February 10, 2014

New Laptop!

Ahoy Pirates,

After months of waiting, and tons of errors and lag, I finally have my new laptop and I'm ready to plan tons of fun and events for this month! Today I test out my new laptop to see if I would have any problems on the game, not only for Pirate101, also for Wizard101. I had no trouble at all and the best of it was that I had no lag at all. :D I'm happy I can finally blog again each time I level on the game. Today I was on Pirate101 for 6 hours because I wanted to see if I'd have lag in the skyway or anywhere else on the game. I also leveled on a companion quest I needed to complete on my Witchdoctor.

I decided to take my first screenshot of the game on this laptop today and Hawkules really did a good job defeating Typhoon (Typhoon is the boss I had to defeat and then  promote Bat Masterson after I defeat him and turn the quest in). This was the longest companion quest I've ever leveled through! It took me a few hours, but I was a little busy in between leveling. I'm happy I decided to level through this quest because it proved this new laptop I have can handle the game. I don't really want to type up the posts I was planning on making today but I'm happy I made this one. I will type up the posts I was planning on making today and publish them tomorrow. Thank you for reading and I'm planning on hosting my first event on Pirate101 soon so make sure to keep an eye on my blog for details about the event I'm planning on hosting later this week! Until then, I'll see you around the Spiral!

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