December 1, 2015

Wizard101 Christmas Contests! (Closed)

Hello Wizards!

It's December! That means it's my favorite time of year... which means Christmas is on its way! :D I actually have a secret.... I LOVE CHRISTMAS!! Okay, I'm sure many of you already knew that I'm crazy for Christmas. There are many reasons that I love Christmas and I won't talk about them here (you'll see that on my list of favorite Christmas songs this month). I'll tell you one thing on this post that I love about the holiday season... CONTESTS! I love hosting Christmas themed contests and I'm happy to announce that I can finally announce a Wizard101 Themed Contest thanks to our awesome community managers! I have a TWO contests that you can enter so make sure you scroll down through this post to learn more. It's okay to enter both contests!

Contest #1
Best Dressed Christmas Outfit Contest

Take a Screenshot: 
Take a screenshot of your character in your favorite Wizard101 Christmas outfit. Try to dress the best you can because the best dressed will win a prize! All others will be entered in a raffle (more information below). How can you take a screenshot? 1. Click on CTRL and G at the same time 2. Click on PrtScr on your keyboard (located above the backspace key). You'll be able to find your Screenshot in your Wizard101 documents.

Send Your Screenshot to my Email: 
You can send your screenshot of your wizard to this email: Make sure you include the subject name: Wizard101 Christmas Outfit Contest and include your wizard's name in the email. :)

If you have any questions, you can use that same email to ask them or you can comment on this post! Good luck everyone. :D I'll have a separate post on December 18th announcing the winners of this contest! :D

Winners of Contest #1:

Grand Prize
10,000 Crowns, Reindeer Sleigh Mount

1st Prize
Polar Fox Pet, One Random School Themed Jewel Pack, 1,000 Crowns

2nd Prize
1,000 Crowns, Random School Themed Jewel Pack

Three Random.Org Winners
1,000 Crowns

Contest #2
Rafflecopter Contest

Both the Best Dressed Christmas Outfit and the Rafflecopter Contests ends on Friday, December 18th, 2015! Make sure you get all of you entries in by Noon on that day. :) 


Unknown said...

I love all the worlds, the dialogue and the story when questing!

Angel said...

My favorite thing is house decorating ^-^

Unknown said...

My favorite thing about Wizard101 in Christmas is the mounts and the decorations around!

Unknown said...

i love the different themes of the worlds and they tie reality with fantasy

tkgib said...

Thanks for the contest!

Unknown said...

Well, my favorite thing about wizard101 is the new jewel system! I love how you can customize which stats you want on something!

Unknown said...

I love all the cool and amazing spells we can use to battle the dark forces of shadow!

Unknown said...

I love all the cool spell animations in the game!

Unknown said...

One thing I love about wizard101 is all of the people you get to meet and make friends with and the awesome adventure you go on to save the world/spiral from total destruction. :)

Keela said...

I love questing on wizard101. Thanks for the contest

Unknown said...

I love Wizard101 mostly for it's story and how the creators keep the story going well with it's crazy and mild moments which creates the real experience for the player.

Unknown said...

My favorite thing about Wizard101 is traversing the spiral and using storm magic to defeat my enemies :D

Unknown said...

Thank you for the contest. Hope you have a wonderful holiday season.

Unknown said...

Thanks I Love contests :)

Sam Lightfeild said...

Call Me crazy, But I like (or love) dungeons more than anything.

tatiana shadowflame said...

My favorite thing about wizard101 are the friendships i have made. Some are lasting and life changing. :)

Unknown said...

I love decorating my castle and collecting mounts and pets.

Kiley MS said...

My favorite thing was questing through Khrysalis. It was a great opportunity to spend fun time with long time friends I've met in the game.

Michelle said...

My favorite thing about Wizard101 is all the cute pets :D

Unknown said...

My favorite thing about wizard101 is my friends and all the adventures we been through.

Destiny Dragonheart said...

I love the thrill of questing, finishing one world and moving on to the next adventure. I also like helping people, remembering what it was like for me when I was questing alone or facing a hard boss fight.

Charles said...


Anonymous said...

Awesome contest
the mount is boss

Julius Drak said...

My favorite thing about wizard101 is the new world and i met a lot of good people and we became best friends :)

Unknown said...

Love Wiz cause of PvP and the amazing storyline!

Unknown said...

My favorite thing is pvp, you meet a set of people with the same interest, and it sparks a lot of conversations :D Almost all of my friends list, I met on pvp and talk to them daily. We have a lot in common lol

Unknown said...

Would love to win

Unknown said...

My favorite thing about Wizard101 is questing, training pets, and hanging out with friends.

Unknown said...

I like the noobs in Wizard101, they add refreshing humor to the game.

Mother MistShard said...

This is my favorite time of year in the spiral with friends from all over the world.

Rabid Reader said...

I love the animations of most spells (like all of the Polaris spells)!

Unknown said...

My favorite thing about Wizard101 is just about everything... The whole concept and just, everything

Brian F. said...

I love the spells and the interaction with so many personalities in game.

Unknown said...

I really likee helping my friends and other people who ask :)

Hussein Saleh said...

My favorite thing is the decorations!

WSSARHAN said...

What I like in wizard101 is to do quests and fishing

Unknown said...

Christmas, lol.

Anonymous said...

I love the graphics and the ideas of the game. I find this game a great way to meet new people all while having fun as well. I just love this game :)

Unknown said...

my favorite thing is decorating my houses, and collecting all the pets

Unknown said...

my favorite thing about wizard101 is decorating my houses and collecting all the pets

Unknown said...

Luck everyone

Unknown said...

What I love about wiz is ... Michael Jackson as the scarecrow. Oops! That's 'The' Wiz. For Wizard101 it's gotta be the ... Bright lights, big Spiral (but yet small at the same time); oh, and the adventure ... and as Superman famously said, "The People!". Also the neverending quality to it. The diversity to do many things. If one does not float your boat, surely something else will pique your interest. Oh and lastly but not leastly, it's like a fantastical which-way book depending on the school we choose from the start. In summation, maybe the best quality to the game is having so many different and diverse things to enjoy and experience that it becomes near impossible to sum it all up.

Unknown said...

My favorite thing about Wizard101 is PvP.

Kat Smith said...

My favorite thing is probably Mellori in the new world, Polaris!!!

Unknown said...

My favorite thing about Wizard 101 is winning and wearing all of the neat gear! (BTW, I won 4th place in the Shark Week Contest earlier this year. Forgot to thank you back I'm doing it!)

Destiny Rain said...

I can't pick just one thing lol. I love the new graphics and how different animation in Polaris is in comparison to previous worlds. The new mounts with added stats is crazy awesome!

Unknown said...

The charity mounts KI comes up with every year. These are the only crown mounts I don't feel slightly guilty for buying (I have very small means), since they go to a good cause.
Not to mention, they're usually pretty great. The fa-la-la-llama is still one of my favorite mounts, with his little booties and christmas hat!

Anonymous said...

collecting the pets and pvp

Anonymous said...

i just like the teamwork and the companions

Anonymous said...

i like the companions and the quest line

3dwin618 said...

i like the pet and the mounts n.n

Unknown said...

i love that there is never a dull moment when it comes to wizard101! the npcs are just great.

Unknown said...

Pets and mounts are what I love about this game :) The Proper Penguin is just so cute!

Unknown said...

My fave thing about W101 is the gratifying sensation that I get when...I learn a new spell!!! I also love helping lower levels (although I'm lvl 18 w/out membership), because I know the struggle if leveling up without membership and 75 crowns!!!

Unknown said...

The Mounts!

Shadowfishy said...

My favourite thing in the Spiral is hosting and being a part of community events. It's great to be with people and this year's no different!~Shadowfishy

Unknown said...

My favorite thing about Wizard101 is all of the worlds and quests! It keeps you busy for days on end!

Nicole Hawkstrider said...

My favorite thing is when I get a drop and/or drops I've been farming for which I almost gave up on ever getting

Nicole Hawkstrider said...

My favorite thing is when I get a drop and/or drops I've been farming for which I almost gave up on ever getting

J.C.N. said...

My favorite thing about Wizard101 is the fact that it was created for people of all ages to enjoy. I thank Kingsisle Entertainment for bringing up this game and making it last for many years.

WSSARHAN said...

Who is the winner? In the both contests