August 4, 2014

Happy Birthday Tom!

I wanted to make this post to wish you a Happy Birthday. You do so much for the community by helping fansites, typing up newsletters, having events and so much more. I appreciate everything you do and I hope you have an awesome Birthday! :) I don't have a real cake to give you but I have another different Internet Birthday cake to give you. :D Thank you again for everything you do and I hope you enjoy your downloaded Internet Cake! :P If you want to wish him a Happy Birthday, follow and tweet @FriendlyNecro on Twitter.

August 2, 2014

2nd Pirateversary!

Ahoy Pirates!

On August 1st, 2012, I created my first pirate. I know this pirate has since been deleted since that pirate was created on Pirate101's Beta but I consider the first week of August my Pirateversary! It's August 2nd, 2014 and I'm still leveling my pirates and making blog posts about the game I love. I can't believe it's already been two years since I created my first pirate, Edward. I remember the day I created my pirate.. I was going to be busy that day but early in the morning I woke up to an invitation to Beta. Beta officially started on August 3rd but I got my invitation two days early. Once I started the tutorial I knew I'd love this game. I kept hearing people say they didn't like the game after leveling three levels but I knew I'd level more to test out everything! After Beta was over I created my 2nd first pirate, my witchdoctor, Edward. :P I leveled him through Mooshu and then through Marleybone and Aquila and made it to level cap. I think leveling to the highest current level in a game is an easy way to figure out if you like a game or not. If you haven't leveled on Pirate101, you should! I'm glad there's so many talented people at Kingsisle because they created not only one, but two of the games I love. Thank you Kingsisle for everything you do and thank you all for reading my blog posts about the game.. :D If you haven't played Pirate101, you should click the image attached to this post to test it out! Level to level cap, I'm sure you will love the game as much as I do. :)

Arrrgustt 2014 Pirate101 Newsletter

Ahoy Pirates!

I hope you're having a great weekend so far! I know I am. Well... I'm a little sick, but I am feeling great at the same time because yesterday the Pirate101 Newsletter was released with a lot of awesome news. I'm sure you all know about the new Rogue's Gallery featuring Fin Dorsal (you can view that video below). One- Eyed Jack and Bonnie also released news about Arrrgust!

Wait a minute... Arrrgust or Bonnie? Why was Bonnie mentioned on this newsletter?? Bonnie is actually our new associate community manager! Bonnie (Leala) is a new community manager for not only Pirate101 but also Wizard101 ( the same with One-Eyed Jack). I know Leala from the Wizard101 community when she was a host on Ravenwood Radio with Stephen Spiritcaller from Spiral Radio. I'm glad she's back in the community and I know she'll do a great job! Congratulations Tom and Leala! :D Now... Lets talk about Arrrgust! Last year Pirate101 celebrated Arrrgust with contests, giveaways and new items! I think this year will be even better than last year even though last year was awesome. Keep an eye out because you never know what fansites will be having contests for the Arrrgust celebration. ;) If you would like to read this month's Pirate101 newsletter, click HERE.