October 10, 2011

Thanksgiving.. Already?!

Hello Wizards!

I have a few things to talk about, one would be.. Happy Thanksgiving Canada!! I know I have a few friends that are from Canada that play wizard101, and I hope they have a great Thanksgiving :) I can't wait till our Thanksgiving, which is over a month from now. Guess what I am thankful for on Wizard101? Well.... Having great Friends!! I mean if there wasn't a way to make friends on the game it would be dull. Plus I am sure I wouldn't even be level 60 on any of my characters if I didn't have help from good friends on the game. So this leads to the other thing I am going to be talking about, my new character that I have been leveling. One other thing I will be talking about is some of the situations on Facebook about giving out Passwords. Since this is the introduction of my blog post, let's talk about the situation on Facebook first.

Facebook- Giving out your Passwords

I am sure everyone has noticed by now that there have been a bunch of Todd Coleman's on Facebook. I know there is one that is real, but if they keep creating fake profiles, they will make people think that there are 5 or 6 Todd Coleman's. I have heard that they have been asking for your passwords, even though they do seem like the creator of the game, Kingsisle already said don't give out your password to anyone, not even them. They shows that they don't want you giving out your password. Some people do it everyday and they read it on the log in screen. If you don't follow the rules, it will always turn out bad. It says this on the log in screen.. Never share your Password- you will lose your wizard forever! Let me ask you if you are thinking about giving out your password to someone, are you ready to lose your account and wizards forever? Don't give out your password if you don't want to lose your wizards, simple as that.

My new character progress

Last time I had a blog post about Edward, I told you guys that my new character had reached Krokotopia. Well I have been leveling a little bit in that world, not too much though being gone a lot lately. I will be telling you more about leveling him tomorrow since I didn't really level much lately. I am having fun though leveling a new character, makes me feel like I am new at Wizard101 again!

Happy Thanksgiving :)
Last but not least, Happy Thanksgiving Canada! If you live in Canada, or have lived in Canada. I hope you guys have a great day, and - know that I love turkey, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie!-- yeah have a great day :) Now I am hungry, hmm, I wonder why...

I do not own this photo

Have a great day everyone, and I hope your week/ Thanksgiving is fun! 

~ Edward Lifegem

October 6, 2011

Support to Wizard101

Hello Wizards,

I decided to make a post about something that I just thought of today, that would be a great event to do. I really don't know if its been done before, but I think it would be a great thing to do for those who work at Kingsisle and support to Wizard101. I was thinking about having an event in Ravenwood where we could try to get everyone to line up all the way around the tree of bartleby. We could dance around Bartleby to show our support for the game. I know it may be a little far fetched, but nothing is impossible! I have decided to make an event for this to see how much people can join. It would be nice if over 100 can join so we can have everyone go all the around Bartleby. If you can't join its okay! Just try to attend if you can :) I know everyone is busy during the day time so I will be making it in the afternoon, after school, or after work for others. Here is the event page on Facebook, if you are able to attend just click attend!


I am sure most have seen my video about supporting Wizard101, this is another reason I would like to have this event to prepare for it so a lot more can join this event. I am sure this event will turn out as a success. If you would like to see the video again, look down below.

There may be a little bit of contests for this event too! Make sure to keep reading my blog posts for that information :) Thanks for reading!

~ Edward Lifegem

October 5, 2011

Edward Starts Krokotopia!

Hello everyone,

As many know, I have a new character that I have been leveling and it has been a lot of fun leveling a new character. I am going to tell you and show you all of my adventures through wizard city. Last time I left off, I was just starting the new character and I was showing you guys the tutorial. Well I have made a lot of progress since then. He is now a level 18 necromancer, and he just started leveling through krokotopia. I actually finished all of the quests, including side quests in wizard city. It took a while to finish all of them, but I am glad I did finish them because it would be hard leveling in the next world if I was only level 11 or 12 when I finished wizard city and entered krokotopia. Remember to finish all of the side quests if you start a new character. I am not a big fan of the next 2 worlds I have to complete, but I am sure I will get through it :) Here are some pictures of my adventures through the game so far.

I  was using a thundersnake on Lady blackhope.. Ouch!

Oh and I am sure most do remember me using a lot of my stronger hits on Alicane, and there was a variety of spells that I used that hit 300,000+ Well after using those spells months ahead, I was very worried Alicane might have recognized me. Well.. he did.

Do I have to complete this quest, I would like to do another..

Well other than Alicane.. I also summoned a lot of minions throughout the past few days, I summoned a ghost, a ghoul, and a scarecrow! It was very cool when I summoned the scarecrow because that's my favorite death spell :) My favorite was skeletal dragon until I entered the helephant tower!

Just a normal day- summoning a ghost? 

Summoning Scarecrow!

Well looks like the ghoul I summoned went missing or I didn't get to take a photo of him. Oh well. Oh and other than summoning I also took a photo of finally making it to Krokotopia! It took forever, oh and plus I had some help :) I had help from Autumn Dreamwalker, and Sean Redhammer- Red-- Thanks for the help guys :) Okay here is the photo of finally making it to Krokotopia..

Thank you Bartleby! I am glad I can finally make it to the next world :)

Well that's it for this blog post, I will be making plenty of others through my adventures through krokotopia, and the.... yeah next world.. oh and Mooshu! :) I can't wait to blog about that world. Well see you around the Spiral, and oh, if you guys want to add my new character, comment below and we can find a place to meet! Thanks for reading :)

~ Edward Lifegem