August 10, 2015

#Arrrgust 2015: Week Two!

Ahoy Pirates!

It's week two of Arrrgust and Kingsisle is giving away free Left-Hander's Captain Hooks for Left Handers Day which is this Thursday! Redeem the code "leftie" on the Pirate101 Website to earn your Captain Hook. This promotion will last from today until August 17th. :D If you would like a link to learn more about Arrrgust and what Kingsisle is doing this month, just click the image attached to this blog post. :)

August 9, 2015

#Arrrgust Screenshot Winners!

Ahoy Pirates!

Thank you all for entering my Arrrgust Contests. I had a record amount of pirates enter my contests this August and it really means a lot that you did. :D Thank you all for entering. This post is about the winners of the Arrrgust Screenshot winners and I will announce the other contest winners throughout the day. The winners of this contest will be emailed their codes shortly after this post is published. The winners were chosen by a Random.Org list randomizer. If you would like a copy of that, let me know. Expect a reply to your screenshot email that you sent to me. :) Thank you all for entering your screenshots and your favorite mounts. Quite a few of you entered a few of my favorite mounts: Solar Saber Mount and the Pennyfarthing Mount! :D

Arrrgust Screenshot Winners

Hazel Moone
10,000 Crowns + Solar Saber Mount

Stormy Scarlet
10,000 Crowns + Solar Saber Mount

August 8, 2015

NXP Welcome Back Event Recap!

Ahoy Pirates!

I hope you had a great Saturday, I know I did! :D Autumn Dreamwalker from Secrets of the Spiral and I had an NXP Event today and it was a lot of fun. Today wasn't a great day before I logged onto the game because I was trying to get something to work so I could record the event but it didn't want to work at all. I also had a few computer issues which of course happened during the event. :P I still believe this event and the community made my day 1000x better than it was. :)

I had a lot of fun at the NXP and I'm glad a few of you could Nautical Level to the level you wanted to be. I think Scrip and Gold was also perfect during this event because I collected quite a bit from each ship. Sinking ships was not the only thing we did. After nautical leveling, we dropped by Autumn's house and had a Scavenger Hunt. We gave away packs to two people who found certain items hidden around the house and told us about them. On our last question, we gave away a Adorabilis Crowns Shop Pet and a Solar Saber Mount from the Crowns Shop. Both items are in the crowns shop and they're are amazing! :D I'm sure you think I'm done by now, but after we finished giving away the items, we ended up PvPing and I was acting all bad on my Swashbuckler and I WOdidn't win the fight. :P This was a great event! I really want to thank everyone for joining us to celebrate Autumn Dreamwalker being back in the community with her amazing blog. I hope we can have another one soon!

David (Frosty) on his new mount!

Ended up  talking about our favorite TV Shows after PvP! :P