May 8, 2014

Privateer Update: Edward Donnely

Ahoy Pirates!

It's been awhile since I made a blog post about my privateer and just a normal blog post this week. I apologize for not making any blog posts this week! Last weekend I had a family emergency and I couldn't level or blog at all. Everything is fine now! :) I planned to make a post the beginning of this week about my privateer but I was busy. I think now would be a perfect time to make this post so I don't forget. :D

Lately I've been leveling my privateer through ship sinking quests and dungeons such as the presidio! I soloed that dungeon with my privateer with no problem at all. I think the only bad thing about that dungeon is the first few fights but you can skip them. There are monkeys that are by guard towers in the presidio that you can run pass if you're fast enough. :) I was able to run pass them and I only had to fight five fights instead of eight of them. I have also earned new companions on my privateer. I think I will continue questing my privateer (he's currently level 8) when I have time and blog about him a little bit, just like I did today. :D I would also like to update you all on my swashbuckler, I promise I will start questing him again. I will also blog about the updates from the test realm once they are released to the live realm. :) Thank you all for reading and I missed you! I hope you all are staying safe and not being captured by the Armada! :D

I'm Gardening!

Hello Wizards!

Lately I've been gardening to earn not only gardening experience, but also mega snacks from a few seeds! I've been trying to garden as much as I can lately to get my mega snacks so I can level my pets that I want leveled to help me level to 100 before July 4th. There was a family emergency in my family this last weekend, but everything is fine now and I'm finally back and leveling again.. :)

I have tried gardening in the past and the house that I'm currently gardening in was full of plants! Everywhere! One week I forgot about gardening and all of my plants died because I forgot. I stop gardening for about a year after that. I recently started again so I could level my pets as much as I can while leveling. I usually put a turtle pet I have in shared bank each time I level a character and sometimes it takes forever to get that pet I need because I have different characters on my account that I level. It's actually fun gardening again and so far I'm not having any bad luck. :) Anyways, that's my update for now! I promise I'll more character updates soon. I've leveled a lot since my last post and I can't wait to share where my characters are currently. :) Thanks for reading and I hope I see you around the spiral. :D

May 4, 2014

Pirate101 Party Recap!

Ahoy Pirates,

I am up early this morning and I decided that I will blog about the Pirate101 Fansite Event that Adventures of the Spiral and Art in the Spiral host last night. I thought this event was a lot of fun and I'm happy I could make it to it! This event was a lot of fun because there were contests, friends and pvp. :D I think this party should be an annual thing because of how awesome it was. :D I was shy and didn't talk much but I still had fun. :D I have a lot of pictures from the event that I was taking for this blog post. :)

We all met in Avery's Court before the party!
Watching Pirate PvP! :D
Picture with Ian Sharp aka Ian Stormstaff! :D
Dancing with Blaze Lawson (Blaze Shadowhorn) & Ian Sharp (Bunnylord)
I don't know if I was dancing, clapping or bowing LOL
I can float! Not fly. :P
Last picture of the day.

This was a nice turn out for a first time party like this! I thought this was an awesome party and I wish I could have been there longer and had more pictures with everyone. I'm not going to be sad in this post, but I need you all to know that I might not be here to blog too much this coming week. I know it's my blog's fourth Birthday week so I will try to be here and make a post on that day. The posts this week will be random but I hope you all stick around! I apologize to anyone I worried yesterday. If you know what's happening, he's doing better tonight but they're trying to figure out why he's getting something that he has been having. That's all of the details I'm giving out for now. I want to thank the community so much! You all helped so much. There were so many prayers and I believe they have been answered. Thank you so much! You have no idea how much this means. I believe he'll be okay, but gotta figure out why this has happened. If you don't know what's happening, I'm sorry this last part doesn't make sense! Just know I'll be back. I hope you all have a nice Sunday! Thanks again for reading and if you haven't already, please check out Adventures of the Spiral and Art in the Spiral's websites. These sites are awesome, thank you for all of the hard work you do and for the party last night. Still puts a smile on my face thinking about how fun it was. :) May the 4th be with you!