November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving/ Happy Holidays!

Hello Wizards!

I decided to make this post early since I won't be online wizard101 or be blogging until next week. Earlier I asked on Facebook and Twitter: What is your favorite Thanksgiving food? -- Between Twitter and Facebook most people said pumpkin pie! I love pumpkin pie too, its not my favorite though, my favorite food is turkey! I also like mashed potatoes and gravy with it :) A few other friends said deviled eggs, and mashed potatoes. Talking about food is really making me hungry, I should end this post soon ! :P I am not trying to tell everyone to stay off of Wizard101 on Thanksgiving, but make sure you do spend time with your family, that's part of the reason for the holidays :) So who will be watching the Macy's Thanksgiving parade this year? I try to watch all of it, but it lasts a long time! Its kind of like watching a 2 hour movie, with commercials /: I dislike commercials! Lol.  Anyways, I can't wait until tomorrow! The start of the holiday season/ the best time of the year! My favorite holiday is Christmas, a time where everyone is nicer to each other. Which wants me to post a Christmas song at the end of the post. Thanksgiving and Christmas are basically one holiday a month apart to me. I would like to ask those on here that are reading my post to comment below and tell me what your favorite food for Thanksgiving if you want. Okay I think I should end this post now! I have to go, I hope all of you have a great Thanksgiving, stay safe!

I do not own this video.

Idea for Christmas: 
I think Kingsisle should plan on making Christmas quests, I think most people celebrate Christmas other than Halloween! It would be very cool to have a Christmas quest on the game, I know a lot of people have already thought of that, I just wanted to put it out there so everyone could know about it. For example: A tower in colossus boulevard, which is really a Christmas tower. It would be very cool collecting Christmas items. For the card, I think it should be the Christmas snowman and Christmas Elf... You know how they have black cats for Halloween? Well that could be for the cards for Christmas. Well I am sure I said Christmas 101 times already... 102.. Anyways, just an idea :) Tell me what you think about that, and tell me your favorite food below in a comment if you want. Thanks for reading everyone, Happy Thanksgiving to you, and Happy Thanksgiving to Wizard101-Kingsisle! 

See you all next week!

~ Edward Lifegem

November 19, 2011

Edward Stormgem gets Sirens! / Happy Thanksgiving!

Hello Wizards,

I want everyone to guess how long I had to quest without even going to Zafaria yet, to get sirens. I will tell you how long at the end of this blog post. First, I am going to talk about a few things I have been doing on the game since yesterday though. When Wintertusk was released, I never did get my kraken pet because I wanted to save some of the experience for the next world so I could get a head start on leveling. I am very glad I finally did get my kraken pet, that means I can start using a new pet now instead of Stormzilla. It also means that I will be able to get better statistics on my storm from my pet :) Here are a few goals I have accomplished since yesterday...

1) Get my Kraken Pet and finish Wintertusk.
2) Level to 68 and get Sirens
3) Play Wizard101 a lot more than I have been- trust me I have.

Those are the 3 main goals I have accomplished since leveling yesterday. I am just going to say it took FOREVER to finish all of the goals there. Well at least it felt like forever when it may not seem like long to others. Here are a few photos of my storm character questing through Wintertusk, and Celestia and at long last getting his level 68 storm spell!

Kraken In Wintertusk!


Another Epic Photo with the Storm Symbol!

Storm Lord- with 2 of the crabs in the Grotto.. Worst Quest Ever! lol

Stormzilla up close!

Storm Lord zaps the boss for the siren spell!

Summoning Siren in Cyclops Lane!


Finally using it in a battle in Triton Avenue! :)

I really didn't have much fun questing through Celestia, but I am glad I finally did receive the level 68 storm spell. All day I kept thinking it was the test realm, when it really is the live realm. Glad it is the live realm, that means I get to keep the sirens spell forever! :D

I won't be able to blog after this post a while since next week is Thanksgiving. I won't be on the game much either, I just want to say Happy Thanksgiving to everyone, have a safe, thankful holiday :) I will be making a short post the day before Thanksgiving though. Watch out for that :) Bye Everyone!

Have fun in the Spiral, and have a fun Holiday :)

~Edward Lifegem

Here is a photo of the level 68 storm Spell for those who want to see what damage it does, and effects. By the way, yesterday I was on 12 hours, and today 4 hours! Here is the photo of me getting sirens!

November 18, 2011

Zafaria= Live Realm= Gotta Quest!

Hello Wizards!

Later on Zafaria will be released in the live realm. That went quickly through the test realm, I guess everyone was ready for it to be released to the live realm :) I am going to quest on my storm character first this time, and anyone who quests on their balance who is on my list, show me the spell please! I am really going to miss it on the live game. Even though I uploaded it on youtube, I would still like to see it on the live game. Oh and... Balance is Awesome! Yeah I said it! I think balance really did make a turning point for me because before all of the spells were kinda boring, I think Chimera is a very good spell, and those saying it isn't; you really need to use it before you say its bad. Anyways, my storm is in Celestia and he will get extra experience before reaching Zafaria! That means I can get my storm spell soon through Zafaria and it will be easier to quest through there. What school are you guys planning on leveling?

Before Zafaria was even released, I had so much trouble trying to think of what storm spell that would be adding to Wizard101. I think this spell right here is the strongest possible storm spell ever! At first it did 930 damage to all enemies and the effects, that was a little bit too strong, glad they lowered it down. I really don't know how much damage the spell does now, we will see though. I am glad they lowered it down a little bit even though I am planning on leveling my storm character first. The reason I am glad they lowered the damage down is because that spell could defeat everyone in pvp if there was an all storm team and they all used it at the same time. Can you imagine that? Ouch!! Even though I don't pvp I am sure everyone who does would probably be mad at the storm school. Some are still mad because of the tempest spamming in pvp. Make it fair storm wizards who pvp. My wraith will be watching.... LOL

Wow, Scary.

Well good luck on leveling through Zafaria when the game is finally online, which probably will be 10:00 a.m. Central time from the log in screen for Wizard101. Well time to find something to do until that time. Hopefully I won't keep looking at the log in screen and try to log in. I usually do that when there is a new update- celestia - this time I am planning on not doing that. Here is a link to the update notes for Zafaria:

See you all around the Spiral, and Zafaria!

~ Edward Lifegem