April 1, 2014

I'm DELETING Edward Cringle!

Ahoy Pirates,

I have some news for you today.. Recently I haven't had a chance to level on my swashbuckler, Edward Cringle, because I've been thinking about deleting the character so I have time to level my other characters.. I'm sorry, but I feel like I'm not spending enough time on my other characters and I'm making too many blogs for Edward Cringle and not my other wizards. My witchdoctor wizard, Edward, has been farming for gold but I feel he needs more time to train for the spells he needs. My other wizard, Edward Hawkins, needs to level his pets. I think it's time I delete my swashbuckler... I love Wizard101's swashbucklers, but I don't have enough time to level him because I'm making this post... I've included a few pictures below so, please scroll down through the pictures and comment below if you think I should level my wizards instead. I promise I'll still make blog posts if you want me to! Nvm... I quit. Scroll through the pictures I've attached to this post..

APRIL FOOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you kidding me? I'll never delete my swashbuckler or any other PIRATE on PIRATE101. Lol, I hope you all didn't think I was going to delete my character. I promise you, I'll still make blog posts and I was busy so I couldn't make many blog posts lately. Anyways, Thank you all for reading and I hope you have a great day! Wait a minute... Did I post a picture of my witchdoctor farming Friar?? Yeah. :D Okay, see you all around the spiral and I hope you enjoy your day. :) Try not to get pranked too much. :D

I'm A Wizard101 Fansite Owner!!

Hello Wizards!!

I have some news.. big news! Okay, I can't blog anymore... My blog, Around The Spiral With Edward Lifegem has made it to official status for Wizard101!! I'm so excited! I know I've submitted a lot in the past but I finally made it the other day. Kingsisle contact me and ask me if I wanted to blog about Wizard101 while being on the fansite list and I said yes. I'm really shocked. I promise I'll blog about both games as much as I can and I hope the new readers of this blog enjoy all of my posts. I really don't know what else to blog since I'm too excited, but I promise I'll have more posts later today/tomorrow. Look at the image below...

March 31, 2014

New Pirate101 Teaser: Underwater Grotto

Ahoy Pirates,

Kingsisle released another panorama today of an underwater grotto, part of Skull Island's expansion! I'm shocked of how huge of an expansion they are adding to Skull Island. I really can't wait to see it. Can you imagine how different the islands are going to look? This makes me wonder if Kingsisle will release a commercial soon. I hope they do, it's been awhile since Kingsisle made a commercial for the game Pirate101. Well, I won't keep you! If you would like to see the panorama they released today, just click on the image attached to this post. :D I'll see you around the spiral and I promise I will start making more blog posts next month (tomorrow). I hope you all had a great day. :)