Lately I have been busy with real life, until yesterday. Yesterday I finished Mooshu! My least favorite part of Mooshu was the Cave of Solitude, I kept getting caught there when I was trying to level. I think that area is worse than Marleybone. Glad I finally did get pass that area though. My favorite area of Mooshu was Kishibe Village, I usually go through that area very fast, that's why its my favorite area :) I didn't have too much trouble getting through the world, I had some help from Autumn Dreamwalker. Thanks! Anyways, I also made it to level 45! I finally had the chance to get some Dragonspyre clothes which made my stats way better than they were. Here are a few photos of my adventures through Mooshu and my entry to Dragonspyre..
Death Bat!
Should I go into the blue light?!
Random Photo
Another blue light? I guess I will walk through this one too.
Shouldn't have walked through the blue light, I have to fight a boss!
Death Oni!
Seriously, what's with these spooky blue lights?!
Ninja pigs on the main boss of Mooshu- Life Oni
Gg! Won the battle :)
This quest was called Bad Blood- Should have been called
Bad Mood
I had to cheat with skeletal dragon!
Another epic photo of Cyrus using a myth card
After the battle
Well I hope you made it through all of photos of my adventures through Mooshu, I actually had a lot more but I didn't want to make an entire post of photos! It did take a lot longer to get out of Mooshu, I should have been out at least 5 days ago. Well I am glad I am finally out and in Dragonspyre, I am going to stop questing when I get to level 60 to save some experience for Zafaria when its released later on. I am hoping it gets released a couple of weeks before Christmas and not right before Thanksgiving. I have way too many things to do in real life during the holiday season. Oh and I hope you guys like my background, I am planning on changing it soon to say Happy Thanksgiving, and then the day after Thanksgiving- Black Friday- It's going to say Merry Christmas. Yes, I love the holidays as you can tell :) Oh and I am very sorry for not posting so much lately, I always get busy during the holiday season. Well I guess its time to end this blog post..
For those who have been on the test realm, are you enjoying Zafaria and all of the new updates?! I really am, they have added so much things that I have wanted on the game in the last month or two. The first thing I really wanted Kingsisle to add was new astral crown gear, I really wanted to see this in the crowns shop again, and I actually mentioned something about the old crown gear about a month ago. Glad they have added that! Another thing was of course a new world, zafaria is a great world and I am sure everyone will enjoy this world. For those planning on power leveling, you are really going to miss out on a lot. Anyways, my favorite area of Zafaria would have to be the Savannah, least favorite would have to be the Drum Jungle. This gets me started on my blog post today, remember a while back when I mentioned my likes and dislikes about each world, well its time for Zafaria!
The graphics to this area are way better than the Celestia world, or any other world. They really did a great job on designing this world, No wonder it took a year! I am sure if I even tried designing something like this world it wouldn't be out for another.. 10 years. So those who were complaining about KI not adding enough, they added the new wold, and make sure you enjoy it before questing through the world very fast.
Lots of experience from this world, finally talking to Morganthe, and the new spells! That sums all of the favorites about this world, now time for the dislikes..
Getting caught.. Kinda reminds me of Marleybone in some of the areas... Drum Jungle... Anyways, that's the only dislike about this world. There is really nothing to dislike about a great world.
What's your likes and dislikes about this new world? Comment below if you want, and, yes I did upload this video of Chimera, I have put it on my blog posts before, I guess I will put it on here one more time so everyone can see. Anyways, see you around the Spiral!
Yeah, I am excited that they finally did add something that I wanted Kingsisle to add for a while! They finally added back some of the moon and star wizard gear! I think this really does make wizard101 seem like a wizard game. Here is a photo of my character and the stats on the gear..
To make the post short, since I don't really have much time to make a blog post, not only is this the only new gear, there is also one for each school! They cost 12500 crowns, I think its a great offer, they have very good stats, thank you KI! Here is a picture from the crowns shop..
Have fun in the Spiral, and I hope the items in the crowns shop make it to the live realm! I really do like them :)