January 4, 2013

January 2013 P101 Newsletter

Ahoy Pirates!

Have you read the Pirate101 newsletter for this month/year yet? I have and I have to say that I'm excited for this month and 2013 for Pirate101. Kingsisle already said in the newsletter that its going to be a great year for the game and they have plenty surprises for us! This gets me thinking about new worlds, updates such as the bazaar. I've been waiting for the bazaar for awhile :P. I'll post a few important updates from the newsletter on this post so you know more and I'll provide links!


I had to include this in the post too, if you haven't heard Pirate101 has won Game of the Year 2012! I knew it would, Pirate101 deserves the title. I'm pretty sure Pirate101 will be nominated and win a bunch of other awards this year and the years ahead too. Congratulations Pirate101!

The Fa-la-la-la Llama will stop selling on Sunday, January 6th. You should get this mount before it does stop selling. I have to mention that buying this mount is for a good cause so please do buy it if you can/ want :) Good luck and I love this mount! I know someone else who does too :P To add, you have to remember the Yuletide Items will be gone soon too. Make sure you get your items before they're gone until next year or forever for the Llama!

Producers Letter December 2012

Pirate101 Newsletter January 2013

For more updates from Kingsisle make sure to click the links above! I'm going to make a section of my blog for this kind of information and post a few important updates and provide links from now on! I hope this helps you just in case you don't pay attention to the Pirate101 website a lot. Its important you do pay attention because there's a lot of great information on there :) Until next time, see you around the Spiral! 

January 3, 2013

Pirate101 Music Remix

Ahoy Pirates!

Today I was looking up some Pirate101 Combat music and all, and I found a song that sounded very cool! I think this remix sounds just like Valencia. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do and make sure to tell the owner of the video thanks for the remix if you want :).

Oh and to add I hope you like the changes on the blog, I'm not done yet though! The background was made by an epic Graphics designer named Cody. He is the owner over at pirate101skyrider.com Thank you so much Cody! :) Okay.. This has been a very short blog post by... Edward Cringle, Edward Lifegem, and Edward :D 

January 1, 2013

New Years Resolutions

Hello again,

I wanted to thank all of you and Kingsisle for a great year last year. It was the best year I've had on the game and I'm ready to make this year the best year too! I can't believe everything that happened last year, from Around the Spiral becoming a Pirate101 Fansite to reaching 200 members and 100k views. Its crazy all of this happened in a short amount of time and I'm ready to make this year epic. I have huge plans that I plan to accomplish and I hope you're ready for them because you're involved more than you know :). I hope all of you stick around with me another year to see all of the surprises I have planned for you...

  1. Wizard101 UK- I plan to start blogging about Wizard101 UK again and hopefully level my character through the game. I haven't had a chance to level on Wizard101 UK since the beginning of last year and I would love to level on there once again. I would also like to try to submit for fansite for UK after awhile, I'll have to see how that goes! 
  2. Updates to Site- This is another main goal that I hope to accomplish. Its not only updates, its more of an improvement. Right now the site isn't doing too good on graphics with the background, I am hoping to fix that soon though. I am also going to add more information to the pages on the bottom of this blog, I haven't had a chance to do that yet! 
  3. One last one- My last new years resolution is to impress you with all of the other surprises I have for you! I am hoping you like everything I have planned even though there's some things I haven't told you yet. 2013 will be the biggest year for Around the Spiral. I'm hoping it beats last year, if it doesn't it'll tie with last year! I hope you enjoy everything. :)

What are your New Years Resolutions? 

Some wizards/pirates may not make new years resolutions but I think its good to make them! Its like goals you have for yourself and sometimes it does help.. Well last year I think it did more than help because I've completed all of my goals for my blog in a matter of a few months! If you have any goals you should try for yourself, you never know what might happen if you do. Good luck with your goals and I hope you enjoy Around the Spiral 2013! Futuristic... wow.. x stops typing x