This week will be a busy week for me, I do have time to tell you a few things that I will be doing on here though.. There's two contests going on, one is the Admiral Bundle Contest and the other the recent contest the 500th post contest. Here's a few details about both of these contests:
2 Admiral Bundles Contest
- This contest will end tomorrow night at Midnight Central Standard Time
- You have to design a ship and send an email to
- Make sure you include as much detail about your ship as possible
- Click the picture to access more information about this contest!
500th Post Contest
- This ends tonight at Midnight Central Standard Time
- $10 Wizard and $10 Pirate101 cards are for the winners
- You have to follow Pirate101 or comment on the 500th post.
-Click the picture to access more information about this contest!
This week I won't be on that much and will only have time to announce the winners. I hope all of you have a great Thanksgiving and if you don't celebrate it, a great week! I will see you again with a new post tomorrow and again on Wednesday!