February 1, 2012

Update on Everything.

Hello again,

I have been very busy lately, and I wanted to give you a few updates on things that I haven't had a chance to get to yet. I have been sick and haven't had a chance to do much on blogging, the contest, or wizard101. I was planning on having the contest yesterday, instead I am going to have it sometime next week. Sorry for everyone who was waiting for the contest, don't worry I will still have it. I have to keep postponing it though which makes me mad too.

Blogs to Follow February 2012

Another month, time to make a post about a few blogs you should follow. If you are a new follower to my blog the reason I make posts about w101 blogs and why you should follow them is because I would like all of the other w101 bloggers to enjoy their blog and blog to more wizards. Here are a few blogs that I have found, follow them if you can, if you can't read them :)

January 30, 2012

Friendly's Interview! ( W101 US )

Hello Wizards!

The other day I decided to start interviews with a lot of friends around the Spiral, and today I have an interview for you from the friendly necromancer aka Thomas Lionblood!  Click on the read more tab for the interview!