September 28, 2018

Halloween Run 2018

Hello Wizards!

Come one, come all to our 3rd Annual Halloween Run. Many wizards, warlocks, witches, vampires, and mummies alike will be taking over the Spiral on Sunday, October 28th. All are welcome to attend. Will you be joining us? Keep reading for more information + a crowns contest!

12:00 pm Central - Twitch Stream Begins / Dance Party

 12:15 pm                                                                           Halloween Farming
1:00 pm                                                                            Spooky Hide & Seek
1:30 pm                                                                              Skeletal Pirate Raid
2:00 pm                                                                 New Spooktaculuar Activity
2:30 pm                                                                                        It's a Surprise
3:00 pm                                                                         Halloween Run Begins

3:30 pm                                                                                  Afterparties Begin
4:00 pm                                                                         Special Announcements


Halloween Run Hosts
Edward Lifegem
Autumn Dreamwalker
Sarah Skystrider

Halloween Run Raffle - One Winner
Check Back Every Sunday For An Additional Entry Option


Katie said...

I think the spookiest place in Wizard101 is if haunted cave met with nightside and had a baby as epic as darkmoor. That would be insanely creepy! — Katherine StormWalker and Samantha IronGlen

Unknown said...

You’re always so generous, Edward!
And the events are always so fun! I’m hoping I can make it to this one this year! ����

Squeaky Tire said...

Can’t wait!!

Victoria frost said...

Can't wait for the event!

Mason Sky said...

The hive in Khrysalis is the most spooky place in the game imo although darkmoor is a close second. Thanks for the giveaway, my wizard's name is Mason Sky

Unknown said...

The spookiest place in Wizard101? Easy. Its my house it looks like it was possessed by ghost that were mad and trashed it as well as a tornado when through it Everytime I go to my house it gives me a jump scare! 👻

Unknown said...

Definitely darkmoor. It's scary in the theme aspect but also scary when you think about how many runs you'll have to do to get all the gear you need, for me it was 17 runs on my fire just to get my robe

Anonymous said...

What if people cut across the streets? Also, are the 50%+ speed mounts allowed?

Unknown said...

Hi,first ty for the giveaway and I think the most cool for Halloween and creepy it is the entire Darkmoor because you find there powerfull enemies like Warewolfs,Ghouls,Lords,Vampires and yeees Malistaire plus Darmoor has a nice story with a little romance,revenge and impossible love.

Unknown said...

I think the most creepy and cool zone for Halloween its Darkmoor and also the most cool creepy house its also Manor Darkmoor.I love Darkmoor because has a lot of enemies as warewolfs,ghosts,dragons,ghouls and ofcourse Malistaire.Also I love Darkmoor for the story combined with drama,romance,impossible love and heart crush...its like a movie.

ChampionMasquerade said...

The person that commented Wyrd House is ChampionMasquerade

Unknown said...

Can't wait

Unknown said...

I think the creepest place in wizard101 would have to be darkmoor or nightside.

Unknown said...

The scariest place in Wizard 101 is Professor Cyrus Drakes classroom, that guy gives me the chill

Team ELITE Wizard101 said...

Looks like good fun hopefully the events works out as smoothly as possible for you all :)