May 14, 2016

#Pirate101Lives: 3 Things Kingsisle Should Do To Keep Pirate101 Alive!

Ahoy Pirates!

Today I was talking with Jack Nightingale on Pirate101 about the future of Pirate101 (Valencia Part 2 and other worlds we hope Kingsisle will release in the future). I already told everyone that I believe Pirate101 will live on as long as we continue supporting the game every way we can. I also think there are a few things that Kingsisle can do to keep the game living on successfully. I decided to make a little advice post to Kingsisle letting them know what I think they should do to keep the game going so we can see Polaris, Grizzleheim, Krokotopia, El Dorado and many other worlds.

#1: Make A New Commercial

We haven't had a new Pirate101 commercial since June of 2013. I think we're due for another commercial! You had no problem getting new players to join, and many of the new players might have finished the game. It's time to release a new commercial letting those who might have left know that we're getting a new update. We have to have a new great Commercial for the game. This one major step to take to get players to return or join the game. I hope we are able to see another commercial soon, especially like the commercial below.

#2: Release A Bundle

I really don't remember the last time Pirate101 had a bundle. I think with a content release, a bundle would be perfect! If people find Valencia Part 2 amazing, which I hope they will, they will want to buy a card. Why not a Valencian themed bundle? A Valencia themed bundle would be an amazing addition to the game. I don't know how much it costs, but I know that bundles make money especially if they're awesome. Please release a new bundle shortly before or after the new Pirate101 release. New bundles before different worlds would be awesome too. I'm not going to talk about too much what happened, but I think once things are back on track, this would be perfect! It would keep players very interested. 

#3: Focus On Players Who Have Been Here Awhile

I think it's now time to focus on players who are around levels 50-65 (and higher once cap is increased). Many things have already been released for new players which really helps new players that might join from a new Commercial. I think it's time to focus attention on older players so you're able to keep those who will spend more time on the game. Always keep players who have been here for awhile in mind. It's also important to keep new potential players close, but the players who have actually decided to buy memberships and quest through are also important for the game to continue. Please, keep those players in mind as well, so nobody gets bored from questing through lower level stuff. The Nautical Gauntlet last year was an amazing idea! That's one way to get players back on the game. It gives players who are at the current cap something to do until you're able to release a new world. If you're able to release more gauntlets or dungeons that give special gear, pets and ship equipment, you should do that. That's all I really have to say on this post. If any of you pirates have any comment on how Kingsisle could keep Pirate101 alive, comment below! Until next time, I'll see you around the skyways.


P101Alex said...

Amazing P101 post as usual Edward, but you forgot the most important thing of all. We need more frequent updates, it doesn't have to be storyline, we just need to have more updates every year like wiz. Last year we only received one update in the entire year! I hope that doesn't happen again this year. With more updates, players will have much more to do so they won't get bored and leave the game. Also, more updates = more profit. Everyone wins!

Jack Nightingale said...

i agree allot should be done. you forgot to mention those class ships though, that would be pretty cool. also that Valencia pack! it would be fun to dress up as an armada marine

Unknown said...

I agree with all of these things but I really like the Valencia themed bundle idea. I think the items should be: an armada ship, a unicorn witchdoctor companion, a one of the previous armada elite that we defeated's outfit (bishop, rooke, deacon.) and a clockwork themed house. Also the idea to add more things for the people who have gotten to max level is wonderful :D