January 4, 2016

Online Safety Post: 2016

Hi there,

I haven't made an Online Safety post in a long time. I feel like the times are changing and it's time to create another post like this. I believe it's always important to follow the Online Safety tips listed below. I believe they'll guide you to the right path to stay safe online. If you know somebody that doesn't follow the rules below, please send them to this blog post! It's important that EVERYONE is safe online no matter how old they are.

  1. NEVER Give Away Personal Information: Personal information can range from anything that you would consider personal: age, where you live, your phone number, credit card information, Wizard101 or Pirate101 account information. If a website asks for any personal information - don't give them information unless they're a trusted website. This does not mean you can give your user and password of Wizard101 and Pirate101 to everyone. Eventually someone will steal it no matter what they offer you. I think the main thing that has changed since I last took a post was the amount of pictures being shared with everyone. You should always remember that once you put something on the internet, it'll be there forever. Taking pictures of yourself and posting them online could also be dangerous. 
  2. ASK Your Parents For Permission: Please keep that in mind before you post it on Facebook, Twitter or any other social media website. If you're under the age of 13, you should ask you parents for permission if you're about to create a social media account. It's probably unbelievable to younger wizards/pirates reading this post, but your parents do know best. IF they say no, you should listen to them and don't go behind their back and create an account anyway. They're only trying to protect you! 
  3. REPORT if you're being bullied/threatened: There have been many issues around the community involving bullying. If you're being bullied on social media you can report that account to Facebook, Twitter or whatever social media website that you're on. This is very helpful. If it gets so bad that you fear your life is at stake, you should tell your parents or report it to the police. Cyber Bullying is not funny and bringing down a person below you because you feel bad about yourself is not a good thing. If you're sad, you can always talk to someone. It's not bad to talk to someone if you're sad or upset about something - please remember that.
  4. REMEMBER The Online Safety Tips: I'm sure you have heard many other online safety tips while on the internet. You should follow them. If somebody tells you that everything will be okay and you shouldn't follow them.. well keep in mind that I've been on the internet since I was younger and I'm now an adult and I have been safe! Please remember to stay safe online! We always have to remember and keep our stay on the internet, safe at all times.
I actually have an online safety page on my website. Many other websites around the community also have online safety tips relating to Kingsisle and just general ways to stay safe online. You can find that page with all of the links below by clicking HERE. Please stay safe online and remember everything that I said on this post and my Online Safety page. I hope this helps somebody. If you know a friend that doesn't follow any of the online safety rules, you can send them to this blog post or any other post made by all of the other great people in the community. Do you have any online safety tips? Comment below and let everyone know the best way that you stay safe online! Thank you all for reading. Until next time, I'll see you around the spiral.

January 3, 2016

Wizard101: Winter Party!

Hello Wizards!

I hope you're having a great day! I know I am because this is an announcement of another Wizard101 Event! The Santa Run #3 event was a great turnout and it really means a lot to me that so many of you took time out of your day to attend my event. :D I told you a few days ago on my Wizard101 Goals post that I wanted to bring the community back together, and I will make sure that happens this year. This is going to be another contest free event because many of the events in the past didn't have contests. I want everyone to have fun, so invite all of your friends and somebody that might be new to the Wizard101 community! We can welcome them to the community by attending this Winter Party (I couldn't think of a fancy name). More information below!!

Saturday, January 23rd, 2016

What Time?
1:00 P.M. PST
3:00 P.M. CST
 4:00 P.M. EST

We'll meet in the Ice Tower - Vampire Realm, Area One!

When Everyone Is Ready: We'll then teleport to my life wizard's Winter Wind Tower house where we can PvP, play tag and just hangout. :D I'll use my death wizard, Edward, to teleport anybody that might not have a way to get there. 

I want to get the community together again, without contests. I think this will be a lot of fun and I hope to see you there. Spread the word! If you attend, try to talk to everyone, make new friends! :D This party can last as long as you want it to. Make sure to show up in the Ice Tower early (before the times listed above)! I hope to see you there!! Lets celebrate how much we love cold temperatures, snow, hot chocolate and the community (first three are strange coming from a life wizard). Follow @AroundTheSpiral on Twitter for any update about this event. Don't forget to mark your calendars!

Edward Cringle is Back!!

Ahoy Pirates!

It's been two months since I last made an Edward Cringle questing post! Wow.. I apologize for not making as many posts the past few months. I'm happy to announce that I'm finally back from my "break"! I'm actually on a true break right now and I'm finally able to level as much as I want. Today I decided to log onto the game and finish up a quest that I've literally been stuck on for two months.. :P

Today I had to sink 10 Amber Hoarde ships in Subata Skyway. I've been stuck on this quest for two months, but today was the day that I decided I had to sink all of the ships. It didn't even take me as long as I thought it would! :D I think most of my doubt was coming from homework assignments that were due during the week so I didn't take as much time to try to complete the quest. Do you ever feel that way sometimes? I know I do! :P I'm just glad I finally made it through the quest after a century. :) I had to fight the enemies aboard the ship a few times, but I was lucky because I hit their ship enough to lower their health. Do you remember me talking a few months ago about that? :D If you hit a pirate ship enough, you could lower the enemies on the ship. It's helpful if you don't want to take too much time fighting them or worry about one of your companions being defeated before you return to your main quest. :)

After I was finished, I returned to Lord Chagatai and told him the good news. He said that I could access Subata Skyway anytime since I helped him sink the Amber Hoarde ships. Lord Chagatai told me that I needed to talk to Librarian Quan-shi in Subata Temple and ask about the Scroll Of Secrets. The Scrolls of Secrest (read my last post) to translate the markings of the Map to El Dorado that I took from General Tso. That's where my post is going to end today since I have to catch up on where exactly I am. I can't believe this is actually the first post I've made in nearly three months! I apologize for the quiet the past few months. I promise I'm still here and I'm ready to make this year a great year! :D This year will not only be posts like these, I will also have plenty of other events, contests and who knows what else this year will bring. I just know it's going to be a great year. :) Thank you all for reading. Until next time, I'll see you around the skyways. :D

Ooh, pretty!