January 31, 2014

Year of the Horse Sale 2014!

Ahoy Pirates,

Pirate101 is having a sale this Chinese New Year- February 2nd, 2014 you can save up to 50% off select horse mounts and companions in the crowns shop! If you have crowns and need a mount, now would be the time to buy a mount while it could be 50% off it's original price! If you'd like to learn more about this incredible sale, just click the image below. Thank you for reading and please make sure you take part in this sale before it ends. I think I'm going to be one of those pirates that do take part and buy a companion or mount. :D

For more Information just click this image!

January 30, 2014

Brother Wolf's Quest (Pt. 3)

Ahoy Pirates!

I was planning on making this post a few days ago but recently I've been sick and since I'm now feeling better I have this post to post for today. Before I begin, I want refresh you memory on what I did last time I quested on my Swashbuckler, Edward Cringle. On my last post Sister Snake sent me to Madame Vadima to find out if she knew where I could find a Ghost Tear and Grumwort Herb so I can cure Silver Rain from the snake venom, ew, so she can move on to the Spirit World. This is all part of Brother Wolf's quest to help Silver Rain move on because he was her protector and couldn't protect her from Three Scars so he's going to try to help her move on. Well.. I'm going to help her move on so the guardian spirits can help me help the Bison :P. Before I get ahead of myself I'll let you know that Madame Vadima told me where to find the Ghost Tear and I had to fight someone that had it and all I have to do now is find the Grumwort Herb. Madame Vadima sent me to Frogfather to see if he knew where I could find the Herb since she didn't know how to find it. Frogfather told me that his business partner, Joey Karo, stole his supply of Grumwort and he currently resides in Flotsom. Frogfather told me that if I convince Karo what he did was wrong he will give me some of his Grumwort. I knew this was named second for a reason, I had that feeling I'd have to do another fight to find the Herb and Frogfather said I had to fight Joey as soon as he said his name!

I knew I would have to fight Karo as soon as I arrived since he didn't like guests.. RUDE! After I defeat him he had no trouble giving me the Grumwort. Lol he should have thought of who he was before he betrayed Frogfather and it would have made my job easier.. I mean it was easy, he was easy to defeat! I didn't have any trouble defeating a frog, but I did have trouble with the quest after the one above... I had to talk to ssssisssster ssssnake! You have no idea how much it bothered me to type that, don't ask me why! I have no idea why :P. Anyways,  After I was done with Karo I sailed back to Cool Ranch to talk to Sister Snake so she could make the balm to help Sister Rain move on to the Spirit Realm. 

After I was done talking to Sister Snake she gave me the balm to save Silver Rain so she could move on and join Brother Wolf in the Spirit World. What did that mean for me?! Well... I'll tell you.. It means I had to talk to Brother Wolf to finish the quest, well so I thought.. I didn't finish the quest yet. I believe there will be a part four of this quest but that's okay. I love blogging and I'm happy I'm questing more in the game and bringing more of Edward Cringle to this blog! If there wasn't an Edward Lifegem this blog would be called Around the Spiral with Edward Cringle. :D I haven't blogged in a few days and just want to type as much as possible but I'm running out of words so I'll just have to post a few last pictures once I talk to brother wolf and learned a little more about part four which I will blog about later. Until then, I'll see you around the Spiral, pirates!

Pirate101 Raffle/Contest: Dueling Diego

Ahoy Pirates!

Wow.. was sick recently.. yes again, I'm beginning to think the life wizards over in Ravenwood Academy don't care about us pirates. We need healing too! I'm feeling better and I'm ready to post this month's contest! I'm sorry I haven't done this before but gotta take breaks when I'm sick since when I post when I am sick the posts don't make any sense at all. :P Kingsisle sent me some epic codes to giveaway this month! If you haven't heard Dueling Diego awards from the KI Free Games, Dueling Diego, are now available for both games! I was wondering when they were going to do something like that that involves both games, I'm so excited. :D I don't really have a special contest planned this month since I didn't have time to plan one so I'll just host an old fashioned rafflecopter contest. :D There will be 8 winners for this contest, I have more information about the codes below the rafflecopter giveaway. This contest STARTS NOW and ENDS FEBRUARY 7th 2014 AT 12:00 A.M. . Winners will be emailed their codes from my email, edwardfrostgem@gmail.com. Make sure you enter this raffle before it ends and please follow all rules if you click on a raffle option, example: liking a FB page, make sure you like that FB page. Good luck everyone and if you have any questions, just comment below! :D

a Rafflecopter giveaway

  • These codes are available longer than 24 hours. They last an entire year, just make sure to redeem them before February 7th 2015 :D. I don't think anyone will have trouble redeeming them once they receive them, they are epic codes! 
  • The codes I'm giving away are top tier Dueling Diego codes so that means that you'll receive 5,000 gold PLUS one item you can redeem from your gift window. If you're lucky you can that could mean you'll get to redeem something as rare as five companion training tomes or even a cool Marleybone Housing item like a Statue of St. Hurbert! Good luck again and make sure to check out Dueling Diego to try to win items yourself by clicking HERE.