July 20, 2013


Howdy Pirates!

Last time when I quested with my Swashbuckler, Edward Cringle, I had to find Merriweather Clark on the island of Elder Bluff in the Big Sky. I fought a bunch of bison and finally found out Clark apparently robbed the graves of the Bison's ancestors, he stole Sacred Charms. Seven Storms said when the spirits are at peace Clark can go free. Before that happens I have to find the Sacred Charms!

Looks like its time to fight Red Sash Ships! This should be easy :D

I usually don't collect the first round of ship battles... of any battles actually! I was surprised :D 

I had a dungeon and I needed help from Autumn Walker! :)
Hitting a critical attack on a Red Sash Thug!

This dungeon would have been very difficult if I didn't have any help. I remember from past characters. I thought I could defeat it alone but I kept thinking if I died during this I wouldn't have had time to make this blog post today. I'm very glad I asked for help. :) If you have any doubt about a quest and you have friends you should ask for help! Ask nicely though, if you beg they may not help you. Thanks again Autumn for the help :D

I think we should take the sacred charms back to the Bison Chief tomorrow! I hope ya'll enjoyed this post. I'm going to try to make Edward Cringle blog posts everyday so if you're new to this blog, click on the Edward Cringle label above (between the date and comments). :) See ya'll around the Spiral.

July 19, 2013


Ahoy Pirates!

Its time to get excited, ye know why? Well Edward Cringle is back! I have quested a few hours on Pirate101 today on Edward Cringle and I have quite a few posts I have planned to make. I'm sorry I haven't been blogging much about him lately. I'm glad I can finally blog about my adventures throughout Cool Ranch again. I think yer in for a surprise with this post. I don't remember the last post but I'm going to start off on a fresh start again and continue blogging I'm hoping everyday! :D

On the last post I had to find Merriweather Clark, all that was left on his house was a letter *no idea what it said* but as of today I'm searching for Merriweather Clark to save him! I believe he's in trouble so I had to hurry and sail to the Big Sky to a island called Elder Bluff. Its believed Bison has taken him. I guess its time to quest? :D

How rude! I'm beginning to think everyone here dislikes Pirates..! Time to fight.

Epic spell I cast, I believe it was a heal after I defeated the first set of guys!
The second round of guys was not easy to defeat... This resulted in my defeat!
I went back in to show him them who's boss though! :D

Well we're not going to talk to him just yet. We'll have to wait until tomorrow to do that! I'm glad I'm back and blogging about my in-game adventures and hope you enjoyed this blog post. I'll see ye tomorrow. What do ye think Merriweather Clark is going to say about all of this?

July 18, 2013

Pirate101 School Themed Houses, Gifting, Yum-n-ade and much more!

Ahoy Pirates!

Today Kingsisle released so many great things that I can't even blog about all of them. So I picked a few things to blog about.. Gifting, the new Pirate101 school houses and Ryan the RelentlessYum-n-ade. Kingsisle never fails to impress me with their major updates on Pirate101 but this one was beyond what I was expecting!

Pirate101 Themed Houses

Pirate101 released school themed houses with this huge update. There's a Pirate101 school themed house for each school: Witchdoctor, Buccaneer, Swashbuckler, Privateer and Musketeer. These school houses cost 10,000 Crowns or 100,000 Gold in the Crowns Shop. So far I've explored three of these houses and I really do love them. I've explored the Witchdoctor house (as seen above), the Privateer house and the Swashbuckler house. This is the craziest/best houses I've seen on both Wizard101 and Pirate101. If you didn't know by now, usually Kingsisle releases PvP houses with Bundles. This time it was different; there's PvP in every single one of these houses! If you have a house full of party guests and want something to do while showing off your new house.. you can PvP! These houses are really nice houses and I'm pretty sure every Pirate love them! Thank you Kingsisle for these wonderful houses. You can also enjoy a new teleporter that you can use to teleport between each of your houses! The teleporters costs 2,500 Crowns.. (look below). The teleporter below is only one of the eight teleporters!


Kingsisle also added gifting to this update! You can gift a friend by clicking on the crowns shop icon at the top left corner of your screen. Once you're in the Crowns Shop you can click the gift icon if its highlighted red and white. If its grey then you can't gift that item to a friend! Gifting is such a great idea for packs or even pets as you see above! Thank you Kingsisle for adding gifting. Now to tell everyone nicely, if you're planning on asking for a gift ask nicely the first. If they say no, its not the end of the world(s)! Please don't beg because that does get annoying and no one will end up gifting you. That's just a little bit of advice from me. Otherwise... I hope you enjoy gifting! This is another update I'm glad Kingsisle added to the game!

Ryan's Yum-n-ade

A few days ago Kingsisle made a blog post, Ryan The Relentless, Kingsisle invited Ryan through the Make-A-Wish organization to Kingsisle. Ryan has cancer and his escape is Pirate101, which is his favorite online game! Kingsisle invited him down to visit the offices of Kingsisle/Pirate101 and they invited him to look around and work with the Kingsisle team. This is the nicest thing I've ever heard a game company do! Before I was done reading the blog post, I noticed that Kingsisle tricked Ryan into saying a few lines and surprised him with something everyone reading would love. To be in the game! They made a Yum-n-ade stand just for him in Skull Island and each time you go up to Ryan the Relentless you'll hear Ryan and the lines Kingsisle gave him. This is very nice. I'm glad Kingsisle let him do that I'm positive all of his wishes and more came true just for that. Ryan the Relentless is in Skull Island and each time you visit him, you'll have to pay 100-200 gold and you'll get to restore your health if you've just been defeated in battle. 

And much more!

Click the image above for more updates Kingsisle added to the game such as Mini-Game Kiosks where you can play mini-games in your own house! Unstitching for the gear you wish to unstitch gear you don't want to be stitched anymore (I know I have a few gears I need to unstitch today). Kingsisle has also made a few more crowns shop updates such as a Long Term Boost elixir if you're tired of refueling your ship and would rather have a potion that'll give you unlimited boost on your Pirate ship. This potion costs 2,500 Crowns and lasts for 10 hours of gameplay! If you'd like to read more, don't forget to click on the image above. Thank you again KI for the great updates!