December 24, 2014

Nativity Of Jesus (Christmas Songs)

Hi there,

It looks like I didn't get to post as many Christmas songs as I wanted to this year. I decided to make one last post (other than tomorrow) of a few of my favorite Christmas songs. :D I am sad I couldn't post 25 days of Christmas songs this year, but that doesn't mean in the future I'll post it again. I think I need a fresh start and I will get that after my break starting in the year 2015 *tries to make that sound futuristic*. :P Anyways... CHRISTMAS! I can't believe it's already Christmas Eve. I mean... I remember talking about Christmas being so far away in July and it's already December 24th, 2014! AH! I'm so excited for Christmas this year and I am thankful for many things. :) *** Warning, if you don't believe in the Birth of Jesus, please stop reading. If you want to read, please do and I hope you have a great day and/or Christmas tomorrow! :) *** I never forget the true meaning of Christmas which is Jesus being born on Christmas (or whenever he was born) but a lot of people celebrate His Birth on the 25th of December. I know there are some who don't believe in this story but I do, and I feel like celebrating by posting a few songs that show parts of the story about his Birth. :D


Thank you for listening to the songs today. I really enjoy the first video I posted on this blog because it shows how many people can come together just for Jesus. :) Thank you for listening. I'll have a post tomorrow with more of my favorite Christmas songs. I hope you all have a great Christmas Eve and please don't eat too many cookies like I am tonight. :D Merry Christmas!!!! :D

December 22, 2014

Play2Crush Beta Signup!

Hi there,

I have a different kind of post for you all today! Todd Coleman (creator of Wizard101 & Pirate101) created a new game! There's a countdown on the Play2Crush site and I'm guessing it's a countdown for the release of the game to the public or Beta. You can sign up for his game by clicking on the image below! :D I can't wait to see what Todd & Gordon Walton (Executive Producer) have planned for us. :D Okay.. GO SIGN UP! :D

December 19, 2014

Design A Pirate101 Christmas Ship Winners!

Ahoy Pirates!

I can't believe how many wonderful entries I've had for this contest! This contest might have been my favorite contest I've had and I'm glad it could be my last one until I have another in the future when I'm back and blogging again. All of you are so talented and I wish I could give everyone a prize, but I only have a few codes to giveaway! Here are the winners for my Pirate101 Design a Christmas Ship contest:

1st Prize Winner: Virtuous Anne Radcliffe
Hoodoo Bundle + 5,000 Crowns!

2nd Prize Winner: Clumsy Calamity
Empire Bundle + 2,500 Crowns!

3rd Prize Winner: Bad Terri Jones
Beastmaster Companion (Yohr)

4th Prize Winner: Crazy Ryan Upham
Prince Yulefest Companion

5th Prize Winner: Brave Andrew Evans
Prince Yulefest Companion

Thank you all for your wonderful entries! This contest shows what reminds everyone of Christmas and/or what they thought a Christmas ship would look like. I think this was an amazing contest to have. :D I am happy I could have an amazing contest like this one last time, I can't wait to have more contests like this in the future (when I'm back). I hope you all enjoy your Christmas/ Holiday! :D I wish all of you could have won this contest. Thank you so much for entering. If you didn't win, upload your picture on my official Around the Spiral Facebook or Twitter and tag me and I'll share it. :) Thank you for all of your time on your art, even if you didn't win this round. I really wish I had more prizes to giveaway, I'd give you all a prize. :) Well... I guess that's it for my last Pirate101 Contest from Kingsisle. Thank you KI for all of your support and for you for entering my contests (crazy or amazing). :D