard stereotypes of American people, that they're mean people etc. But the one who told me that, turned out to be the mean person. I've met a lot of great people on Pirate101 who are the only reason I play this, I've met them on Facebook too. The thing I like the most is that even with so many people on this game, you will be able to find them select few people that you jjust want to have a great time with and enjoy the lovely graphics which this game has to show us, and the high level players who are willing to give a lower level player a chance, and see that level is but a number :)

    Elijah Stormheart said...

    I enjoy the diverse strategy of this game compared to Wizard101. Different classes and powers stack up into unique elements of gameplay. The graphics and character customization is also a large step taken from KingIsle's predecessors. In short, I enjoy Pirate101 very much! I suppose a Hoodoo Bundle would make it even more enjoyable, as well.

    Unknown said...

    I love pirate101 companion. I am always happy with the fact that we are able to battle with a lot of help from our companion, not just from our pet.

    Unknown said...

    I like the companions. They're all so cool and good looking plus powerful too! (Idk if my first post went through, ignore this if it did)

    Eushdh said...

    I love the witchdoctor and all the dark magic amd mysteries related about this class...im a witchdoctor as well

    Unknown said...

    I love the action that it has compared to Wiz! Thanks :)

    Chris DragonBlade said...

    What I love about PIrate101 is the storyline of the whole Armada and their involvement in ending the Polarion War, which later led to them becoming corrupted themselves. I love how the storyline of El Dorado and how one of your pirates parents (mother) was a member of Marco Pollo's crew and the mystery of what is so important there that it could help the Armada take the Spiral and rebuild it. I love Wizard101 a lot with it's fantasy feel, but I also like Pirate101 because it's more realistic. I love the graphic art and ship battling and companions and it's just such a good game! It's just a really good game. That's what I love about Pirate101.

    Unknown said...

    One thing I love about Pirate101 is the story because it has a lot of detail and it can be very interesting like how you lose your memory of your parents in Aquila

    Anonymous said...

    I love playing Pirate101 because I see new worlds by traveling through stormgates to stormgates.

    Unknown said...

    I love the beautiful scenery in Pirate101! I love just walking through the Arroyo Grande and sailing my ship through Valencia to take pictures and marvel in the scenery. Thank you for the contest!

    tabitha said...

    i love the story line as well as the graphics they are awesome. i also love collecting all the different houses and decorating them.

    Unknown said...

    I love everything about pirate101. The ships the companions and the pets the questing system, you name it. I use to think wizard101 was the best but when I played pirate101 it just blowed my mind.

    Unknown said...

    I absolutely love the graphics of pirate101. Kingsisle has certainly improved since Wizard101 in 2008, the landscapes and characters are much more developed artistic-wise, which almost makes you gaze in awe whenever you're travelling through a stormgate, or even just in the skyways of any of the worlds, due to their diversity. Plus, it gives me all the more to draw! :)

    Unknown said...

    My favorite thing about P101 is the graphics, just amazing!

    Unknown said...

    i really love the history (i love history irl and Greek history) that goes into the game but also the twist they put to the real life history and i really love how they add a bit of Spanish to it and who can't love the lighting in that game is a bit better then Wizard101's one but mostly i love that the community is nice and every one get's alone with one a other :D good luck every one :D hope i win also

    Unknown said...

    I love pirate101's story and companions!

    Maxwell Mondress said...

    I like how every companion is different and special.

    Unknown said...

    I like how each class is diverse, and how each class can choose what secondary class powers they want to learn, instead of having to learn all the powers.

    Duncan StormThief said...

    My best part would be boss drops. I like how you get items that looks exacts same as the boss wearing it. Weapon, outfit, charms, even totems! It makes me wanna farm for all of them :)

    ThatFrostweaver said...

    I can't believe the fog can be dyed! I imagine a fog machine hidden on the ship and we just put some item in to chance the color without having to set up lights.

    Anonymous said...

    What do I love about Pirate101? Well, I love the overall graphics, gear, companions, worlds, et cetera, but the complex story line is my favorite. There's so many possibilities and options of what might happen next that it makes the waiting for updates worth it. The unpredictability of the story is intriguing and it feels like we've barely scratched the surface of what KI has in store for us. The pirate community is also a great source of entertainment and tips, most everyone is friendly and helpful. I love it all! I can't wait to see what happens next! Thanks for the contest dude!

    Unknown said...

    Love the awesome Critical moves made by me pirate and companions!

    Unknown said...

    I like the companions. Having a small army to fight all of your battles. The relationships between all of the active speakers. Like Ratbeard and Annie. They're gonna hook up I tell you.

    Unknown said...

    I love the weapons, it does not matter if it's a ranged one or meelee, they're all very cool looking and they do tons of damage, weapons are awesome!

    Unknown said...

    I love the jokes, references, and homages KI puts in the game. My favorites are the music and Monty Python references.

    Capn' Carlos said...

    Ship's gonna look great for my witchdoctor! I like exploring the different classes with P101 and the Critical animations are worth watching as well!

    Capn' Carlos said...

    I enjoy the critical animations as well as the battle style of this game

    Unknown said...

    I love how you can repeat the storyline with another pirate, and it would still be fun! Unlike Wizard101, there's a ton of things that differ when you're going through a second pirate. W101 it's just gear, spells...pets. P101 it's gear, talents, epics, companions, etc.! That's what I love about P101.

    Thanks for the contest, Edward :)

    P.S Nice new background :o

    RuthlessBruno said...

    I love pirate 101 not only because of the breathtaking graphics and hilarious puns, but also because I think of pirate 101 as my second home. A land beyond reality where I am the hero but also a place where I can be myself, and occasionally try and beat monkey king in coming up with sarcastic remarks.

    RuthlessBruno said...

    I love pirate 101 not only because of the breathtaking graphics and hilarious puns, but also because I think of pirate 101 as my second home. A land beyond reality where I am the hero but also a place where I can be myself, and occasionally try and beat monkey king in coming up with sarcastic remarks.

    Unknown said...

    I love the Witchdoctor class. Idk why I just love everything about it o.o

    Swordroll said...

    My favorite part about Pirate101 has to be the unique gear drops... they could seriously keep me entertained forever. Collecting boss gear is the best!

    Unknown said...

    I love being able to go on adventures with my companions and questing:P

    RuthlessBruno said...

    I love pirate 101 not only because of the breathtaking graphics and hilarious puns, but also because I think of pirate 101 as my second home. A land beyond reality where I am the hero but also a place where I can be myself, and occasionally try and beat monkey king in coming up with sarcastic remarks.

    Unknown said...

    One thing I love the most in p101 is that everyone gets the same drops. It is good feeling when me and Duncan are farming for something together, and that we both get rewarded with same item after the fight.

    Unknown said...

    I very much love Pirate101 because of what it helps me through, my dads drinking, smoking, and my social anxiety(I am 13). I couldn't imagine what life would be like without this game, nothing to help me pass my ferrets death(Ferra), nothing to help me forget about the problems, if it wasn't for this game I don't know what the point would be of living, without companions(which I love, I have 76 of them), without friends, without fun. Thank you KingSisle.

    Unknown said...

    The gear designs and variety of companions and worlds makes it so much fun to play, I think that's got to be my favorite part of the entire game!

    Unknown said...

    One thing that I love about P101 is my turtle pet, it's so cute and adorbes, plus it helps knock things out for me.

    Unknown said...

    One thing i love is the way we get to travel on ships like real pirates

    Unknown said...

    I love the Dyable Fog!!

    Unknown said...

    I really wish i could just say one thing that i love about P101, but i really just love playing the game overall, it's given back to me and others like me who's parents had prevented them from playing W101 due to their religious beliefs a chance to spend their time doing something they really love :) Thanks for the contest!

    Dapurenergy said...

    My favorite thing that i love about P101 is all the companions we get well I also enjoy and love the game a ton to just for what it is. Thanks for the contest

    Cameron RedGem said...

    The thing I have about Pirate101 is that the fighting styles are way so much better. If you even get be done with one snap of a battle.

    Unknown said...

    Pirate101 is amazing in nearly every category. They have epic houses, a unique battle system always filled with action and movement, the plot is perfect, and the culture and scenery that I get to see every time I play Pirate101 is breathtaking.

    Anonymous said...

    The thing i love most about Pirate101 is that your pet grows with you as you level up and you don't have to train it, and that a pet and companions help you in battles which is more diverse and anything could happen!

    IonProductionz said...

    I like the ship battling. It uses a battle system that I very much enjoy to play.

    Angel Ice said...

    One thing I love about Pirate101 is the best graphics, way more better than Wizard101.

    Unknown said...

    I love how many different and unique companions are in this game, how you can show them off to your other pirate friends, and how you can use them for different strategies in battle. My email is christinebrionesmd@gmail.com

    no caps no space

    Unknown said...

    One thing I love most about Pirate101 is the awesome fighting scenes, like the swirling of the blade and the cool stunts.

    Eushdh said...

    Edward im registered in the raffle as Nicu Colin Its ok????please not diqualify i commented as avatar99ish

    Edward Lifegem said...

    Thank you for telling me! Everything's fine. Good luck :)

    Unknown said...

    There is no one thing to love about Pirate101! You either love it all or not! The combat, the graphics, the comedic puns here and there, the companion-class specific dialogue ques are simply astounding! Overall, Kingsisle did an amazing job on this game and I can't wait to see the next or J Todd Coleman's new one coming soon!

    Sneaky Kevin said...

    I like all of the unique gear in Pirate101. It's great to try to collect a good amount of it and it brings farming to an entirely new level, unlike what we've seen on Wizard101. Hoping for more awesome gear like this in the future!

    OSO45 said...

    The thing I love the most about pirate101 are the companions. A large difference from wizard101 where if you couldn't always afford a henchmen, your schools minions weren't always reliable, or you couldn't always find a friend to help you finish a quest, you no longer have to worry about going solo with an entire crew backing you up. Almost the entire game can be played with just a pirate and their crew. Making it just so much more enjoyable when a friend does come along to help or another pirate randomly joins the fray. And on top of the support factor they also lighten the drudgery of all the quest with witty banter, quips, bickering, and other fun characteristics that make a loving crew.

    Fred Santana said...

    I love how action packed the fighting is, all the combat moves look amazing. The graphics make the game seem much faster than wizard :D. I love the graphics of pirate, it's more mature and less cartoony.

    Anonymous said...

    From the little that I have played Pirate 101, I liked that the combat system is completely different than Wizard 101. The companions can make a big difference, especially for those of us who like to solo the game.

    Unknown said...

    i like the companions like ratbeard

    Unknown said...

    I like the fighting style of pirate101 and also I like having the companions to help in fights against the tougher monsters

    Unknown said...

    Something of all great things I love about Pirate101 is that I love how Pirate101 incorporates European and Asian cultures into their worlds especially the French culture I've seen, because it's something to loosely base a world on culture but they have actual historical facts just changed into spiral compatibility. That's really special that KingIsle does that to Pirate101.

    Unknown said...

    I love the sound effects and graphics in combat! I rarely turn on my sound on my computer but for Pirate101, I do in order to enjoy the game so much more. I also love how you could personalize so many things like your ship, eye color, hair, outfit, and your backstory (the things they let you choose in the beginning of the game).

    Unknown said...

    The companions and their personalities are what do it for me in Pirate101. They can be very serious or very funny depending on the situation.

    Unknown said...

    I like the fact that we can fly around on ships then if we get in a fight we can just use our companions to kill the bad guys without any issues :3

    Unknown said...


    Tobimaro said...

    The theme of the game is very appealing to me, as is the combat system. I feel like I have a better chance to solo this game (as opposed to how Wizard 101 is set up).

    Unknown said...

    One thing that I love about pirate101 is definitely the different story elements in it. The stories are well done, and I also like the amount of humor that goes on in them as well.

    Unknown said...

    I like all the talents and awesome powers in pirate101! Makes it so different from wizard101.

    Unknown said...

    I like all the awesome talents and powers in pirate101! Its what makes it so different from wizard101.

    Unknown said...

    I love the companions that have first strike, they are awesome!! also the ones that have vengeance strike!!

    Unknown said...

    I enjoy one of two things. The pets and the companions. I am a major hoarderer so collecting Pets AND Companions is a major blast! I love the game and love the aspects of it! :)

    Unknown said...

    I am a withcdoctor and I love using magic spells and all the companions

    Mrs. Jameson60 said...

    Blowing up other ships is a blast! Okay, I know it can also be hard to do sometimes, but I love this aspect of the game! I find it breaks up the monotony of "defeat 6 enemies, now collect this, now fight this boss" that you get in Wizard101 a lot of the time. Sure, you're still defeating and collecting during ship battles, but it's a different type of battle. And there is a whole strategy to go with ship battles, from having the right equipment to knowing when to use certain powers and timing everything right. It's a lot of fun, especially when you get huge groups together to sink a bunch of ships!

    Anonymous said...

    I LOVe being a musketwwr

    Banana girl said...

    I love everything about Pirate101

    Lexi said...

    I love the slow motion animation scenes in battle.

    Anonymous said...

    The one thing that i love about Pirate 101 would have to be the variety of people you get to meet and play with or against in the game.

    Unknown said...

    I llloooooove the variety of companions and pets that PIRATE101 has!

    Chrissy The Blesser said...

    There are so many things I love about Pirate 101 it is hard to have a favorite. I do dearly love the broadside ship fights and will scramble to help anyone who asks for help to build nautical Xp.
    I love the regular fighting too, the endless variety and fabulous screenshots always delights me.
    Sorry, landfights, this doesn't mean I don't love you still...............I will have to chose ship sinking. *Rushes to hand out brownies and yum to landfighting crews*

    Unknown said...

    I love pirate101 because it's kinda of my back up for wizard101 if that ever closes but i love pirate101 mostly because of the amzing companions you can get