March 1, 2013

March 2013 Pirate101 Newsletter

Ahoy Pirates!

Its a new month, March! I'm surprised, time is going by very fast. Okay lets get started :) This months newsletter has a lot of great things that happened last year such as Fansites accomplishments/ interviews, the updates to the game, and the winner of the recent puppet pirates! Sounds like last month was actually a very busy month. This month they hint at new promotions, surprises, and contests from Official Pirate101 fansites. I don't know anything at the moment but I can't wait to find out! I'll make sure when the contests are announced it will be a very fun contest. Oh I forgot to tell you something else... NEW Rogue Gallery!

Wow, I was wondering when they would do one about him, I'm very glad they did! This makes me wonder if they are planning to do this every month about different main Pirate101 characters. Who knows they might, I think that would be very cool if they did! Make sure to check out the video, great information about him.

Click the link to read more of the March 2013 Pirate101 Newsletter! Make sure to read the April 2013 letter when its released! You will see updates here every month on the Newsletter label. See Ye Around the Spiral!

February 28, 2013

Wizard101 Worlds or Fast101 Worlds?

Hello Wizards,

I have played Wizard101 since August 2009. I heard about Wizard101 on cartoon network and thought (still do ) it was a pretty cool game that I really wanted to play! Currently I was looking for a nice online game and couldn't find one anywhere, its like I was supposed to play the game! I played through Celestia which was very exciting, Zafaria also exciting, I didn't level all the way through because of personal problems in real life though. A few months later, Avalon was released and only a couple wizards could actually make it through, my fire and my storm wizard. I was worried questing through, that I wouldn't have time, but I kept thinking there was no way they would release another world in the same year (2012). I was wrong, they released Azteca, for the very first time not one of my wizards were ready for this world.. Currently I'm leveling my fire wizard, Edward Firegem through Avalon so I can finally make it to Azteca...

Its difficult, but I'm hoping to complete Avalon very soon and make it to Azteca and level through before the next world is released. I have a bad feeling that I won't get to though. Lets go back in time again and think of the time frame between each new world.. Celestia, Zafaria, Avalon and Azteca.. some of the worlds took a matter of a year apart with release such as DS-Celestia and Celestia-Zafaria. Now that some people stay on a lot more than others can (I'm sure most of the people who play Wizard101) they are releasing worlds every few months. This is very confusing and there's no excitement up to the new world(s) release. I love all of the new worlds (characters, spells, design, just about everything), I just don't like that it's being released so fast. I love Wizard101 and Kingsisle, great game and the best game team ever! I just hope they get this message, that they are releasing way too fast. Lets think of the lower levels who are just starting the game. They are level one, and hoping to make it to level 30 to be closer to the 90 mark. When they finally reach level 30, the level cap is raised to 100. They try again and its raised to 110. I think it'll be too fast for them too and probably won't have much motivation to make it to level 90,100,110---. Now if it's a different case where's there's a level 90 for about a year, or at least 8-10 months, they would make it and have lots of motivation! With people asking for worlds after a week, yes a week, after a new world (live realm) it starts to get boring because you think you'll never make it. I'm feeling that right now, but I'm going to keep trying. Please Wizard101/ Kingsisle, stop releasing worlds so fast, I love your game and hope you're reading this so you understand. Thank you for reading, please comment below and tell me what you think about Wizard101 releasing worlds like this.. Here's something to show you how fast they've released worlds since 2010.

Celestia- Zafaria

1 year 


6 months 

Avalon- Azteca

6 months

6 months (a couple months to me) will be through soon, make sure you level through if they plan to release another world.. I'm hoping they aren't though. It would be VERY nice if they waited until the end of 2013. Again, tell me what you think about all of this, I would love to see everyone's opinions, if there's any bullying or bad language I will not publish your comment. Thank you for reading and see you around the Spiral!

February 27, 2013

Edward Cringle VS. Troggy

Ahoy Pirates!

Yes, I'm back with Edward Cringle! I didn't quest much today but I did fight a bunch of troggies! I didn't have a chance to finish, so I'm guessing Friday's post will be just like this with me fighting troggies lol. I'm very excited though, I didn't die once! No this isn't me being a hero, even though I did save a monkey from a roast... anyways... I couldn't believe this because on my Witchdoctor (and Buccaneer from Beta) died from them quite a few times. This must mean swashbuckler is just as great :) Here's pictures of my questing!

Getting ready to fight. Epic right? :{D

Subodai doing his epic hit on OCK!

I love my new weapon, hope to buy a new one at level 20!

After defeating the troggies, I received a quest to defeat a boss. I don't like this boss because he killed me many times, you can see if I survived that down below with more pictures :D You should know who won.

Oh wow! I have to save him right away!
I'm coming! x runs x

x shoots x



Gold Party! (No not baby- Kuzco) Lol!

No more troggy quests??

Well okay... I guess LOL

Okay. Looks like I have to prepare for battle, so you'll have to wait until Friday to see what happens! Wish me luck, I might not need it though since I made it this far. Until then, see ye around the Spiral.