February 11, 2014

Edward Mythgem's Questing Again!

Hello Wizards!

What's happening?! Am I making a blog post about Wizard101? Yes, I promise you're not dreaming! I'm back again and I'm happy to announce I have a new laptop and I'm not experiencing anymore lag or issues on the game. This means I'll get to make a lot more Wizard101 posts than I did the past year. I promise my posts won't be about my new epic laptop, maybe a few more, but I do have plans to have events, contests and of course questing posts! Today I have a questing post.

Today I decided to quest on my myth wizard again since I haven't in awhile. I stop questing on my myth wizard when I started to experience the internal errors and lag and haven't quest on him until today since October! How's that even possible? I have missed questing on Wizard101 but I'm glad I'm back again and I'm ready to publish a lot of posts this year. Okay.. let's talk about today's quest.. Today I had to defeat four Gorilla Spider Witches to collect something I don't really remember since I started questing on the game at 4:00 A.M. The Gorilla Spider Witches were myth and at first I didn't put converts in my deck because I forgot about converts and I kept hitting with my hits and wondering how long it would take to defeat them. I didn't have too much trouble after finding out I needed to put in converts. The Gorilla Witches almost defeat me on the second battle and I was down to about 600 health and I use this healing spell with critical and I finally defeat them. After collecting whatever they had (I think it was for a shield that was up), KoKo, the one that sent me on this quest, sent me to talk to Umlilo and he gave me a quest to defeat five Blackback soldiers. I guess this was a confusing post to me, but hopefully for you it's more of an update that I'm back and questing on my myth wizard again! Thank you for reading my update blog post and I promise I will blog a lot more than I have.

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