April 22, 2020

Wizard101 - Strange Beast Pet Giveaway + Spring 2020 Update

Hello Wizards!

Edward Lifegem here. Welcome to my website! Today, I'm giving away 100 "Strange Beast Pets" to 100 different Wizards all at once in celebration of the new Spring Update - which has now been released to the live realm. Keep in mind that this code will run out quickly, so redeem it as soon as you can. Now.. I need to hush up and give away this code.

 Also, when you have a chance do check out the awesome new updates in Wizard101 - and spread the word to your friends about Wizard101. If it's been a while since you or they've played the game, you really should check out ALL of the updates that have been added over the past few years. You wouldn't believe how much this game has improved. If you would like more information about what has been added in the Spring Update, click on the link below! Thank you all for reading. Be sure to check back on this website for more fun giveaways, in-game events, and of course, random blog posts.

April 20, 2020

Idea: Enhancing Community Events

Hello Wizards!

Did you know that Kingsisle created a new Twitter Page called Wizard101Devs? On this new social media page, various Kingsisle developers ask for our feedback on numerous topics! So, today, I'll be answering one of their questions on this new blog post. Here's what they asked the community earlier today:

As you see above, today's question was about enhancing community gatherings. If you know me, I always have more than one answer to questions like this. That's exactly why I decided to make a new blog post instead of replying to their tweet with many... many.. tweets! So, let's get started.

Party Realms - More Wizards In One Area
If you host an in-game event in Ravenwood, you may notice that there are a limited number of people allowed in one area. If you have a larger event, it's the same for any other location in the game. One thing I've wanted to see for a long time now has been the option to have an event where more people could be allowed in one certain area. A Party Realm would be different than any other realm where in-game events are hosted. It would be awesome to have decorations everywhere to show how different the party realm is to all other the other realms in the game. This would be a great way to let everyone that plays Wizard101 know that in-game events do take place. To make them family-friendly (which in-game events should be, ahem!), Hall Monitors could hang out in the realm(s) to make sure it doesn't get out of hand with trolls that wander in from Cyclops Lane.

More Lively Transformations - May I Have This Dance?
I'd also LOVE to see transformations (that can be bought for crowns or gold in the Crowns Shop) have options to do more things than they currently do. We can join battles and stuff, but why can't we dance? If Kingsisle could add anything, I would love to see them add this in the near future. You can make out tons of activities with transformations, so please, make it happen. I would love to see Paige Moonshade host a Transformation Dance Party during one of these Fansite Festivals! Overall, it would really be awesome to see any improvement in transformations to make them more event-friendly.

Bosses - Event Bosses That Everyone Can Farm
Over at SpiralVision, we've had boss farming activities during our events. While they haven't been major bosses like Malistaire or anything like that, I would love to see more bosses (specifically in free areas) that everyone can have a chance to farm. The best times to have events, currently, are during Halloween or Christmas since both Holidays have special towers/bosses. It would be awesome to see one year-around, maybe in the party realm that I mentioned. I don't think that it should be one boss and that's it. I think it should change depending on the time of year. Maybe these specific bosses could drop cute community event-themed pets, gear, etc. This would be yet another major thing that could enhance in-game events.

Overall, I'm one of many that love hosting in-game events. I'm sure any change that Kingsisle considers will help everyone out a lot. I'm looking forward to seeing what they will do to improve not only in-game events, but also the contests surrounding events that are hosted by the community. Anyway, that's all I have for y'all other than Family-Friendly Content Creators (event hosts, bloggers, YouTubers, streamers, artists) are the BEST in this community, BY FAR. Okay, now I'm done. Thank you all so much for reading this blog post. Until next time, I'll see you around the spiral.

April 17, 2020

Wizard101 Tips - Reduce Game Lag

Hello Wizards!

Over the past several weeks, more and more wizards have been playing the game. More wizards = more game lag. It's never fun dealing with game lag when you want to quest, garden, or even doing something as simple as going fishing. I've decided to make a new blog post with some helpful tips to reduce some of that game lag.

Before I provide these tips, I want all of you to keep in mind that this won't fix your computer. There are many more steps you have to take to speed up your computer. I'll only be talking about things that you can do in-game to reduce lag when you're around a lot of wizards aka in a crowded or full realm. These tips may also help even if you're not in a full or crowded realm. With that, let's get started!

Video Options - Set To The Lowest Possible Options
One way to reduce a lot of lag is to set your graphics to the lowest settings possible. If you're running the game on a slower computer, the highest settings possible will increase your lag & game crashes. This really includes the advanced graphics settings option. The next time you log into the games, remember to set your video settings to the lowest settings. Texture Detail, UI Size, and Particles should all be set to the lowest settings to reduce game lag. Turning on Classic Mode will also help. Press the "ESC" key to access these settings. See the images below for an example of where you can set your settings the next time you play Wizard101.

Gameplay Options - Additional Steps To Reduce Lag
There are additional options that you can take to reduce some game lag. Next to the sound options, you can access the various gameplay options. There are numerous ways to additionally reduce game lag you experience. Two major steps to take is to turn off ALL overhead names and gameplay chat bubbles. Doing these two things (and other additional options which I'll display below) will do wonders for your gameplay. You can also reduce the chat size (just make sure you're able to read the chat - I've set mine to Medium - gameplay options 3. Below, you'll see where I usually set up my gameplay options every time I play Wizard101. 

Realm - Change To A Perfect Realm
Last, but certainly not least, remember to check your realm. If you're in a full realm while questing, it will increase your lag. Be sure to change to a perfect realm right when you log into the game. If you're at an in-game event, remember to follow all of the steps I've provided above so you have a better experience at any event you may attend. Slower computers may make events a little more difficult to attend without game crashes or major lag, but following the steps above might reduce that a bit. 

Taking all of these steps will help improve your experience in Wizard101. You may also close all applications outside of Wizard101 - such as your browser (Chrome, Internet Explorer), music players (Spotify, Pandora, etc.), and any other application that you're not using at the time. I truly hope these tips help a few of you reading this blog post. If you have any tips to share yourself, be sure to comment below. Thank you all for reading and I hope to see you in-game. Until next time, I'll see you around the spiral.