July 2, 2015

The Bandit Tower!

Ahoy Pirates!

I hope you had a great Thursday! I can't believe tomorrow is already Friday, I think time is flying by for me because I'm ready for the 4th of July. :D I've been leveling my pirate a lot more this week and have been wanting to make many posts for you since last month was a little slow. Today, I have a swashbuckler post for you!

On my last blog post, Inoshishi Bandits, I found out that the true leader of the Yakooza was Egg Foo Yung. Egg wanted me to expose General Tso and his wrong ways (supporting Inoshishi Bandits terrorizing villagers in Sujimara Village) to everyone.. I had to sail to Sujimura Village and help fight off Inoshishi Bandits and collect a key to Bandit Tower to fight off the Bandit Chief. The fight to collect the key wasn't easy to collect since I had to fight many rounds to collect, but knew this tower would be a lot easier than what I went through before... Or was I wrong?!

There were three floors to this dungeon. I think I was prepared for the Bandit Tower, but had a little of trouble with a few of my companions. The first level was pretty easy since I was used to fighting the Bandits. The second floor had tougher enemies which defeated Bonnie Anne, my favorite companion. I was worried about the third floor since the Bandit Chief was at that floor and I still had to defeat him. I had doubloons to help my pirate and companions all the through the tower. I didn't have as much trouble as I thought I would! The fight with the Bandit Fight was a lot easier! There were two Bandits stuck behind barrels which you could shoot or use a long range attack and it would hurt the enemies in between there. I started by getting the Chief and another enemy on the outside closer to the explosive barrels and then hit the barrels so it would do damage on all three. There four enemies on each floor (if you're soloing). I had to stop for the day since Bonnie was defeated and I have to do a promotion for El Toro. My next quest is a difficult one, and I need to prepare for that one! I'm sure many of you remember the Bandit Cave, right? :D Well, I'll have more about that quest on my next blog post. Until then, I'll see you around the skyways! Oh and before I forget, don't forget to look for a new Pirate101 Contest announcement tomorrow!!


Shark Week Contest (Wizard101-Closed)

Hello Wizards!

Shark Week is happening earlier this year and will last an entire week from July 5th to July 12th! :D Sharks are pretty amazing and I'm sure you've noticed I mentioned this in previous years that Finding Nemo's Bruce is my favorite Shark! I always love having contests for Wizards, and thanks to KI's community managers, Leala and Tom, I can! :D

Create A Shark Contest!
  • Draw or Create A Shark: I would like you to draw or graphically design a shark and make sure you show it's face. Please make sure this shark doesn't look evil (PG). This shark should have color to it. The winners will have their sharks published on a new blog post after Shark Week ends! Please make sure I can see the Shark's Face (similiar to what you see in the profile picture above or even the picture below). This shark does not have to look realistic, it can look like a shark on W101 or P101. You can draw or graphically create Bruce if you would like to! Make sure you have your wizard's name signed onto your art so I know it's your artwork.
  • Submit Your Shark: You can submit your shark by emailing me at edwardfrostgem@gmail.com . All winners will be announced on July 13th on a new blog post. Winners will also recieve a reply to the email they submitted their shark with with their code(s)! :D

Prizes You Could Win:

Grand Prize- Drawing
5,000 Crowns +  Swift Shark Mount

Grand Prize- Graphic
5,000 Crowns + Swift Shark Mount

Drawing Prize
Swift Shark Mount

Graphic Prize
 Swift Shark Mount

There will be four different winners; two winners for Graphic entries and two winners for Drawing entries. If you have any questions, just leave a comment on this blog post! Good luck to all of you and make sure to enjoy Shark Week. :D I think this will be a lot of fun, and it's nice to have a Wizard contest. :D I hope I have more for you in the future! 

July 1, 2015

Inoshishi Bandits!

Ahoy Pirates!

I hope you're having a great week so far! I can't believe it's already July. :D July is usually fun month for this blog which means I'll make more blog posts, have an event or two, and hopefully a contest! I'm going to start by making more blog posts.. Today I have a nice blog post about one of my swashbuckler's quests (with a few amazing screenshots).

I'm going to talk about a little bit of what I did on my last blog post, The Wedding, before I tell you what I did today. On my last blog post I had to help the Yakooza by ruining a wedding of one of General Tso's henchmen. The dungeon was not easy dungeon to solo, but I made it through with help from minions in the Pirate101 Crowns Shop! After I finished ruining the wedding, I sailed back to the Yakooza Lair, and found out that the Yakooza leader was actually Egg Foo Yung! He told me he needed my trust before he could reveal his true identity. Egg also said he couldn't give me the piece of the map unless I make sure General Tso is no longer in power since he makes many of the people in Mooshu suffer. Egg told me I needed to sail to Sujimara Village to find proof that General Tso is using his power in the wrong way by supporting Bandits that were making villagers suffer. I had to talk to Constable Tatami and he told me that needed help defeating Inoshishi Bandits and take a key and defeat their leader. 

The Inoshishi Bandits were not too difficult to defeat since I leveled my companions close to my level. I don't think this fight was as difficult but then the second, third, fourth, and so on fights were getting a little boring. I love Pirate101 but I think this might have been one of the collect quests that take longer than most collect quests do. I had to fight and defeat 32 Inoshishi Bandits ( there were 8 different fights) in order to collect the key to the Bandit Chief. I'm just glad they were easy to defeat or it would have been longer for this post to be made for you all. :) I think my healing doubloons from farming Friar helped me with each and every fight. I don't really have as many fights for this blog post, but I do have another continued blog post I plan on making tomorrow or possibly Friday. :) I'm sure you already know what the next quest is since I mentioned it.. but if you don't, there's a picture attached below. :) Thank you all for reading and until next time.. I'll see you around the skyways!

Where does this sigil lead to? Make sure to check back next time to see!