December 8, 2014

One More Sleep!

Hey again!

This is my third blog post and probably the most blog posts I've made in one day since early August! I am currently listening to Christmas songs and I thought it would be nice to catch up now since I have a few of my favorite Christmas songs on my Spotify playlist. One  new favorite that was actually released last year is One More Sleep by Leona Lewis! Like I said, there are amazing Christmas songs released in 2010- and a few normal songs. :P 

Do They Know It's Christmas?


I promised I would make three different blog posts with songs I've missed when studying for my final. :D This is my 2nd favorite Christmas song of the day! :) I know, I picked out a ton of songs since early November, its a shame I can't post all of them this month, but at least you all know 25 of my favorite Christmas songs this year! Here's Do They Know It's Christmas by Band Aid, 1984, my favorite since older music is way better than any song today (2010s), well there are a few good songs (most of them being Christmas), but other than that... bleh! Oh... okay, go ahead and listen to the song below. :)



I've missed a few days of Christmas songs because I've been studying for my Math final.. I can't wait until Wednesday because I'll get to play the game a lot more and do things I really want to do that I haven't had a chance to do in the past four months! :P Here's the first out of three songs that I've missed since Friday: Falala by Olivia Jade Archbold. :)