March 7, 2019

Throwback Thursday: Video Guides

Hello Wizards!

I hope you're having a wonderful Thursday! Today I thought I'd make a Throwback Thursday post about our video guides for our events. Many of you already know that when we host events, we ask all of you to watch specific video guides before attending. Did you know that our first official event guide was released nearly a year after our first Run event?

The first video guide ever recorded for one of our events was released on July 6th, 2016. This guide was for our Christmas in July Santa Run! I actually had to record most of our first video guides two or three different times due to the recording stopping at random times. During this time, we also didn't stream so during an event we had to run through each different area and remind everyone to watch the video guides! Ah! That was such a hassle. But in the end, I was happy because everyone knew where to run after watching the guide.

On top of having a Throwback Thursday type of post. I thought I'd talk a little bit about an event that will take place this Summer... The Holiday Mashup! I've already been planning for this event well in advance. One reason I wanted to plan for it is that I want to make this year's Holiday Mashup the longest path we've ever taken for a Run Event. It's seriously going to be an amazing event. I can't wait to share more with y'all as we approach the event. Keep an eye out the next few months for more information about our events including the Bunny Run (April 2019) and Holiday Mashup (July 2019). Spread the word because these will be events you will not want to miss. Thank you so much for your support, everyone! Now... I should start working on video guides for our upcoming events. Until next time, I'll see you around the spiral.

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March 6, 2019

Breaking: New Kingsisle Teasers

Hello Wizards!

I'm making a quick blog post to let all of you know that Kingsisle has recently teased new graphic update content. If you click on the photos below, you'll be able to see what seems to be updated graphics in Triton Avenue (1st picture) & Cyclops Lane (second picture). Enjoy!

It's March - A New Beginning

Hi there!

I hope you're having a wonderful beginning of March. I can't believe we're already in the third month of 2019. This year is already flying by! We have so much to look forward to this year. With time quickly passing, I've been trying to improve the quality of our streams - including events - on SpiralVision.

Fixing the stream quality has become a very important job on my end so we're prepared for our upcoming events. I was unable to fix the quality last year since I was busy with Holiday season festivities both in real life and here in the community. The quiet time (January-March) actually gives me time to fix any issues we had last year. Two major issues that we had last year was Lag & Mic issues. I am proud to announce that I believe both are fixed. I fixed the Lag issue with research. I also bought a new mic (blue yet) for our streams. I believe they'll be amazing! Feel free to watch the video below for a preview of the new mic sound.

Changing these two things has released a great amount of stress mostly because I always worried about how the mic sounded & whether or not there would be lag. Most computers should be able to handle the lag & you should definitely be able to hear Autumn & I clearly on the streams here on out. One other thing I've been working on is new activities for the events. I've already thought up a new fun activity that I am thinking we'll try out for this year's Bunny Run (keep an eye out for more information about that). The events this year are going to be epic events! I can't wait to hang out with all of you again. It's been far too long of a wait already!

I believe this year will be one of our best years for the events. I will say that we're never done improving the quality of these events. Each one of these events is not possible without all of you. I thank all of you for supporting these events through thick and thin. We'll always try our best to make these events both as fun as they can be and a positive thing in the community. Thank you all again for your support. Let's work together to make the community the best place it can be for everyone! Thank you all for reading this post. Until next time, I'll see you around the Spiral.

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