March 2, 2013

Edward Cringle's adventure in the Gold Mine

Ahoy Pirates!

I am making this post earlier than I thought I would because I will actually be busy tonight! I will make a part two post tomorrow :) Right now Edward Cringle is questing through the Gold mine.. I think its a little difficult, I've been through this area at least three times since playing Pirate101 Beta. I'm at the very difficult area. Don't worry though, you know Edward Cringle will make it through because he has saved a bunch of people in the past right? You can see that on my other blog posts with Edward Cringle! So far I believe Edward C. has only died once or twice, I'm doing very good so far! I'm actually surprised because by this region I'm in Edward (my witchdoctor) was defeated about 10 times! Okay... Now time for a lot of pictures, enjoy! :D

Yes the Troggies, had to defeat them again! 

Weird! Electrical Sun/ Moon?? :D

Oh no...

Yes I had to stop here! The game starts to get difficult up to this point so I'll need a lot of time tonight to level through so I can make the post tomorrow. Wish me luck, I'm hoping I don't die, I'll have to blog about it if I do and I know you'll be surprised since I haven't died much.. Okay I'll stop bragging :) See ye tomorrow!

March 1, 2013

Edward Firegem VS. Another Sidequest!

Hello Wizards!

Yes, I'm still side questing, trying to level as much as I can before I gain access to Azteca. I'm a little worried though, I'm hoping that I level through Azteca before the next world is released. I'm sure you read a lot about that on my Wizard101 rant post! I'm not mad about the worlds though, just about how fast they're being released for certain people. Okay, now.. Before I rant again, I'm going to make this post about Firegem! I didn't die, I had to fight a storm boss and he had a storm minion. They were attacking me a lot, its like they wanted me to die! LOL, okay that's the point, but you know.. Why would they want me to die? :D

As soon as I arrived in battle, they started attacking me a lot, here's one example.

Another example, yes Triton, I see they know I've been gone awhile..

Just in case you're wondering who's being rude to me. Yeah I told on you!

Of course I couldn't let them attack me like that though.. I ended up defeating them!

Have you ever had this happen to you.. when you log into the game and ready to attack the boss and have all of your spells together, and when you run into battle they attack you like crazy? Happens to me all of the time, I always end up defeating them though! I can't believe they thought they could defeat me. I'm fire, Fire is one of the strongest schools in the Spiral (not saying storm isn't). I ended up getting 25,000 XP so I'm closer to level 81. I believe my next post will be about making it to 81 so get ready! I'll try to make better posts in the future, I'm sure I'm a noob next to most of ya! Wish me luck in the Spiral everyone :)

March 2013 Pirate101 Newsletter

Ahoy Pirates!

Its a new month, March! I'm surprised, time is going by very fast. Okay lets get started :) This months newsletter has a lot of great things that happened last year such as Fansites accomplishments/ interviews, the updates to the game, and the winner of the recent puppet pirates! Sounds like last month was actually a very busy month. This month they hint at new promotions, surprises, and contests from Official Pirate101 fansites. I don't know anything at the moment but I can't wait to find out! I'll make sure when the contests are announced it will be a very fun contest. Oh I forgot to tell you something else... NEW Rogue Gallery!

Wow, I was wondering when they would do one about him, I'm very glad they did! This makes me wonder if they are planning to do this every month about different main Pirate101 characters. Who knows they might, I think that would be very cool if they did! Make sure to check out the video, great information about him.

Click the link to read more of the March 2013 Pirate101 Newsletter! Make sure to read the April 2013 letter when its released! You will see updates here every month on the Newsletter label. See Ye Around the Spiral!