May 12, 2016

Important Kingsisle Information

Hi there,

You may have heard the news around Twitter, Facebook or other social media that Kingsisle had to reduce their amount of employees at their company. I got an email from Kingsisle and decided to release it here on my blog too. I will miss all of you! Thank you all for your hard work at Kingsisle. You have no idea how much it means to us. I also want to thank all employees still at Kingsisle for their hard work. We will get through this. Here is more information from Kingsisle:

“To verify, many talented employees were released as part of a reduction in force today at KingsIsle Entertainment, and we wish them the best. This coincides with a couple of unreleased mobile games being cancelled. The strategy is to refocus our efforts on our MMO games and polish our more promising mobile projects, many of which are still slated for a 2016 release. Fans of our MMOs should know that Pirate101 is soon to receive an update and will be going to Test Realm most likely next week. Wizard101 has new content updates in the works for both Summer and Fall 2016. “

Our community manager, Tom, is still at Kingsisle to answer any question. Leala and #JuliaFromKI was let go. It is sad, but this might be good for the future of the game. My prayers are out for all of those out there who were let go to find another job soon! I know they will because they are very talented just like all of the Kingsisle employees. We have to continue to support Kingsisle. We'll see what the future holds. I hope the future is bright for everyone.

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