November 4, 2015

Rise & Destroy Launched Worldwide!

Hi there!

Today, Kingsisle officially released their amazing new app, Rise & Destroy. I actually had a chance to try this new app today and I'm sure a few of you will think I'm crazy, but it's already my favorite app! Kingsisle released a press release  today about Rise & Destroy and an announcement of more apps that will be released within the next year! Today, I'm going to talk about Rise & Destroy and how awesome it is. :D

Rise & Destroy is about monsters who want to take back their habitat that was previously stolen by humans (you'll see this in the introduction of the game). Monsters are sent out to destroy humans and take back the monsters and what was stolen from them. You'll also get to destroy a lot of buildings, as you can see in the photo above! I'm a human, but being a monster on here is awesome! Everything from the graphics, the storyline, and even the music is amazing. Congratulations, Kingsisle on making such an awesome new app! I can't wait to see the other apps you are planning on releasing within the next year. You're all talented people and I'm not just saying this because I'm a fansite owner. Thank you for creating this game, it looks like I'll be playing your new game and spreading the word to my friends and family members (I already have :D)!  

Overall, I think this is an amazing game and I believe it will have a great future. I didn't get to play as much because I wanted to make this post, but I'm planning on playing more after this post! I'll also have more posts about Rise & Destroy since I've been looking forward to it since Kingsisle announced it. You can download this new app on iOS, Android and Amazon for FREE! You also have the option to buy more energy so you're able to rescue all of the monsters and destroy the humans!  While you're at it, don't forget to follow @Rise&Destroy on Twitter, like Rise & Destroy's Facebook Page and read more about the game on their website

Kingsisle Live:
Rise & Destroy Special!

There will be a special Kingsisle Live: Rise & Destroy edition tomorrow at 4:00 P.M. CST! This is going to be a great Kingsisle Live to find out more about the game and hopefully see #JuliaFromKI play more of the game. I hope you are planning on watching because I know I am! If you would like a link to their Twitch stream, click HERE or on the image above! Now that I'm done with this post.... It's time to play more Rise & Destroy! :D Until next time, I'll see you around the spiral.

~ Edward Lifegem

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