June 4, 2014

July 4th or August 4th?

Hello Wizards!

I haven't had time to log onto the game and that means I haven't had time to level my characters to level 100. I've been trying my best to level all of them so I meet my goal by July 4th but I haven't had too much luck. I've leveled my fire wizard to level 100, and I'm hoping my life wizard is the next wizard to make it to 100. I'm hoping I make it to level 100 on all of my wizards by July 4th (one month from now), but if I don't make that goal of July 4th, I will make it by the end of my Summer.

In April I announced that I would level all of my wizards to level 100. A lot happened last month and I couldn't level, so that means I'm behind and this is why I think it would be a great idea to finish before Summer ends if I don't make that goal by July 4th. I have that feeling I'll get at least another two wizards leveled to 100 before July 4th so wish me luck! :D How many times have I said July 4th on this post?! LOL. July 4th, July 4th, July 4th!! :P I guess I'm shocked it's almost been five years since I created my wizard101 account. Time sure does fly by when you're having fun! Oh... talk about flying, I flew my pioneer dragon over fire!! Don't believe me? Look at the picture above. :D It didn't burn, probably because I'm a life wizard and I put a protection spell on before I flew over it. :P Anyways, I should end this post now because I have a busy day today and I hope you all have a great Wednesday! Tomorrow's Thursday and the day after is Friday. The weekend is almost here. :) Well, thank you for reading and I hope you all have a great week. I've decided to make up a new date to finish.. AUGUST 4th! It's 16 days before I start college (I need time after to figure out a schedule of posting and leveling). Do you think August 4th is a good idea? Click the :D in the reactions below the picture below if you do. :) Thank you again for reading!

June 2, 2014

Fort Elena (1/2)

Ahoy Pirates!

How have you been?! I hope you all are had a great weekend. Oh... Happy June! Most of you should be out of school or close to your last day of school. Are you planning on playing Pirate101 this Summer? :D I plan on playing a lot this Summer and of course go swimming, fishing, camping, watch movies at the movie theater, bbq, fireworks, my birthday, can't think of anything else to add but that doesn't mean there's nothing else, Haha. :D Yeah, I have a busy Summer but I know it's going to be a fun one since I have Pirate101 to play on those rainy days or days it's too hot to go outside. Yeah... It's supposed to rain every single day this week! Storm wizards... please stop making it storm/rain so much. :P

Like I said, it's supposed to rain the entire week but it's also been raining the past week and I had time to play Pirate101. :D I can't tell you how much I miss leveling on Pirate101 when I'm busy or take breaks. I do love this game and I'm so happy to be back and share my gaming experience with you! Okay.. I need to stop rambling because I have a long post for you all today. :D I've been leveling my swashbuckler again this week and before I talk about what I did this week.. lets talk about what I did last week. :D Last week I had to sink ten Armada ships which took awhile because they were tougher ships but it wasn't that difficult to sink the ships. I had to defeat these ships to start a war between Marleybone and the Armada so I could get into Fort Elena. After I complete that quest, Catbeard asked me to go to Dreadnaught's dungeon to destroy one of the Armada's machines. He said that the Armada would blame Marleybone for the attack if I made it out of there fast enough. I did and I sailed back to the Catspaw to tell Catbeard the good news? :P Catbeard told me that while I was in Dreadnaught, Marleybone captured a leader of the Armada and locked him in Fort Elena and that the Armada is now attacking Fort Elena. The guards in Fort Elena are distracted and that means I can go to the prison and break out Mustang Sally and the Penguin's name I can't spell at the moment. :D

After I talk to Catbeard and found out everything I had to do, I sailed to Fort Elena and entered the dungeon and as soon as I entered I had to defeat four redcoats. Make sure you have full health when you enter the dungeon so you don't get defeated the first round. I can't tell you how many times I've made that mistake and I was defeated. :P After I defeat the four redcoats I had to find a way into the prison itself which was locked. Ratbeard found a cannon that I could use on a wall that was already crumbling so I could make my way in. :D 

As you can see in the pictures above, I made it into the Fort Elena prison and I had keys for every cell in the prison so I can free Sally and the Penguin. :D After I got the keys I ended up running into more redcoats and I had to defeat them. Then I ran into a boss. :O I'm going to end this part one of the blog post now and link you to part two so you can read that post! I can already tell this is going to be a very long post so for the first time.. I'm going to split this post into two posts that you can read! This post will be published first and the second one right after this one. If you would like to read part 2 of my Fort Elena Post, CLICK HERE or click the image below! :D

June 1, 2014

Fort Elena (2/2)

Ahoy Pirates!

This is my second post of my Fort Elena post! I didn't want to keep the blog going so I decided to make a second post especially since I added a ton of pictures on my last post. Okay... Lets see.. where were we? Oh yeah.. Corporal Klegg! He was pretty easy to defeat. The only trouble I had was entering with less health because of the previous fight with the redcoats. I didn't have to buy a minion from the crowns shop with this fight, so that's awesome!

After I defeat Corporal Klegg, I had to go down to the lower cells of Fort Elena to find Mustang Sally! If you don't remember I had to find Mustang Sally and tell her that her Father wants to apologize for what he did to her and El Toro. Now that we caught up to Mustang Sally after we break her out, we'll be able to go back to Cool Ranch and reunite El Toro and Mustang Sally. After I freed Mustang Sally I ran into the Armada! They ended up defeating me and I didn't get to finish the dungeon.. See you all around the Spiral. LOL, Kidding!!! No... Don't leave! You have to see me make it out of this dungeon before you leave. :)

The Armada says hello! After I defeated the Armada soldiers, which were pretty easy to defeat, I noticed the penguin's name I can't spell until I post a picture to this blog with his name and I had to free him. :) Before I went over to free him I noticed Phule (the brass monkey was also in this dungeon and he says he will get his revenge, and trust me he will in a way and so will I). Phule only told me that the map would be theirs, nothing new. I still think we'll make it to El Dorado before they do and we will win! Hahaha!!! I promise I'm not crazy, I'm sure after this post you might think I am. :P

Napoleguin was happy I was here to free him and wasn't upset about the time it took me to sink 30 ships, and defeat countless enemies. He ended up telling me that I was an awesome pirate and he gave me 60,000 crowns and 150,000 gold! I wish! :P  He told me that he wouldn't leave this prison without something very important. I found that important thing was a hat! I also found a companion training tome in this dungeon on a table in the area where you have to find his hat. Make sure you get that tome because it might help you on future quests where you need a higher level companion. :) After finding his hat I ran into more Armada soldiers and it took a little while to defeat them because I was eating lunch but we made it through! I gave Napoleguin his hat and ran into Redcoats and had to defeat them. I had to help Napoleguin free his valet before we could escape the dungeon and after freeing his valet and his guardsmen, we ran into at least three rounds of Armada soldiers not counting the round before freeing his valet. If you are about to do this dungeon make sure you have enough health for each battle before you join.

This image is proof KI spends time on their graphics which is awesome! :D After defeating the Armada soldiers we finally completed Fort Elena and managed to rescue Mustang Sally and Napoleguin! One of my companions was actually defeated on the last fight. I was hoping to say my companions wasn't defeated on this post but that happened and I'm not going to lie to you all. :) This dungeon wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and I'm glad I made it through it today without having to buy any henchmen. The good thing about this dungeon is that there is yum yum fruit floating around so you won't run out of health if you wait after each battle for that yum to reach you so you have full health before the next battle. Other than that, we're done with this post for now. I have one last image to attach before I end this post so you know what Catbeard said. Now that I'm tired because I made these posts at the same time, I'm going to stop now and enjoy reading this post. :) Thank you all for reading and I hope you all enjoyed. :D I will have more posts soon!! Until then, I'll see you around the spiral.

I leveled to level 31 after turning this quest in! :D You'll see that on my next blog post!