July 16, 2018

Wizard City Redone - Live Realm Tomorrow

Hi there!

This evening, Kingsisle announced that they will be bring the new updates from the Test Realm to the live realm. With this update comes new graphics for Wizard City, photomancy, a Magic Mirror, Azteca Fishing, New Monstrology, and other amazing updates You can log into the game tomorrow morning to check out all of the new updates! Spread the word to your friends! I hope to see you there.

Maintenance Timeframe
Tuesday, July 17th

Questing with Suri - The Broken Monolith

Hello Wizards!

I hope you're having a wonderful Monday. Today I decided to try out something new; record questing adventures. These are very popular on YouTube and have been done before, but I've still decided to do a quest guide with my death wizard, Suri Skullshard.

A few months ago, I did a stream where I finished up the last quests of Dragonspyre and started the first few quests here in Celestia. At the time, I didn't think I'd be making too many posts about my death wizard. I've always thought the death school was amazing, but never got through many quests because my main focus was on my fire, ice and life wizards. So, I've recently decided to talk more about my other wizards and where they are in their quests. I know this isn't a start to finish walkthrough, but I'm going to record questing videos and post those videos on my website for memories! 

So now that I've talked about what my plans are. Let's talk a bit about the video below! Today, I started questing in the Districts of the Stars in Celestia. I had to defeat some Piscean Guards to collect pieces of a Broken Monolith so I could learn more about the Celestial Schools of Magic - Sun, Moon, and Star. This is a Part One of the Districts of the Stars questing:

July 13, 2018

My Nephews Play Wizard101 For The First Time (Reaction)

Hi there!

Today, I had my nephews try playing Wizard101. The Test Realm is expected to be released sometime this month, and with this new update comes amazingly new graphics. Today I wanted to show my nephews the new graphics + a few other awesome things that the game has to offer.

I logged into my Wizard101 account and showed them the different schools and trees. Their favorite schools/trees were the fire, death & storm! So I let them run around on my characters to get a feel of how Wizard101 works. We defeated Trolls, Cyclops and Rotting Fodders. They loved the mounts, pets, graphics, and really paid a lot more attention to things that I usually don't pay attention to when I play the game! It was awesome to see their reactions to the game. So what exactly does my 5-year old nephew think about Wizard101? Well. Listen to the 13 second video below.

So, I'd say my nephew gives the game an A+! Although they're still too young to play, I will certainly create them an account in a few years. They always ask me when they can have an account. I may end up creating it earlier than expected. Who knows?! For now, I'll show them how everything works. I have to say that I also give Kingsisle an A+ on an amazing game! Thank you KI for creating such an amazing game that I can share with my nephews and in a few years (or less), I can help them quest. And thank you all for reading. Until next time, I'll see you around the spiral.