January 12, 2014

After Avalon Prediction

Lately I've been thinking about the future of Wizard101 mostly because of the recent release of Avalon. Have you thought about the future of Wizard101 and how much will change right after Avalon? I mean... just think... really think about it... keep thinking.... KEEP THINKING! Yeah, there we go! You've thought enough about it. I think the next world's going to be about old dinosaurs and how we have to keep questing ahead to stop Morganthe from destroying the world which she will end up doing. I thought ahead of that too... I think after the world after the world I just mentioned will be about BUGS.. yeah.. bugs.. and this world will be Morganthe's home world.. I think we'll have to try to stop her from rewriting the spiral with an apocalypse song from the world after Avalon... Yeah... that makes sense. Anyways, I think we'll have pretty cool spells and pets after the world that we'll all enjoy. :D Autumn and I will quest through the worlds with my character, Edward Firegem which is level 80 right now. :P Okay, well that was my post for the day.. I'll see you around the Spiral! 2012!!!!! LOL

January 10, 2014

Three Things I Can't Wait To See On Pirate101

Ahoy Pirates!

Today Frogfather ask everyone on the Message Boards what they would like to see/ what we would like to do on Pirate101. I decided that since I can't quest on the game that I'd make a game answering that question in different way. :) There's three things I really can't wait to see on the game and I hope we get to see one of the three things I mention on this post this year!

New Attacks/Critical Attacks

I would LOVE to see Pirates attacking with new attacks this year. I really love the pirate moves and attacks and I'm sure everyone reading knows this since I take a lot of pictures of the attacks. I bet I have over 1,000 pictures already just of pirate attacks. I would also like to see new Pirate Critical attacks, I think the critical attacks for companions are awesome and I would like to see pirates doing a lot more critical attacks than they do now. That's one thing I would like and can't wait to see on Pirate101 this year.

New Companions

I know that Pirate101 will add new companions this year. I just can't wait to see what great ideas they come up with and all of the new companions we get to add to our crew. Who's excited about that?! :D I know I am for sure. Along with companions I can't wait to see what attacks they have. Get ready new laptop.. I know this year I'll take thousands of pictures just companions and attacks. :P 

New Worlds/Skyways

I have that feeling KI is going to surprise us again just like they did last year with Marleybone and Aquila! I also have a feeling a new world will be released soon. I don't know if they're going to make a schedule of world releases or not like they did on Wizard101 for awhile but if they do that's okay.. I just can't wait to explore the new areas and see the new Skyways! I have no doubt in my mind that the next world or worlds will be just as good if not better than Marleybone and Aquila. I can't wait to see what KI has planned for us. :D

January 9, 2014

Computer Problems


I just wanted to make this blog post to keep you updated on why I haven't really made much blog posts in the past few months. I haven't really quest on the game lately because I've had a ton of issues on my laptop and it's been preventing me from leveling on both games. I've had internal errors on Wizard101 and that's kept me from leveling on there on any character in Avalon since October. Recently I've had connection issues that's prevented me from staying on the games long enough and I've had a lot of lag on Pirate101 and Wizard101 and I can't even level. I do have a few posts for Wizard101 that I had when I didn't experience much lag when leveling with Autumn but other than that I don't know what I'm going to do until I get my new laptop. I would like to apologize in advance just in case I don't get to post as much this month as I usually do every month. I promise I will start leveling again and making lots of posts but this is the reason I don't make questing posts and barely have anything fun or entertaining to blog about. I would like to thank you for reading my blog and I promise if there's any contests I will still have them and blog about any news in the Spiral! Thank you again and I'll see you around the Spiral.



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