August 8, 2023

Where is Edward Lifegem?

 Hello Wizards!

I hope all of you have been doing well.  I have been rather quiet over the past few months. I'm making a new blog post today to let y'all know what I've been up to and my plans for the rest of the year.

In June, we hosted a Pride Run event. This event was such a blast; hanging out with everyone after so long was such an amazing experience. We had contests - of which I still have the codes and I haven't even judged contest entries or announced winners. I also planned to host a Christmas in July event which didn't take place. I also entered my 30s!

What has kept me so busy though? Well... In the early part of the year, my mom found out she had a mini-stroke and had another more significant one during the Summer. We were worried it was Cancer, but thank God - it wasn't. She may have to have surgery to prevent a major stroke - but this surgery will be rather simple. 

Shortly after our Pride Run event, we found out that my dad has prostate cancer (which is beatable with proper treatment) and would need 2 months of treatment - 5 days a week. With that, I've been watching my nephews for my parents and helping out with gas money since it is quite a drive out of town for them. I got a new job a few months back so that, in combination with family health issues has made this Summer very busy. My parents will get better! 

I also got two illnesses - a bad cold and a virus - last month. With Wizard stuff, I told myself I'll do what I need to do and figure the rest out later. Well, I haven't figured everything out yet but I am in the process of doing so.  While I'm not ready just yet to properly judge the entries to the contests this past June, I will be adding an extra crowns code for each giveaway winner for your patience with me during this time. Now that we've discussed this; what will take place the rest of this year?

Plans for the Remainder of 2023

I am excited to announce that I will be hosting a Halloween Run event this October. In addition, we'll have a Santa Run this December. I am going to put a lot of work into both of these events - and make sure after the events, the codes are sent the very next day. I've already worked a bit on the Halloween Run - made the run guide in early February. I am hoping to work with Kingsisle to figure out what type of giveaways we can host for these events. If you like these events, do share your support for them on social media - so both the rest of the community and Kingsisle know about them. 

Another thing I'm hoping to do is either transfer guides over from my other website or combine both of my websites together. With this, I want to make new blog posts like I did in the old days. I know blogging isn't "popular" but it is something I enjoy. After all, I've made many memories from my old blogging days. I'll continue sharing my thoughts about the game(s) via writing! 

Overall, there is a lot I want to try going into 2024. Around the Spiral and Edward Lifegem isn't going anywhere. There may be breaks here and there - but rest assured, I'll always be back. Around the Spiral is the 3rd oldest still active Wizard101-themed website - coming only behind Wizard101 Central and Friendly Necromancer. I hope to be sharing my thoughts about the game in the 2030s (the far future LOL). 

Anyway, I hope all of you have had a great Summer. As we head into Fall, you'll see me being more active here on my blog and social media. Thank you so much for your support over the past 13 years! Until next time, I'll see you around the spiral.

June 18, 2023

Pride Run Recap

 Hello Wizards!

I hope all of you have had a wonderful weekend. I had a great weekend especially since I was able to host the Pride Run without any technical difficulties - thanks to my new computer. It was amazing to hang out with everyone once again for an event that brought the community together.

Pride Run 2023 Stream Video

This event wasn't about me but about the community in general. This event was one of many examples around the community that shows that in the Wizard101 community - you are loved and supported. I'd like to thank everyone that supported this event whether you were able or unable to attend. Your support for the events this month is a sign for those that may be uncomfortable with their identity/sexuality that they are supported here.

I came out a few years ago to this wonderful community because of the support and love I've received for years - whether it was when my grandfather passed away or when I was going through a severe depression. I'm very thankful to have an online place to call my home away from home. Continuing to show this support, not just one month but year-round, will inspire many to be themselves.

Life can be hectic offline, but we can make our time in this community the best it can be. It can be an additional reminder that life is worth living. I'm very thankful that I can have moments like yesterday that truly renew my faith in humanity. Thank you all again for attending this year's Pride Run and reading this new blog post. Until next time, I'll see you around the spiral.

As a confirmation, we will host another Pride Run in 2024. 💙

May 10, 2023

Happy 13th Birthday, Around The Spiral!

 Hello Wizards!

You've read the title correctly.. Around the Spiral is officially a teenager! Now, don't worry I won't be going through the "teenage years" with a bad attitude. We all know that occurred several years ago! 🤣 Instead, I want to bring Around the Spiral to new heights and reach a wider audience than just here through my blog. Let's talk!

For years, I've made blog posts or created guides (my past project). I became burned out with blogging back in 2020. I took nearly a three year hiatus to focus on my mental health - which became a major problem from 2015 through the early 2020s. I've improved a lot, but still have work to do. One part of improving my mental health is doing things I enjoy - which is playing Wizard101 and Pirate101. 

These are hobbies. I don't look to be paid for it because I already have a career path that I'm enjoying. I'm happy for those that are able to work while playing these games or any games for that matter. That's a pretty cool job. What I'm hoping to do is build up Around the Spiral to get as many people to know that they are loved and respected in this community.

A true judgmental zone and safe space involves not judging people based on their sexuality, their race, their religion, who they vote for, etc. I'm not capable of changing the community on my own - it takes everyone to do that. I do hope this platform can be part of the change that shows everyone that no matter what they believe, they are welcome in this community. There are people that will agree to disagree. I'm not perfect, I've certainly had my moments - in the past. What I've always wanted, even during those imperfect moments was to make new friends that didn't judge me for who I am. I did judge others for judging me which was a major mistake on my end. 

We all know our world is crazy and a whole lot of bad is occurring. We don't have to ignore the bad, but we can share kindness because I'm a firm believer one kind action can go a long way. One thing I'm very excited about is a new program that I (and anyone) was able to join - Wizard101 Extra Credits. This program doesn't restrict us to only praise the game/team. I believe its purpose is to unite us to also share our love for the game. We can still share our thoughts on what we want changed. That's awesome!

In addition to posting about various topics each month for Extra Credits, I am also going to expand Around the Spiral to new platforms. I know about the leadership talks, but... for now, I'm excited to announce that Around the Spiral is officially on TikTok! It took me years to finally decide to start sharing content there. Anywhere from 0 to 1 million people may watch whatever videos I post on there. LOL. I'm acting silly ab out it, but I think it'll be fun to make different types of videos there. I've had many ideas in the past but never got to share them since I didn't have a TikTok. Now that I do, I hope you'll join me on there for a lot of fun stuff. It'll be slow postings at first, but as we progress through Summer - there will be many new uploads. I've embedded my first video at the bottom of this post if you'd like to check it out.

Overall, I want to try my best to make fun videos, posts, events, and more to help guide a focus on more fun stuff. Life is short. We should always make the best of it - which I hope to do during the teenage years of Around the Spiral. We WILL make it to 20. Imagine that... 20 years old... Goodness. 2033 better not rush here too fast. Anyway, I want to thank each and everyone of you from the bottom of my heart for all of the support you've shown me and this website over the past 13 years. I'm so thankful to call each and everyone of you my friends. Thank you for reading and here's to 13 more years of Around the Spiral. 

@aroundthespiral101 My FAVORITE Wizard101 Pet! #Wizard101ExtraCredits #Wizard101 #W101 ♬ original sound - aroundthespiral101