Showing posts with label Edward Mythgem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Edward Mythgem. Show all posts

May 2, 2014

Wizard101 Character Update: Edward Mythgem

Hello Wizards!

It's been like one month since I made a blog post about my myth wizard. I'm sure you're wondering why, so I'll tell you! In March I went to visit family that lived nearly 400 miles away and I forgot about leveling my myth wizard and blogging his adventures (I still plan on making that real life post soon). I'm sure you've heard by now that I plan on leveling ALL of my wizards on my main account to level 100 by July 4th. July 4th is the day I created my Wizard101 account and it'll be my 5th year here on that day! Yeah.. it was raining that day.. :P Now that you know why I created my account and why I haven't blogged about my character in awhile... I think it's time I start blogging about what I did yesterday.. :D

Today, I had to defeat a few bosses to help Queen Elissa gain access to a dungeon in the Elephant Graveyard. I know this is the end of the world but I did skip taking pictures so I don't remember what happened after I last talk to The Evil Queen, Regina... I mean Queen Elissa. :D I will be finishing Zafaria soon and will finally access Avalon. This character will take a little bit to level since I'm blogging about him but I will combine posts.. Take this post for example, I plan on doing frequent updates instead of blogging every single quest I've leveled through. I will combine quests. I have two more bosses to fight, a dungeon and then the last dungeon of Zafaria. On my next blog post, I plan on talking about the bosses and the 2nd to last dungeon I've leveled through. The post after that one will be about Mirror Lake (the last dungeon of Zafaria) and my access to Avalon. :) I hope you don't mind. One day in the future, I plan on making a wizard on a second account and leveling him just like I do with Edward Cringle for Pirate101. Anyways.. I hope you all stick around and read about my myth wizard's quest to 100! Thanks for reading everyone. I will have another blog post soon. Have a safe weekend and until next time, I'll see you around the spiral. :)

March 30, 2014

Blue Calliantha Flowers!

Hello Wizards!

It's been awhile since I made a blog post, I think it's because the last week has been... eh.. bleh?! Lol yeah, everyone has weeks like that sometimes. Everything is better today and I decided to make a blog post I've been wanting to type up since last week! What's this blog post about?? My myth wizard! Yeah. :D I finally leveled through the Elephant Graveyard again on a quest I was trying to avoid. Turns out it wasn't that bad! Before I begin on what I did recently on the game, I'll talk a little about what I did on my last post.

On my last blog post I had to help Queen Elissa collect drums from spiders I had to defeat. They were, grey ogre spiders... :P After I collected the drums I had to place six drums by six gravestones in the Elephant Graveyard. Then later, she told me I needed to purify the springs in the Elephant Graveyard by collecting Kani Peppers from Spider-Weavers. I know this quest isn't my favorite and it usually takes me a very long time to collect from the weavers on all of my other characters but my myth wizard was different. I only had to enter about 3-4 battles to collect 4 kani peppers from them. Two spider-weavers entered the battle each time and they were easy to defeat. I think this might have been the best fight I've had with these enemies and I hope it's easier for everyone else just like it was for me that day. 

After I collect the Kani Peppers from the Spider-Weavers I had to run around the Elephant Graveyard and collect three Blue Calliantha Flowers. I had to collect these things to purify springs here in the EG that I'll have to show you on my next blog posts. :P I have to end the post here but don't worry! It won't be 15 days before I make another blog post. I promise I'll start making posts again, hopefully everyday for both Wizard101 and Pirate101. Thanks for reading. It feels like I'm new at blogging after taking such a long break from making questing posts. Eh.. that feeling will go away soon! Okay.. I'll see you around the Spiral. I hope you all had a great weekend. :)

March 15, 2014

I See Grey Ogre Spiders!

Hello Wizards,

How are you today?! I hope everyone is having a great weekend so far, I know I am. I got to quest through the Elephant Graveyard today. I'm getting so close to finishing Zafaria, it's crazy! I know I'm going to blog through Avalon too. I might make Edward Mythgem a second main character that I quest on so this blog is always updated even on days where there's no news in the spiral. I love questing on my myth wizard, I hope you love reading my blogs about him and I hope to continue these type of posts longer than any other blogs. I decided to make a new label (Edward Mythgem) for all of my blogs that I have and will have. :D

Before I begin this post... Wow... Kingsisle really does make wonderful graphics, I LOVE taking screenshots like these. If you don't play Wizard101 or Pirate101 and want a game to try out, you should try out one of these two. I was expecting this to be my main screenshot, not one of the best ones I've ever taken. I had to tweet the screenshot above out to everyone before I even published this post! Thanks KI for a wonderful game. :D Now back to my blog about this wonderful game.. A few days ago I had to gain access to the Elephant Graveyard by collecting items for protection through Spider Webs so I can defeat a boss to collect the last gem I needed to gain access to the Elephant Graveyard. After I collected the gem I had to put the gems in an elephant pedestal to open the doors that were blocking my way to the Elephant Graveyard. After I opened the doors, I had to talk to an elephant I met there, Queen Elissa. The queen told me that Morganthe's agents stole her power and she wanted me to go to a place called the Drum House to collect her magical instrument drums. Once I made it there I had to clear spider webs and met a few spiders that didn't like me at all.... (Proof is the screenshot above)

I had to defeat two Grey Ogre spiders so I could collect the six drums Queen Elissa wanted me to collect. After I was done collecting the drums, I ran back to the Queen and she told me she wanted me to place the drums by the gravestones. After I place the drums on the gravestones, Queen Elissa then told me that she wanted me to purify the polluted springs in the Elephant Graveyard. I need to collect Kani Peppers from the Spider-Weavers and Blue (word I can't spell) flowers. I know this quest from heart because I believe I have blogged about it before. I will blog about it again, but you should know it's not my favorite quest. I don't like this quest at all because it takes so long to complete it. I will still blog about it and the quests after that quest. :) I really do enjoy questing on my myth wizard again and blogging about it for the first time. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Thank you so much for reading and I hope you have a great day. I'll see you around the spiral. :)

March 13, 2014

Edward Mythgem Makes It To The Elephant Graveyard!

Hello Wizards!

I apologize for not posting any blogs lately. I've been busy and my computer had a major issue this month and I had to delete the game. I couldn't log on and quest and I was sad the past two weeks because I couldn't make blog posts or have events like I planned on having the beginning of this month before I left on vacation (which was a lot of fun). The new part my computer needed arrived yesterday and the computer I'm on now is fine so that means I have blog posts and will have events soon! I'm happy to be back and I hope I can blog everyday. I might not only blog about my myth wizard, I might blog about my other wizards once in awhile but I do have a blog for my myth wizard today! I had a chance to quest again today! So much fun.. even got caught a few times. :P

This is the first time I quest on this character in weeks, so I want to blog a little of what happened the last time I quest on my myth wizard. On my last blog I had to find a way to get to the Elephant Graveyard to find Prince Tiziri. Koko knew a way to do a ritual to find the missing gems that I needed to get through the entrance to the Elephant Graveyard. I needed to find two blades to do the ritual to find the gems - Shango's Thunder Blade and Shango's Lightning Blade. I had to defeat a few bosses to collect the blades. I had to defeat Oya Bloodstorm to collect Shango's Thunder Blade and then find and defeat Ranzan (a balance boss in another area) to collect Shango's Lightning Blade. Once I found the blades, Shango's Lightning blade led me to a cave to defeat another boss, Khadir Dreamdrinker, to collect one of the gems that will help me access the Elephant Graveyard. After I was done defeating Khadir I had to talk to Koko and she told me that Shango's Thunder Blade would lead me to Kallah Silverback's shack but I couldn't get through because it's blocked by spider webs and I would get stuck if I tried to cross it. Koko told me she knew a spell that would protect me from the spider webs but I had to run around and collect a few items that she needed to create the spell: an iron pot, a wooden spoon from the blackback soldiers and an eternal flame from Umlilo.

After collecting all of the items (Yes I collected the pot, couldn't add the picture because the picture was deleted when I put my new hard drive in), I had to run back to Koko so she could use the protection spell on me so I could get through Spider Bridge. After I made it through, I had to fight Kallah Silverback and a myth minion of his. Every time I hit, he ended up using a heal, but it wasn't a huge heal so this fight wasn't difficult at all. I made a mistake of buying another minion, so if there is any pirates reading this blog... I promise from now on I won't buy any minions on Wizard101 unless I need them! :P Look at me buying all of these minions for fights when I don't need to use them! This fight wasn't bad, but I did end up on low health because I couldn't find all of my cards that I wanted to use because I had a lot of cards in from my last fight. I usually change my deck between mob fights and boss fights but this time I didn't and that's why I couldn't find the right cards. I think this was a simple fight but at the same time a little difficult because of my deck. Make sure you have the right deck before entering a battle, especially a boss battle. After I defeat Kallah he gave me the remaining gem so I could open the mammoth doors to get to the Elephant Graveyard. I think this is where I will end the blog post until the next time I quest through the game. I promise I'll blog a lot more since I'm no longer busy and no longer have any issues with my computer. Until then, I'll see you around the spiral.. OH, make sure to look at the screenshot below!! :)

February 20, 2014

My Pet Finally Cast Fairy!

Hello Wizards!

How are you on this lovely Thursday?! Lovely Thursday? Are you kidding me, I have to wait one more day until the weekend! I know, I love Thursdays because it's close to the weekend and I consider it a second Friday. I'm crazy (example: I was just talking to myself). Anyways, other than being crazy I've had a chance to quest on my myth wizard today and I got pretty far. I'm not going to post about everything I did today since I quest through a lot of quests because I was having fun questing and when I do that, I get pretty far in the game.

On my last blog post I had to defeat a boss, Aksil Blacktrunk, to find out if he knew where Prince Tiziri was taken. I also found out where I could find the Elephant Graveyard. After defeating Aksil I had to destroy his barge so he couldn't get back to the Graveyard. I went back to talk to Umlilo and told him the news and he told me that Koko might know more about finding a way past the huge doors blocking my way to the Graveyard by accessing the gems that can open the doors. Once I talk to Koko she told me that she knew a ritual to find the missing gems. I need to have two blades, Shango's Thunder Blade and Shango's Lightning blade to start the ritual. I found out that the blades were stolen by Oya Bloodstorm and I needed to defeat her to collect the blades..

I'm not going to lie, the Oya battle was a lot easier than I thought it would be, so I had no problem defeating her and collecting Shango's Lightning blade. I didn't collect both blades because Oya Bloodstorm gave Shango's Thunder Blade to Ranzan. The second fight with Ranzan was pretty easy even though he kept using myth shields (he was a balance boss), I ended up casting Basilisk which killed him and his minion as well. I haven't even told you all how much I use that spell... A LOT. I love that spell, it's helpful plus it stuns. :D After I defeated Ranzan I went back to talk to Oyo and she told me that the blades would now find the gems and it guide me to a cave.. I wonder what that means? A boss? No.. I'm not ending my post today. I think I have done that too much lately so I won't today. :D

As you see above, I found out I had to defeat another boss. I wasn't upset, I knew I'd be able to defeat this boss without any problem since I didn't have any problem with the other bosses I had to defeat today. I was wrong! This fight was difficult and I only put a few shields for the ice boss, Khadir Dreamdrinker, and I don't think that was enough. I did have a difficult time defeating him and his minion but finally completed it. If you have shields for a fight that's difficult, put them in, you have no idea how much they help! :) I try to put at least three shields for each school I'm about to fight but the last time I only put about 1-2 in deck and noticed a huge difference. I think it's easier if you're prepared and then you can attack without worrying about dying or trying to heal yourself. Oh.. my pet finally healed me during this fight which kept me alive! He hasn't been healing me much lately, I think this has to do with the update they added for the fairy talent. Well, as long as it helps the game I'm just fine. :D Okay.. Now I'm going to end the post since I might be confusing you. Let me know how this post is by clicking on one of the reactions below *below the picture*! Thanks for reading everyone. :D

February 18, 2014

Epic Screenshot!

Hello Wizards,

I apologize for not posting the past few days. I've been busy lately and couldn't log on to quest, so I couldn't make a blog post. I decided to level a little bit today since I had time and I have time to publish a post too! I think I'm starting to remember where I am on the game and that's great. I think the posts are confusing when I don't know where I am when I'm questing and don't think they will be like that since I do know where I am on questing and soon I'll enter a new world which will feel like a new beginning!

Wow, I love the screenshot above.. I think it's the best screenshot I've taken on Wizard101! Well I don't really know if it's the best one since I have taken thousands of screenshots of the game and I have published most of the screenshots on this blog. Let me know. :P Okay, before I begin on what I did today, I'm going to tell you what I did a few days ago on the game. The last time I quest on the game, I had to complete a quest for Umlilo and find out if the Overseer (the boss I had to defeat) knew where I could find Prince Tiziri. After I defeat the Overseer I found out that the Prince was dragged by Morganthe's minions to the Elephant Graveyard. After I collected the eternal flame and found out everything I needed to know I went back to Umlilo. I ended up using the flame I collected to get rid of the barrier that was holding Umlilo. I told him the news about the Elephant Graveyard but he said he didn't know how to find the Graveyard.

Umlilo then told me that a captain of a nearby barge, Aksil Blacktrunk, might know a way to the Elephant Graveyard. Umlilo told me to find out if Aksil knew how to get to the Elephant and then to destroy the boiler that keeps the barge running with part of the eternal flame. I knew he was going to fight me if I did something like that to his barge and to my surprise I was right! :P I had a little bit of a problem since he kept getting critical on Orthrus but I ended up getting critical when I cast fairy and that healed me 1,000 health points each time. I believe I healed two times and got critical on both spells I cast. I was lucky! I destroyed his minion after a few rounds so there's nothing really talk about that. The boss was myth so I had to use converts before I cast my spells but it wasn't as difficult as the gorilla fights. Speaking of which, did I tell you they made me join their battle? Yeah.. I fled, there's no way I would spend that much time fighting a fight when I could be blogging! :D After I was done defeating Aksil, he told me where I could find the Elephant Graveyard and I destroyed his boiler so the barge couldn't move anymore. I don't think I'm mean because he was the one using Orthrus on me so I think we can call it even. :D Okay, thanks for reading everyone. I'll try to be back tomorrow with a new blog post. Until then, I'll see you around the spiral!

February 14, 2014

The Overseer!

Hello Wizards!

Wow, today has been a day of questing, blogging and love (not the evil bosses of The Spiral, it's Hate Day for them). Happy Valentine's Day! I hope all of you are having a great day so far. I'm so happy I can level on the game again and post about what I have been up to on the game. I have been a little busy lately, but I still have time to level and quest. After I'm no longer busy, I plan on having a few events and contests! I have been telling you that everyday so far, but I promise I will have something special soon. I haven't host my own event on Wizard101 since 2011, I hope when I do it'll be epic! Maybe the overseer knows how it'll go? It better be the best event, Edward! :P.. No, I'm not talking to myself.. well it kinda feels like it when I blog but I know you're reading.. Ha.. ha... ha....

Before I talk about what I did today, I would like to talk about what I did on my last post to refresh your memories. I know I don't really know exactly what I'm doing since I haven't quest on my myth wizard since October (other than the past few days). I promise we'll all know once I get used to questing on the game again. I think I'm starting to figure out where I am in Zafaria and why I'm here. Anyways, on my last blog I had to help Umlilo defeat Blackback soldiers and then free Flameingos because the Gorillas were stealing their magic. After I freed all of the flameingos I went back, and felt like saying sailed back but didn't, to Umlilo and told him about Prince Tiziri.. I think I'm starting to remember but really don't.. I ended up having to defeat a boss, The Overseer, to find out if he knows where I could find the Prince. Umlilo also told me that if I find an Eternal Flame to take it.

After I ended up defeating him, I did find an eternal flame for Umlilo. Okay.. I really don't know about this post.. I usually have posts that don't make sense to myself and don't really know if they make sense to you or not. If they don't, please let me know! I'm planning on watching a walkthrough of Zafaria to find out why I'm here but I'm hoping soon I get my wizard101 posts back on a track. :) I hope you're enjoying the posts I have been putting out lately. If you are, please let me know by clicking on the reactions below. They show me that you like the post. If you don't, I will find a way to make my posts a little better than they are now. Thank you for reading and I hope to see you around the spiral. I do plan on blogging everyday, so I'll see you tomorrow! Here's one last screenshot of the day.. :D (after reading that, things really should get back on track).

February 13, 2014

Going To Continue This..

Hello Wizards!

A few days ago I made a new Wizard101 blog post after finally getting new a laptop and being able to quest again on my myth wizard, Edward Mythgem. I think I'm going to start blogging about my myth wizard since I can quest anytime I would like to and will have plenty of Wizard101 blog posts focusing around him since I haven't really blogged about my myth wizard in the past. I would like quest on all of my wizards so you know exactly where I am in the game and how I'm doing in the game. I am happy to say I haven't had much trouble questing yet, I still forget about the book at the lower right of the screen (mostly because of Pirate101), but I'm sure I'll remember soon!

I don't really know where I'm at in the game yet, but I'm sure once I keep questing I'll get used to it and will explain to you a little more than I have lately, exactly what I'm doing on the game. On my last blog post I had to defeat myth gorillas, a quest I was stuck on for 5 months, not because it was hard, which it was when I started the fight without converts ;D, just because of computer issues. I did tell you I'd obsess over my new laptop and I'm happy to say that for a third day in a row, I haven't had any issues on the game! I'm so happy about that, and can't wait to blog a lot more about Wizard101 and have plenty of events on the game. I'll talk more about events on another post. For now, let's talk about what I was up to today when questing on the game!

Today I had to complete a quest that Umlilo gave to me. I had to defeat five Blackback Soldiers so Umlilo could collect his thoughts? I mean... collect his thoughts! :D I don't really know why else I would have to spend time defeating the five blackback soldiers, but I'm happy it wasn't the myth gorillas I had to defeat a couple of days ago. It does get a little boring fighting gorillas when you forget about your converts. Remember to use your converts if you have them! They really do help you defeat an enemy that's the same school if you have to fight them. I forget about converts and found out on my last fight. On this fight, I only needed to use life shields for all of the life hits they were going to use. I had no trouble defeating them. I just kept using humongofrogs and earthquakes with tons of blades. It seems like most of the times I use a card I had critical along with the blades and of course, gargantuan with the cards I used! I think that's it for today's blog post. I will post one more picture of what you should expect on the next blog post and I will keep blogging, everyday if I can. Thanks for reading everyone! I'll see you around the spiral.

February 11, 2014

Edward Mythgem's Questing Again!

Hello Wizards!

What's happening?! Am I making a blog post about Wizard101? Yes, I promise you're not dreaming! I'm back again and I'm happy to announce I have a new laptop and I'm not experiencing anymore lag or issues on the game. This means I'll get to make a lot more Wizard101 posts than I did the past year. I promise my posts won't be about my new epic laptop, maybe a few more, but I do have plans to have events, contests and of course questing posts! Today I have a questing post.

Today I decided to quest on my myth wizard again since I haven't in awhile. I stop questing on my myth wizard when I started to experience the internal errors and lag and haven't quest on him until today since October! How's that even possible? I have missed questing on Wizard101 but I'm glad I'm back again and I'm ready to publish a lot of posts this year. Okay.. let's talk about today's quest.. Today I had to defeat four Gorilla Spider Witches to collect something I don't really remember since I started questing on the game at 4:00 A.M. The Gorilla Spider Witches were myth and at first I didn't put converts in my deck because I forgot about converts and I kept hitting with my hits and wondering how long it would take to defeat them. I didn't have too much trouble after finding out I needed to put in converts. The Gorilla Witches almost defeat me on the second battle and I was down to about 600 health and I use this healing spell with critical and I finally defeat them. After collecting whatever they had (I think it was for a shield that was up), KoKo, the one that sent me on this quest, sent me to talk to Umlilo and he gave me a quest to defeat five Blackback soldiers. I guess this was a confusing post to me, but hopefully for you it's more of an update that I'm back and questing on my myth wizard again! Thank you for reading my update blog post and I promise I will blog a lot more than I have.