January 3, 2012

Year 2012 goals & 2011 passed goals

Hello Wizards!

Well apparently I have been gone a while since I haven't had a chance to post in a year!! Or a week and a half, lol. How is everyone? Did you have a great Christmas and New Years? Well I had a great New Years, the truth is the reason I didn't post much before was because my Grandpa died before Christmas, and I was very depressed about that, and stopped playing Wizards and blogging a little. I am still sad right now, sorry I didn't post the 25th Christmas song or, 5 other songs.

December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas!!- Post #1

Hello Wizards!

Right now I decided to do a blog post, and tomorrow night I will do another! I really hope all of you reading this post, even those that really haven't been friends with me, a great Christmas! This time of year really special to almost everyone in the entire world. If it isn't I think you should read this short story below about the true meaning of Christmas..

December 19, 2011

Christmas Song #18 & 19

Hello Wizards,

I am very sorry for missing another blog post yesterday, I have been very busy this month and haven't really had time for posts or Wizard101. I am glad I do get to post Christmas songs for you to listen to. I will try my best to post the Christmas songs this week though- since it is Christmas week! - Who's ready for Christmas?! I can't wait until Sunday. Well here are the songs for today, and I am sorry I didn't get to post the thing I wanted to share with you all today, I will try to do that on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day..