September 19, 2014

#TalkLikeAPirateDay Contest!

Ahoy Pirates!

I have some good news.. Today is Talk Like a Pirate Day!! This means we can talk like pirates all day without anyone asking why we are... at jobs, school... anywhere. Kidding, unless you really want to talk like a pirate all day. :D Don't worry, that won't be a requirement for my new contest. Contest?!?! Before I tell you about this contest I plan on having, I really want you to know that most contests in the past have been made possible by Kingsisle and the Pirate101 community managers. Bonnie Anne and One-Eyed Jack get all of the codes together and give it to us to giveaway to the community. Thank you both for all of the hard work you do and the contests you have fansite owners to giveaway all of the codes you give us to the community. :) Now for the contest!

  • Short Story/Quest Contest: I would like you all to submit a short story to me. More details about what you need to do with this contest can be found directly below. There's a lot of reading, but as long as you skim through, you should be able to finish this contest the right way. Keep reading to see when this contest starts/ends and all of the codes I plan on giving away. There's a lot to read below, but it's not a difficult contest.

*Make Up A Quest*

- Try to make up a random quest that your pirate will be questing on. This quest can take place in any world in the spiral, made up, real or even a future world you believe will eventually be released.

*Make Your Pirate Talk Like A Pirate* 

- Please make sure that your pirate actually talks like a pirate in your short story. This is how at least 50% of your entry will be judged. All of yer words doesn't have to look like a pirate wrote it, but please have your pirate's words in quotation marks. Make sure any others that's talking are also talking like a pirate.. unless they're from Wizard City.. :P

*This Story Should Make Sense* 

- This story should be easy to read and make sense. If I see anything that looks exactly like a quest I've quested on the game, I will disqualify your entry. Please do it the way I've mentioned above. 

*Proper "Pirate" Grammar & Spelling*

- You wouldn't expect me to ask you to make sure you have proper grammar and spelling. I'm sure most of you have noticed that most of the time I don't follow that rule when I make new blog posts.. I think it would be nice to see you follow it in the story though, so please try your best! :D

*400 Words Or Less*

- This story should be 400 words or less. If you need help counting your words, you can type it up at this website: CLICK HERE & then click back so you can read the rest of this post.

*Submit, Contest Starts/Ends, etc.*

- Once you have your story ready, submit it by emailing me at This contest officially starts TODAY and ends October 11th, 2014! Make sure you have your short story entry in by that date. A list of what you can win is listed below. Good luck everyone. :D

Grand Prize (1 Winner)
Huge Pile Of Treasure Housing Item
The Pirate Hairstyle
10,000 Crowns

2nd Prize (5 Winners)
The Pirate Hairstyle
5,000 Crowns

3rd Prize (10 Random.Org Winners)
2,000 Crowns

All Winners will be announced on a new blog post on October 3rd, 2014. I will publish everyone's stories that wins a contest. There will be a lot more to read on that contest so good luck. Congrats to everyone that finished reading this post! Do you want me to have more contests like this? If you do or don't, click on one of the reactions below. If you have any questions, you can comment below! See ye pirates around the spiral. (took me long enough  to talk like a pirate ;P)

September 15, 2014

My Favorite Year Of Wizard101

Hello Wizards!

I decided to make a blog post here to answer Kingsisle's question: "What's has been your favorite year of Wizard101 and why?" Wizard101 is a very special game and even though sometimes I don't have time to play it, doesn't mean I don't love it any less! I've been playing this game since July 2009 and I've made many memories on the game. Each and every year on the game and in the community has been special to me in many different ways. I can't believe the game is already celebrating their 6th Birthday! It seems like yesterday I was celebrating their first Birthday with them. :) I love 2009, but that's not my favorite year on the game.. My favorite year on the game was 2011!

The year 2011 was a huge year for me and this blog. I know you know I created my blog in 2010, but I really made blogging a fun hobby in early 2011. I remember questing characters on my second account... YES, I have a second account. :D I don't really mention it as much as I should.. My 2nd account has two death wizards and an ice wizard. One other thing I really enjoyed was the events the community had that year. You wouldn't believe how many wizards went to the Diary of a Wizard Ravenwood Ball & Birthday Bash! I had so much fun at the events and met so many awesome people in the community. 

I love how this amazing game brought an entire community together. Look at every wizard in the picture: now imagine how many people there actually are. Wizard101 is an amazing game and I will always love it! I'm not submitting this post to them, but I will send a link to @Wizard101 to let them know that I appreciate all of the hard work they've done to create the game we all love. Thank you so much Kingsisle, I know you'll have MANY more Birthdays and I want to be here to celebrate them with you. :D Congratulations on six years and Happy Birthday! :)

If you'd like to enter Kingsisle's Blog Contest, click HERE

September 13, 2014

Captain Blood's Hand!

Ahoy Pirates!

It's been about 11 days since I made a blog post!! What's happening to me? Well.. I've been busy studying for tests and all of that good stuff.. but there's no need to worry because I'm still going to make blog posts when I can. This blog will continue to run and I promise I'm not giving up on it! I am also playing the games when I can. Today I had a chance to play Pirate101 since I finished all of my homework yesterday! :D I feel like I'm a new player again because there's been so many updates (such as the stagecoaches in Cool Ranch... wow)!

Before I talk about what I did today on the game, lets talk about what I did the last time I leveled my swashbuckler. On my last blog post I had to find a way to talk to Death to figure out how I can defeat Captain Blood and get his piece of map to El Dorado. If you would like to read everything that happened on my last blog post, click HERE, otherwise, keep reading this blog post! I found out that I had to get Captain Blood to play the rest of his cards so he can be defeated since he's immortal since he cheated Death. Today I had to sail to Tumbleweed to talk to Sly Winkum. Sly told me that I'd have to find Captain Blood's hand so I can play the cards with his own hand since Captain Blood wouldn't want to play the game (I mean... would you if you had eternal life? :P). Sly told me that El Toro was the one that cut Captain Blood's hand off in a duel and El Toro would know where I could find it. I had to sail to Santo Pollo and talk to El Toro (see picture above)... WAIT! DON RODRIGO IS EL TORO?!! :O I didn't see that coming!! LOL. Where was I??

I didn't have to sail to Santo Pollo since I had the stagecoach take me for only 15 gold! I think this is one of the best things KI could have added to the game.. A quicker way to travel in Cool Ranch.. Thank you, KI! Anyways, I made a quick trip to Santo Pollo and talk to El Toro and Mustang Sally and Don Rodrigo (El Toro) told me that he had a fight with Captain Blood on a cliff above Gold Creek in Big Sky. He said he cut his hand off and it fell into the lake above the creek. Carolina (Mustang Sally) & Don Rodrigo (El Toro) said they wanted to help me defeat Captain Blood and both joined my crew!! :D I sailed to Gold Creek shortly after and entered the lake and noticed I had to fight three ancient fish in 15 rounds! This fight was EASY, but hard at the same time since El Toro was defeated during the fight.. I think he was defeated on this same fight on my witchdoctor as well, but that doesn't mean he's a bad companion.. I know he'll help me out a lot in the future. :D

I defeated the fish in about 4-5 rounds with El Toro and Bonnie and only Bonnie and I survived this fight. After we defeated the fish, I noticed Captain Blood's hand in the distance. I collected it and before I ported out of the lake, I noticed there was also a companion training tome in the lake! I wanted to share this with anyone that might have not noticed this before or about to start this quest. I picked this up and Bonnie leveled up a level since I did. I know I didn't have enough for training tomes so this was a gift. :D After this quest, I had to sail back to Tumbleweed and tell Sly Winkum I had Captain Blood's hand. He told me the only thing I needed now was the cards so I could cast the cards with Blood's hand to take away his immortality. That's where I'm going to end my quest this week.. Hopefully I'll be free again next week because I really did enjoy making this blog post.. I'm sure most of you can tell by the amount of words that are on this post! :P Until next time, I'll see you around the spiral!

LEVEL 35!!! :D