January 16, 2014

I Can't Wait Until Khrysalis Part 2 Is Released

Hello Wizards!

When I have sick days like today, I always think of the future of Wizard101.. Today I've been thinking about Khrysalis Part 2. It's been the talk of the community lately and I think a lot of wizards, including myself, are ready for the release of it! I should add that I haven't even finished part 1 with Autumn Dreamwalker and I'm already excited for the second part of the world. Why? Well if you want to see why keep reading to see what I can't wait to see in Khrysalis Part 2.

I'm sure you know by now that I take a lot of pictures on the game from my almost 900 posts, I bet I added pictures on 90% of them. I can't wait until the next world so I can take screenshots of the game and attacks when I'm attacking an enemy on the game. I had to add a picture to this post of my fire wizard attacking a centipede while Autumn and I were questing through Khrysalis Part 1. I just love taking pictures of the game and can't wait to take even more once the 2nd part of Khyrsalis is released to the test/live realm.

Another thing I can't wait for is NEW SPELLS. I have a feeling that this second part of Khrysalis will bring wizards new spells. I'm excited to also take screenshots of the spells.. okay maybe I'm obsessed with taking screenshots of the game but who can blame me?! Wizard101 has awesome graphics and its fun to have images of how much the game changes. This makes me wonder what future spells will be like on the game! You think we'll see something different weakness or stun in the future? 

One last thing I'm really looking forward to is defeating Morganthe. If you're a fan of Morganthe's work, well I'll be defeating you too if I do get to defeat Morganthe. :P I really can't wait to defeat her after all of the damage she's caused. I'm starting to think she's caused more damage than Malistaire, and I'm wondering if the next boss after Morganthe will be as evil, if not more. Well I can't predict the future so I guess we'll have to see after we defeat Morganthe. Oh... before I end this post, I'm going to ask Morganthe for her pet spiders because I know Autumn loves them! I'm sure Morganthe won't mind. ;) Haha, Okay I'll see you around the Spiral. Thank you for reading everyone!

January 15, 2014

Will We Receive Another Game Card Pack Soon?

Ahoy Pirates!

I've been hoping for a new Pirate101 hoard pack for awhile and I'm sure most of you are probably hoping the same thing. Lately I've been thinking about Pirate101 and how many hoards we have... one. :P I don't think that's such a bad thing. Why? Well if you look at Wizard101 they have tons and it's hard to choose one pack because there's too many. I'm happy Pirate101 is taking their time to make their hoard packs and hope Wizard101 does the same thing. Don't get me wrong, the packs on Wizard101 are epic! I think Pirate101's Tribal Crew Pack (that was released about a year ago- January 17th, 2013) was pretty cool too. When I log onto the game I always see pirates that have something from the Tribal Crew Pack. I have at least one thing from the tribal crew pack on all of my pirates.

I remember last year purchasing the Tribal Crew Pack the first time, I love the Ankylosaur mounts, especially since I believe they come in yellow, red and green (correct me if I'm wrong), three different colors! Another thing I love is the lions they released in this pack, they also come in different colors/patterns :D. Thank you Kingsisle for a great game card pack last year. I have a feeling we'll get a new game card pack this year and I decided to blog what I hope is in the next game card pack.. No I'm not done blogging yet, get ready for a long blog post :D. Keep on reading if you'd like to see what I'd like to see on a new game card pack if or when Kingsisle releases one.

  • New Pirate Themed Gear: With new game card packs come new gear and I'm hoping we all get new gear with the new pack. I'm really hoping we get a game card pack with new pirate looking gear. I thought of the gear they recently released with the last game update and think gear like that would look awesome. I don't want the gear to look exactly like the gear above, but I would love to see a more pirate theme of gear and of good statistics on the gear.
  • New Mounts: I don't know about mounts since I can't think of one that looks different from Wizard101, but I know Kingsisle has no problem creating new mounts for Pirate101. I love all of the mounts on Pirate101 and can't wait to see what they come up with next. I'm excited and can't wait to see the new game card pack
  • New Companions: We all know that Kingsisle can create awesome companions and this makes me think of the future, not just game card pack companions but all companions. I can't wait to see the companions Kingsisle comes up with with the next game card pack!

That's only a few things I'd love to see and can't wait to see on the next Pirate101 game card pack. I made this blog post today because I have that feeling Kingsisle will soon release a new game card pack but I guess we'll have to wait until they do announce they have a new pack. I was thinking that maybe they are planning on releasing the pack after the new update (the one they have been giving hints and sneak peeks about lately) and then release the new pack on the live realm right after the update is tested on the test realm. I could be wrong but we should know by now Kingsisle usually releases new items right after all of the updates on the test realm is tested and released on the live realm. Like I said above, we'll have to wait and see! Okay, thanks for reading everyone and I'll see you around the Spiral. :)

Some Account Sanctions Reduced + Bad Language & Bullying Rant

Hi there,

Yesterday I made a blog post/rant about the bans on Wizard101 where people were exploiting the game. I know that some of you didn't know about the exploit and I felt bad but I'm happy to say, KI announced on their social media sites that some of the account sanctions have been reviewed and reduced! Thank you KI for doing this but I have something to say to those who have been so rude to KI in the past few days. I had a feeling yesterday they would do something like this but all you needed to do was wait instead of causing the world to end 1 billion years early. I'm actually upset that someone who says they're a fan could turn their backs that easy and basically go crazy. If your account was reviewed and the ban was taken away, PLEASE be thankful! That's all you can do after all of the damage you've caused in the community. I've seen petitions, bad language and even some people were getting mad at me using bad language on my social profiles basically directed towards me because they did something they knew was an exploit. I usually try to make blog posts positives but let me say this, if it was my choice, you'd be banned from all of the bad language and bullying you've done, not from the exploit. A lot of people have commented on my last blog post and it's made me think of all of the bullying and bad language used on the game. These people need to be the people that should be banned. I hope KI does see that, if they keep it up they should be banned not muted. That's only an opinion, just sick of the things I hear on the game that I've been trying to so hard to ignore the past year but it doesn't work. I feel bad for the new wizards, younger wizards, that make it to the game and go through the commons their first time and probably hear those going past the chat still. Open chatters can't even use words anymore because of those who abuse the chat. The chat is something we should enjoy having, not abuse because you're mad or just think it's "cool" to bully someone or use bad language. Let me tell you, it's not cool to do something like that and you must be learning from the wrong person that it is when it's not. I usually don't blog rants on my blog post since I want this blog to be only about Pirate101 and Wizard101 but I want to get the truth out there no matter what. I've blogged about this so many times in the past and think I should again. I apologize to those who don't like rants, but if you don't, you don't have to read them. There's other posts that you can read. :) I'm only going to label this to Rant so you don't have to read this since it's not going to be tagged on the Pirate101 or Wizard101 labels. I've had someone tell me I rant too much, yes I do on my rant posts you read, so if you're reading it's your fault. I have nearly 900 posts and 20 of them are rant posts, you can read the rest of my blog whenever you'd like to.. Lol Okay, getting too far on my rant. Now.. Please keep in mind in the future, if you're mad about something, throwing a temper tantrum won't get you anywhere. Now that my rant's finished, I'm happy most of you are getting your accounts back, everyone who did, not just those who didn't get mad. I just made this post so everyone knows that even though KI did this now, doesn't mean next time you'll be so lucky. Please don't exploit the game so you don't get banned! Good luck everyone.