Showing posts with label Contest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Contest. Show all posts

April 27, 2024

🏳️‍🌈 The Wizard101 Pride Run - Saturday, June 29th 🏳️‍🌈

Hello Wizards!

I'm happy to announce that I'll be hosting an in-game Wizard101 Pride event. Like Pride Parades, we'll have our own parade around Wizard City. You do not need a membership or mounts to participate in this event. All you need to do is wear a pride color (or colors) that best represent you. If you're an ally, wear all of the colors you can! Here's more information about this event:

When: Saturday, June 29 @ 3pm Central / 4pm Eastern

Where: The Commons, Wu Realm


Please share the link to this post with your friends - I hope to promote this event so everyone knows there is a community of love and support. I'm hosting this to let everyone in the community know they are loved and accepted no matter their sexuality, political ideology, religion, race, etc. As a fellow gay man, I'm thankful I got to come out to such a large accepting part of the community. I'm paying the love back by hosting in-game events such as this. I hope you can attend - the picture below is from 2023!

September 25, 2023

The Halloween Run Event - Sunday, October 29th

 Hello Wizards!

It's that time of year. Dressing up in your favorite Halloween costumes for one shell of an in-game event. I'm excited to announce that Around The Spiral will begin hosting an annual Halloween Run event starting this October. We'll have two primary contests at this event - a Screenshot Contest and a television-themed Song Contest. Before we talk about that, let's get the important details out of the way - the event's day, time, and area.

 Sunday, October 29 @ 3pm Central / 4pm Eastern

Nightside, Vampire Realm (All Areas)


 Rental Mounts Provided + Contests Announced on Twitch Stream

As I mentioned, we'll be hosting two contests. In order to participate in these contests, you must be in attendance at the event - and watching our live stream on our Twitch Channel above. Below, you'll see the rules of each contest. I hope you'll participate in these awesome contests! We'll also have more fun giveaways and contests throughout the event.

The Screenshot Contest                                    2 Winners: $20 W101 GS Card

1. Attend the Halloween Run Event
2. Take 1 Screenshot when the run begins using the keys CTRL+G & PRTSRC 
3. Email the Screenshot to with the subject "Screenshot Contest" and your wizard's name.

The two winners will be drawn using a list randomizer. Since this is random, everyone will have an equal chance to win. 

The Television Theme Contest                     2 Winners: $20 W101 GS Card

1. Watch the Halloween Run Livestream -
2. Write a List of the 7 Television Theme Songs in Order played (Type them in the live stream chat as each song plays throughout the event to help others.)
3. Send the List to with the subject "Television Contest" and your wizard's name.

The two winners of this contest will also be drawn using a list randomizer. Since this is random, everyone will have an equal chance to win.

Share this blog post with all of your friends so they know to attend the Halloween Run. Also, mark those calendars. Thank you all for your support. I hope to see you at the event. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me in the comments below OR on social media. Until next time, I'll see you around the Spiral. 

July 14, 2019

Holiday Mashup 2019: Guide Contest

Hello Wizards!

The Holiday Mashup 2019 is quickly approaching! This year's Holiday Mashup will take place on Sunday, August 11th ( If you didn't know, each one of our events, we not only have activities, but we also run around Wizard City in a group - keep in mind this will be a multi-area event. If you watch the video below, you'll see where we'll run during this event. The Run officially begins after all of our activities. Now let's talk about the contest!

We'll be giving away 30,000 crowns to one lucky winner that watches the Holiday Mashup Video (above) and correctly writes down all of the areas that we visit. All correct entries sent to us through email will be entered into a Random.Org drawing. If you would like more information about this contest, keep reading:

Watch The Run Video
You will need to watch the video above to know where we'll be running during the "Run Portion" of our event. Again, The Run will take place after we have activities during our event.

Write Down The Areas
 As you watch the video, you will need to write down (in order) all of the areas that we visit in the video. We will visit an area more than once, so make sure to write down every single area. Example: We will start in The Commons and end in The Commons. You will have to write down both.

Send An Email

February 9, 2019

Wizard101: Valentine's Art Contest Winners!

Hello Wizards!

Today I'm happy to announce the winners of my recent Art Contest. I'd like to thank our awesome community manager for giving me codes to giveaway to the winners of this contest. Congratulations to all three winners - and thank you all for putting so much hard work into your art.

1st Prize: Sophia Dreamcrafter
15,000 Crowns + Lovely Leopard Pet

2nd Prize: Sofia Firewalker
10,000 Crowns + Lovely Leopard Pet

3rd Prize: Kaitlyn Miststone
5,000 Crowns + Lovely Leopard Pet

Congratulations to the three winners above! You did an amazing job. Thank you for following the rules of including a well-drawn drawing + sharing your love for the game & community. Thank you all for putting so much work into your drawings. We truly have amazing artists in the community. I hope all of you a Happy Valentine's Day! Until next time, I'll see you around the spiral.

Check Back Tomorrow (2/10/19) for a Video Of Honorable Mentions

January 17, 2019

Wizard101: Valentines Art Contest

Hello Wizards!

I hope you're having a wonderful week. Today I'm proud to announce that I've received some codes from our awesome community manager, Mathew, to host a Valentines-themed contest! It's been awhile since I've hosted a contest, so I thought I'd start out with hosting an art contest. Keep reading this post for more information:

Draw A Picture that represents your love for both Wizard101 & the community. Please make sure this drawing is Valentine's Day themed. Drawings, not graphics, will only be accepted for this contest. Well-drawn & inspiring entries will be more likely to win the contest. Include your wizard's name & the finish date on this drawing.

Send The Picture to the email with the subject "Valentines Art Contest". Please include your wizard's name in this email and only send one entry. Additional entries from the same or multiple emails will disqualify you from this contest.

1st Prize
15,000 Crowns + Lovely Leopard Pet

2nd Prize
10,000 Crowns + Lovely Leopard Pet

3rd Prize 
5,000 Crowns + Lovely Leopard Pet

Contest BEGINS today and ENDS Thursday, February 7th at 12:00 pm Central. A Contest Winner post will be published on February 9th with three winners of this contest. Above you'll see the prizes that these three winners will receive. Good luck to everyone that enters & if you have any questions - feel free to comment below!

September 28, 2018

Halloween Run 2018

Hello Wizards!

Come one, come all to our 3rd Annual Halloween Run. Many wizards, warlocks, witches, vampires, and mummies alike will be taking over the Spiral on Sunday, October 28th. All are welcome to attend. Will you be joining us? Keep reading for more information + a crowns contest!

12:00 pm Central - Twitch Stream Begins / Dance Party

 12:15 pm                                                                           Halloween Farming
1:00 pm                                                                            Spooky Hide & Seek
1:30 pm                                                                              Skeletal Pirate Raid
2:00 pm                                                                 New Spooktaculuar Activity
2:30 pm                                                                                        It's a Surprise
3:00 pm                                                                         Halloween Run Begins

3:30 pm                                                                                  Afterparties Begin
4:00 pm                                                                         Special Announcements


Halloween Run Hosts
Edward Lifegem
Autumn Dreamwalker
Sarah Skystrider

Halloween Run Raffle - One Winner
Check Back Every Sunday For An Additional Entry Option

October 6, 2017

Halloween Run Guide Contest

Hello Wizards!

The Halloween Run is quickly approaching! We're working hard to make this event a lot of fun! Today I'm proud to announce that we're starting the first of our contests - from one of our amazing hosts, Autumn Dreamwalker. We'll be having a Halloween Run Guide Contest! Keep reading for more information.

Halloween Run Guide Contest

List Every Area In Order: Watch the Halloween Run Guide Video (above). In order, list every area that we travel to in the Halloween Run Guide. There will be areas that appear two or three times. Please list every area - Example: We start in Nightside and end in the Death Tower. 

Send An Email Of List: You can send that complete list to Autumn Dreamwalker's email with the Subject "Halloween Run Guide Contest" and your wizard's name. You can send the list to the email that is listed below:

One Winner Will Recieve
Spooky Carnival Bundle

September 30, 2017

Wizard101's 9th Birthday Contest Winners

Hello Wizards!

I want to thank all of you for entering my recent art contest - Wizard101's 9th Birthday Contest - it amazes me to see how talented all of you are. I couldn't give everyone something, but I was fair in judging. Thank you so much for entering the contest and following the rules! Here are the winners:

Grand Prize: Keira Breeze
50,000 Crowns + Random Pack + Random Mount + Random Beckett Wand

2nd Prize: Saffron Taleweaver
25,000 Crowns + Random Pack + Random Beckett Wand

3rd - 5th Prizes: 
 Random Beckett Wand + Random Pack

Zachary Unicornbreeze

Cody Sandward

Bad Terri Jones

The winners listed above are the Winners of this Contest! I thank you all for your hard work on this contest. We had more entries for this art contest, which was shocking, but also amazing. I'm going to make an additional post soon showing off the other amazing entries (and a Raffle of those, including the last three on this post to win a $10 W101 Gift Card). Thank you all for your hard work. I have sent the code email to the winners. :)

September 1, 2017

Wizard101's 9th Birthday Art Contest

Hello Wizards!

I want to wish Wizard101 a Happy 9th Birthday! The Kingsisle team are hard working people and it's great to have a team like them keeping the game up and running. Our awesome community manager sent Fansite Owners codes to giveaway just for Wizard101's Birthday. For this contest, I'm asking all of the artists to come forward and create something for Kingsisle!

Wizard101's Birthday Art Contest

Draw/Create A Wizard101 Poster: List of Requirements
Main Theme: Something that you love about Wizard101

- Draw your character doing something in game that you love about Wizard101
- Graphics/Drawings are accepted. Most Inspiring = Better Chance of Winning
- Include Stars/Moons somewhere in your drawing
- Must be Family-Friendly
- Include your Wizard's Name at the bottom of the art

Submit Your Drawing:

Email me with the subject "Wizard101 Art Contest" and attach your art to the email. Please follow all of the requirements before you send the art. Do not steal art, I will know if you do and you will be disqualified. Please submit your own art! 

Contest Winners: ENDS SATURDAY

Grand Prize
50,000 Crowns + Random Pack + Random Mount + Random Beckett Wand

2nd Prize
25,000 Crowns + Random Pack + Random Beckett Wand

3rd - 5th Prize
Random Pack + Random Beckett Wand

Good luck Wizards! Be sure to take your time since you have plenty of time to enter. Let's show KI how much you love their games and this amazing community. Until next time, I'll see you around the spiral. Oh and before I forget.. I hope to see you next month at the Halloween Run. It's going to be a lot of fun! Spread the word to your friends. 

March 13, 2017

Wizard101: Bunny Run Video Contest!

Hello Wizards!

I hope you're planning on joining us at the Wizard101 Bunny Run that will take place on Saturday, March 25th at 3:00 pm CST. We'll be meeting in the Commons, Unicorn Realm on that day! Our awesome community manager, Tom Purdue, sent me codes to giveaway to you just for this event. Other contest information will be published on the "Bunny Run Contests" page soon! But first, here's a new contest!

Step 1: Click on the Bunny Run Video Link Above:
 Watch the Bunny Run route (where we'll be running during this event).

Step 2: Comment On The Video (Required): 
Comment on the video's comment section tell me one thing you love about Wizard101. Sign your comment with your wizard's name. 

One winner will be chosen by a Random.Org List Randomizer
This contest Starts TODAY and ENDS on March 26th

One Winner - Prize:
Shinobi Bundle, 1 Random Hoard Pack, 1 Random Item

Good luck to everyone! I hope to see you at the Bunny Run. If you have any questions about the contest or the Bunny Run itself. Comment below! Remember, you have to comment on the YouTube video and follow all of the rules to be entered into the giveaway. I'll announce the winner on March 26th on a new blog post AND on the Bunny Run video above. Invite your friends to the Bunny Run!

February 16, 2017

Wizard101: Friendship Contest Winners!

Hello Wizards!

I hope you all had an amazing Valentine's Day! I actually went to a Dentist Appointment and during the afternoon took a test that I think I got a nice grade on since I studied quite a bit last week/weekend! :P I apologise for being a few days late announcing the winners of the Friendship Contest. Life was a little bit busy, but I'm back now to announce the winners of this contest.

Friendship Screenshot Contest Winners

Last week, I asked everyone to take a picture with one of their favourite Wizard101 NPC's. I really didn't share this contest as much as I have with previous contests, but many wizards still entered this contest! I want to thank all of you for entering the Screenshot Contest! There will be more contests... maybe that have something to do with an Easter Bunny Run on Saturday, March 25th at 3:00 pm CST.. Meetup in the Commons at that time. Sorry, I had to! :P Okay, here are the winners!

** All Winners were picked Randomly using Random.Org List Randomizer **

1st Prize - Tara Spritebreeze
10,000 Crowns, Lovely Leopard (W101 Pet), Bunny Hug (P101 Pet)

2nd Prize #1 - Keena Nighthunter
5,000 Crowns, Lovely Ladybug (W101 Pet), Huggle Hoggle (P101 Pet)

2nd Prize #2 - Jordan Iceshard
5,000 Crowns, Lovely Ladybug (W101 Pet), Huggle Hoggle (P101 Pet)

3rd Prize #1 - Scarlet Firesong
1,000 Crowns, Cupig (W101), Friendship Grouper (P101)

3rd Prize #2 - Brianna Storm
1,000 Crowns, Cupig (W101), Friendship Grouper (P101)

3rd Prize #3 - Zachary Darkcaster
1,000 Crowns, Cupig (W101), Friendship Grouper (P101)

3rd Prize #4 - Sarah Skystrider

Thank you all for entering this year's Friendship Contest. I'm looking forward to next year's contest! Hmm, we'll have to figure out what else we can do next year. Check your emails for your codes if you won! By the way, I hope to see you all at the Easter Bunny Run on Saturday, March 25th! It's going to be a lot of fun! :D Keep an eye out for more information. :D Until next time, I'll see you around the Spiral. 

February 8, 2017

Pirate101: Friendship Festival Contest (2017)

Ahoy Pirates!

I can't believe I haven't made a Pirate101 post this year... I promise I'll be back soon with events, contests and of course new blog posts! I've had issues with the laptop that I'm currently on, but I'm planning on buying a new PC soon, which means I'll be back soon! Anyways... A few days ago, our awesome community manager, Tom Purdue, sent me codes to giveaway to you just in time for Valentine's Day! Keep reading for more information about the contest and what you can win!

We Love Pirate101 Contest

  • Raffle: This is a raffle that helps everyone know about the game that we all love, Pirate101. This is actually a way to get potential new players on the game! If you haven't tried Pirate101 out yet, maybe you should give it a try now and let everyone know what you think. This game is an amazing game, and I think you'll love it. Let's show Kingsisle how much we love Pirate101!! 

6 Winners
Scroll through the Raffle to View Prizes. 
Ends on Valentine's Day!

February 7, 2017

Wizard101: Friendship Festival Contest (2017)

Hello Wizards!

Long time no talk! I've been so busy with classes, but things are starting to slow down a bit, which is good since I had time to announce this new contest! Our awesome community manager, Tom Purdue, sent me codes to giveaway to you just in time for the Friendship Festival/Valentine's Day! I'm giving away Crowns + W101 Pet + P101 Pet codes! Keep reading for more information. :D

Friendship NPC Screenshot Contest

  • Take a Screenshot of your wizard and your favorite NPC in Wizard101. You can take a screenshot by using the Prt Sc key on your keyboard or using a Snippet Tool. There are well over 200 NPCs in the game. Take a look at Wizard101 WIKI's Page on NPCs by clicking HERE. There is one more important rule that you must follow when taking this screenshot.
         - Your Wizard must wear PINK and/or PURPLE in this screenshot.
  • Email Your Screenshot to with the Subject Name: Wizard101 Friendship Festival Contest. PLEASE include your Wizard's name and level in the body of the email. All entries will be put into a Random.Org List Randomizer to win one of the prizes below.
  • Contest Begins/Ends: This contest starts TODAY and ENDS ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14th at 12:00 pm CST. Depending on classes, this time might be extended. But I do think I'll be able to announce and email winners on Valentine's Day. Remember to follow the rules of this contest!!

Contest Winners

1st Prize - One Winner
10,000 Crowns, Lovely Leopard (W101), Bunny Hug (P101)

2nd Prize - Two Winners
5,000 Crowns, Lovely Ladybug (W101), Huggle Hoggle (P101)

3rd Prize - Four Winners
1,000 Crowns, Cupig (W101), Friendship Grouper (P101)

Good luck to all of you! If you have any questions, comment below! It's always good to show the NPCs that we're friends with them too. Take your pictures with your favorite NPCs! You may now leave and take your picture... wait... why are you still reading? You can go now...... Anytime.... Okay, I'll keep typing until you log onto the game and take that screenshot, then send it to my email. Just kidding! Really, I want to make 100 Wizard101 posts now, but I have to start working on homework. I hope you all have a great afternoon. :D I'll talk to you soon... Until next time, I'll see you around the Spiral!

December 19, 2016

Santa Run Video Contest Winner!

Hello Wizards!

A few days ago I asked you to comment on the Santa Run 2016 Guide video on my YouTube Channel with your favorite thing about the Holiday Season and your wizards name. 85 of you commented and I've entered you into a YouTube Random Comment Raffle to win a Mirage Bundle + 2,500 Crowns. One winner was picked. I really want to thank you all for entering this contest, you have so many favorite things about the Holiday season. My favorite thing is, of course, spending time with family (and celebrating the Birth of Jesus/ Nativity scenes, they are amazing).

Logan Icerunner (TriniTracer)

Thank you all for entering my contest. If you like contests like this, let me know. I might have more YouTube contests for shoutouts. I hope you enjoy your new bundle and crowns, Logan. I will send you your code soon. For those wondering what I used to generate this random comment, I used Merry Christmas everyone! I promise I'll have more contests next year. :) 

December 16, 2016

Wizard101: Santa Run Contest!

Hello Wizards!

I hope you're having an amazing week. Today I have an epic new Wizard101 contest to announce! Our awesome community manager, Tom Purdue, sent me codes to giveaway to you for the Santa Run. My first Contest is something new.. a YouTube video comment contest. The Santa Run video shows where we'll be running during the event, so it's important that you watch it. Keep reading for more information:

  • Comment On The Santa Run Video: Please click the link above to watch the Santa Run video and then make a comment on this video (in the YouTube comments section). What should you include in your comment?
- Include a Brief Description About What you Love Most About The Holiday Season

- Include Your Wizard's Name 

  • Starts/Ends: This contest starts TODAY and ENDS SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17TH, at 8;00 pm CST. Please enter this contest before it ends. You have a chance of winning the amazing prize listed below if you enter on time. If not, I will not accept any late entries. 

Winner's Prize
Mirage Raider's Bundle
2,500 Crowns

December 2, 2016

Wizard101: Santa Run Contests

Hello Wizards!

Here is a list of important contests for the Santa Run (that will take place on Saturday, December 17th at 2:00 pm CST in the Commons, Greyrose Realm). Make sure to check back for updates/new contests. I hope to see you at the Santa Run! Please spread the word to your friends.

Michael's Santa Run Screenshot Contest

Michael is having a special Santa Run contests that require screenshots during the Santa Run/afterparty. If you would like more information about this contest (including prizes), please click the link below:

Check back later: More contests will be announced soon!

November 2, 2016

Pirate101 Halloween Ship Winners!

Ahoy Pirates!

Thank you all for entering my Pirate101 Halloween Contests! Here are the winners to the Pirate101 Halloween Ships. I had pirates create a Pirate101 related Halloween Ship so I could share your amazing work with the community. I wish I had more codes to giveaway for all of you. It is still nice all of you took time out of your week to draw/create your pirate ships. Thank you! Here is the list of winners:

First Prize: Bad Terri Jones
Hoodoo Bundle
10,000 Crowns + Vampire Glasses
5k Crowns + Jack O' Lantern Paint

Second Prize: Sly Scarlet
10k Crowns + Vampire Glasses
5k Crowns + Vorpal Bunny Paint

Third Prize: Quiet Keena Davis
5k Crowns + Vorpal Face Paint

Fourth Prize: Silver Hope Easton
5k Crowns + Vorpal Face Paint

5th Prize: Fearless Malik
5k Crowns + Vorpal Face Paint

6th Prize: Jason
5k Crowns + Vorpal Face Paint

7th Prize: Charming Arthur Burton
5k Crowns + Jack O' Lantern Paint

8th Prize: CoolKidvian
5k Crowns + Jack O' Lantern Paint

Thank you all for submitting your entries! Please check back later for honorable mentions. I'm trying to get all of the winners their codes before it's too late (even though it kinda is). I apologize for announcing this later than usual. I promise the next contest will be announced on time. I hope all of you had an amazing Halloween! Now it's time that we have to get ready for... Christmas! :D Please check your inboxes within the next hour if you won. Thank you all for your entries. Until next time, I'll see you around the spiral.

October 12, 2016

Pirate101 Halloween Contests (Closed)

Ahoy Pirates!

I hope you're having a great week. I can't believe in just a few short weeks, it'll be Halloween! I need to catch up on my Halloween movies like Halloweentown, Hocus Pocus, The Nightmare Before Christmas to name a few. Let's get to the point of this post! Our awesome community manager gave me codes to giveaway to you pirates (be sure to check other fansite contests too). I decided to have an Art Contest AND a Raffle. Keep scrolling for more information.

Pirate101 Halloween Ship Contest
Don't Draw This Ship. I want to see something new!

  • Draw/Create a Halloween Ship: I want everyone to draw or create a PIRATE101 Halloween Ship. Here are a few ways you can prove that this is your drawing/creation.
          - Add Your Name! 
          - This Halloween Ship must be Pirate101 Related (not currently on the game).

  • Submit Your Creation: Submit your creation by emailing me,, with the Subject as "Pirate101 Halloween Ship". Please include your pirate's name so I know you're a Pirate101 player! 

  • Begins/Ends: This Contest BEGINS TODAY and ENDS OCTOBER 30th! I decided to give you extra time so you're able to try your best. 


1st Prize
Hoodoo Bundle
10k Crowns + the Vampire Glasses
5k Crowns + Jack O' Lantern Paint

*The Hoodoo Bundle also includes 5k Crowns*

2nd Prize
10k Crowns + the Vampire Glasses
5k Crowns + Vorpal Bunny Paint

3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th Prize
5k Crowns + Vorpal Bunny Paint

7th & 8th Prize
5k Crowns + Jack O' Lantern Paint


October 11, 2016

Halloween Run Contests (Closed)

Hello Wizards!

As many of you know, the Halloween Run will take place on Saturday, October 29th. We'll be running from Nightside in the Vampire Realm to Nightshade's Tower. We'll also view a haunted house and have random giveaways at that house. If you would like more information about that, click this hyperlink - HERE -. Our awesome community manager gave me codes to giveaway for Halloween (along with all of the other Fansites), and I decided to use mine to promote and giveaway at the Halloween Run. Keep reading for THREE Contests that I'll be having for now.

#1: Raffle

#2: Twitter Contests

#3: Facebook Contest
Click on this image to Access this Facebook Contest

IF you have any questions, just comment below. :) I hope you enjoy these contests. By the way, if you get a chance, be sure to watch the Halloween Run video below!

September 4, 2016

Pirate101: Arrrgust Whale Contest Winners!

Ahoy Pirates!

Thank you all for entering my Pirate101 Contest. Thank you to everyone who followed the rules of my Arrrgust Whale Contest. I'm glad over 50 of you followed the rules of this contest. Now.. I'm sure you're ready for the winners of the answer to the Whale Contest. First, here are the questions & answers. Keep scrolling for the winners! All winners have already been emailed their codes. :)

Question 1:
These whales are usually black or dark brown with streaks of paler color on their lateral sides, and a distinctly paler belly. It has a notably pointed rostrum and a single ridge on its head. What type of whale is this?

Antartic Minke Whale

Question 2:
This whale is one of the largest animals to have ever existed on Earth. This whale usually feeds on the smallest Animal. What type of whale is this?

Blue Whale

Question 3:
These whales are found in tropical and subtropical waters in all of the world's oceans. They are rarely found near the coast except in areas where deep waters come close to the shore, for example, oceanic islands like Hawaii. What type of whale is this?

 Pygmy Killer Whale


1st Prize Winner
10,000 Crowns + Permanent Pygmy Whale
Pretty Marissa

2nd Prize Winner
10,000 Crowns + Permanent Pygmy Whale
Kendrick HIFIGhost

3rd-7th Prize Winners
2,500 Crowns + 7-Day Rental Pygmy Whale
Danish Captain Jenkins
Soualhi Ibrahim
Kai D.
Amy Bak