August 31, 2016

A Note About Contests: Pygmy Whale Contest Postponed

Ahoy Pirates,

I want to thank all of you who followed rules when entering my Arrrgust Contests. I usually don't make posts regarding contests unless they're posts announcing the winners of a certain contest. I've decided to postpone my first Pirate101 Contest "Different Types Of Whales" because I have many entries and I want to make sure everyone followed rules and there are no repeaters.

Follow The Rules!

You need to follow the rules of any contest that you enter. Not all of us will allow you to win if you enter and you know you're not going to follow the rules of a certain contest. I'm not going to mention names but I had somebody enter my Raffle with 5 different names. That's not only cheating, but it's also not fair to other people who have entered the contests.

Remember to follow the rules and not enter many names so you can win a code. I know when you do that and you will only be disqualified if you do so. I always give everyone a fair chance to win my contests and postponing this contest until this weekend will help with that.  I'll announce the winners of this contest this weekend so everyone has a fair chance and it gives me time to make sure everyone followed rules and didn't use multiple names/accounts.

It really is upsetting when this happens since I'm busy with school, but I do care about the community. Postponing will help me figure everything out for everyone. I want to thank everyone who actually followed rules! If you haven't entered yet, you can still enter - As long as you follow the rules!! Click anywhere on the image below for more information.

August 26, 2016

Pirate101: Bundle-A-Palooza!

Ahoy Pirates!

Today Kingsisle announced that they're having a special sale for Online Pirate101 Bundles. These Online Bundles can be bought through September 7th, at 11:59 p.m. CST for 25% to 50% off! If you would like to access the Online Bundle Pirate101 store, click - HERE - or keep scrolling through this post for more information. :D

50% Off Bundles

Was $39 -- Cutthroat -- Now $19.50

Was $29 -- Admiral -- Now $14.50

25% Off Bundles

Was $39 -- Empire -- Now $29.25

Was $29 -- Hoodoo -- Now $21.75

Wizard101: Bundle-A-Palooza!

Hello Wizards!

I hope you're having a wonderful week. Today I found out that Kingsisle is having a Bundle-a-Palooza event! This event offers our favorite Wizard101 bundles for 25% to 50% off ONLINE through September 7th, 2016 at 11:59 p.m. CST! If you would like more information, click - HERE - or scroll below. I've included links to each bundle so you can scroll through to decide which one you would like to buy. Remember they're online, so make sure to click on the hyperlink above to access that store.

50% Off Bundles

Was $39 -- Mega -- Now $19.50

Was $39 -- Super --  Now $19.50

Was $39 -- Olympian --  Now $19.50

Was $39 -- Hive -- Now $19.50

Was $29 -- Hawkrider --  Now $14.50

Was $29 -- Atlantean --  Now $14.50

Was $39 -- Arcane Builder's  -- Now $19.50

Was $39 -- Aztecan Builder's  --  Now $19.50

Was $39 -- Pagoda Gauntlet --  Now $19.50

25% Off Bundles

Was $39 -- Epic -- Now $29.25

Was $39 -- Majestic --  Now $29.25

Was $39 -- Evergreen -- Now $29.25

Was $39 -- Polarian -- Now $29.25

Was $39 -- Dino -- Now $29.25

Was $29 -- Prehistoric -- Now $21.75

Was $29 -- Mystic -- Now $21.75

Was $39 -- Winterbane -- Now $29.25

Was $39 -- Spiral Cup -- Now $29.25

August 23, 2016

Everyone Deserves A Break

Hi there.

I can't believe I'm able to make a post two days in a row on my first week of classes.. I thought I'd update you on what has happened in the past 24 hours. I've been given A LOT of homework to complete this week. I think it might be the most I've ever had during the first week of classes.


The homework has led to a lot of studying so I'm able to complete everything on time. I studied so much that I've received A's on all of my assignments that I've turned in so far. If you compare that with last semester, that's like winning 100,000 crowns - you know I had to include something Kingsisle related in this post. ;)

I also had my first Object Oriented Programming class today. I think I was lucky today because I found out that he's not going to give as much homework for this class as my programming courses in the past. That'll give me time to complete all of my homework in other classes - which is awesome.

I decided to take a break for the night since I turned in all of my homework that's due tonight. I knew it was time for a break because I've been studying for three days in a row. I want to start off tomorrow stress-free and be able to complete more homework tomorrow. If I do this, I'll have more time to do what I want to do. I'm able to make this post, so that's great!

These posts are a great way to type out my feelings about my college experience. Not all of them will be positive like this one - but in the future, you'll see that everything turned out the way it should. That's my goal for these posts to remind you and myself that no matter what happens, everything will work out as long as you never give up. I hope you enjoy my posts over the next who knows how long. I know I'll stop during Christmas Break. By the way, it's almost four months until Christmas Eve.. Did you know Kingsisle announced Pirate101's Valencia four months ago?? We're not far from my favorite time of year... Wait, I need to stop talking about Christmas because the song I'm planning on embedding here today is not about Christmas at all. :P  Well.. I should end this post for now because I'm going to relax and watch a movie or something. Maybe YouTube... Hmm, I really don't know at the moment, but I'm sure I'll figure something out. I can't wait to relax my brain because I've literally been overthinking the past few days. Thank you all for reading. Until next time, I'll see you around this amazing Galaxy that we call the Milky Way. Yeah... Bye!

August 22, 2016

First Day Of Class


I've been so busy today working homework. You wouldn't believe how much homework my teachers gave me - a few teachers gave me homework and I didn't even attend my first day of that class yet. That's college life!

Homework Schedule

I decided to make a sort of homework schedule for myself this week so I don't get behind on any of my assignments. I actually have Sticky Notes open on my desktop with a list of all of my classes and due dates for certain assignments. I don't know how long I'll be able to keep that up since I've been working on homework all day and still have a lot of work to turn in.

Every start of the semester makes me worry I won't be able to complete homework, but I'm sure after last semester, I can make it through this one. I hope I'm able to turn in all of my assignments for all of my classes this semester on time. Sometimes I miss a few and that lowers my grade a little bit. I'm focusing on getting good grades, but most of all trying my very best.

Starting Web Design 2

Web Design 2 is going to be a class that I'll have to pay a lot of attention to. My last web design class looked a lot simpler than this advanced class. I guess that's why you call it an advancement? :P I'm looking forward to the challenge, but I hope it's not too challenging. This was my first class for the day.. Tomorrow I have Object Oriented Programming - which I'm also looking forward to!

I guess I should end this post for now because I have to start on my Introduction to Scripture homework. Yes, it requires reading a bible. I know my Bible, so the reading for this class is mostly review for me. It's nice that my college offers classes like this! I'll let you know how that class is in a week or so - or whenever I'm able to make another short blog post... Now... I'm going to end this post. Here's a nice song I've had in my head all day! It's not a 1990s or 2000s song, but worthy enough to be one since it's an amazing song. Enjoy.

Pirate101: #Arrrgust Contests (Closed)

Ahoy Pirates!

It's week four of Arrrgust! And thanks to our awesome community manager, I've been given codes to giveaway to you, the community, once again. :D I decided to have a few different contests this Arrrgust - you can scroll down for more information. Make sure to enter the contests below before August 31st - that's when both of these contests will end.

Contest #1
(Different Types of Whales)
  • Answer The Questions Below: You can answer the questions below by clicking on this link - -. Answer all three of the questions below with the name of whale AND a link from this same website to where you found your answer. 
  • Send Your Answers: You can send your answers to my email
  • Random.Org: If you answer correctly, you will be entered into a Random.Org drawing to win one of the prizes below.

1st Prize
Permanent Pygmy Whale Mount + 10,000 Crowns

2nd Prize
Permanent Pygmy Whale Mount + 10,000 Crowns

3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th Prizes
7-Day Pygmy Whale Mount + 2,500 Crowns

Question #1: 
These whales are usually black or dark brown with streaks of paler color on their lateral sides, and a distinctly paler belly. It has a notably pointed rostrum and a single ridge on its head. What type of whale is this? 

Question #2:
This whale is one of the largest animals to have ever existed on Earth. This whale usually feeds on the smallest Animal. What type of whale is this?

Question #3:
These whales are found in tropical and subtropical waters in all of the world's oceans. They are rarely found near the coast except in areas where deep waters come close to the shore, for example, oceanic islands like Hawaii. What type of whale is this?

Contest #2

August 19, 2016

Goodbye Summer Vacation!


I promise I'm not excited about my Summer Vacation (90 days) is ending. However, I am excited to continue my education again this Fall. Many of you already know that I'm currently earning my Computer Science degree, if not... I'm earning my Computer Science degree in Programming! :P

Sad But Still Excited

I'm going to miss playing Wizard101 & Pirate101 as much as I did this Summer. I was just thinking today about how much I already miss having my events. I'm going to miss doing that - until the huge event on October 29th. I have attended college since August of 2014. I don't post as much as I used to because of College and just real life in general.

Good Grades are nice to have and so far I have done an amazing job keeping my good grades & GPA where I want it to be. I also want to learn as much as I can while I'm attending so I'm able to have an amazing career in the future. It does take a lot of hard work, but anything is really possible if you keep trying.

I LOVE Computer Science! So far I've had a great time learning as much as I have. Last semester I had a Cyber Security, Programming class (and of course electives). These classes were amazing and I learned a lot from them. This semester I'm going to have another Programming Class - C#, Web Design 2, Relational Databases and a few other classes. I can't wait to get started!

Less Wizard/Pirate Posts - More Life Posts

This was a random post. My main goal for this post was to tell my plans for this Fall. I will not make as many Wizard101 & Pirate101 posts as I usually do during my vacations, but I promise to make them when I can. I plan on making more posts like this to update you on how my life is going. I usually don't make posts like this so everything is kinda jumbled together. :P I promise once I get used to making posts like this, it will be nothing like this post.

I hope you enjoyed my lovely random college, end of summer vacation, related post! It'll be fun making posts like this. I should include a song at the end of my real life posts. I'm going 90s and 00s! Keep in mind that these songs might have bad language in them. I promise I'll keep them as family-friendly as this blog is... Okay, maybe not that family-friendly. I'm only human! Just listen if you're over the age of 13, okay. :) Thanks. Yeah... I'm going to end this post now before you think I'm crazier than I already am... Let's see... a song...... OOOH, here's a nice one for all of you!

August 15, 2016

Wizard101 House-a-Palooza & New Housing Items!

Hello Wizards!

Today, Kingsisle announced this year's House-a-Palooza. Now through August 21st, you can save up to 50% off houses and housing item prices. The thing that everyone is most looking forward to is the new class-themed furniture sets. There is a furniture set for each class that costs 3,955 Crowns or 22,500 gold in the Wizard101 Crowns Shop (originally 4,500). Kingsisle is also giving away a free Emporer's Attic Pack to every wizard that redeems the code "housingpack" before House-a-Palooza ends! Click on Get Free Item image below to redeem your code!

A Free Emporer's Attic Pack

If you would like more information about this awesome event, you can click anywhere on the image below. By the way... The Super Crowns Sale ends tonight (August 15th) at 11:59 p.m. CST. You can earn 50% more crowns! Make sure to take advantage of that deal before it ends. This is a great time to do so.

 If you would like more information about this year's House-a-Palooza, click anywhere on the image below! It looks like many wizards will be decorating today. :D Until next time, I'll see you around the Spiral. Happy Decorating!

August 14, 2016

Wizard101: Back To School Event Recap

Hello Wizards!

Thanks to everyone who spread the word about our Back to School event. I also want to thank everyone who attended this amazing event yesterday. I always say that I love getting the community together like it was back when I joined. It was nice to see a few even say that this event was actually their first community event. :D

I didn't promote this event as much as I wanted to, but I still think it was a great turnout. It was nice seeing everyone again. I am going to miss this for the next month, but at least we'll have a much larger event in October! The main goal of this event was to get everyone together one last time before classes start for everyone. I really want to thank Autumn Dreamwalker for helping cohost and get everyone to the event at my Sultan's Palace. I had musical instruments, PvP, housing games, and gauntlets ready for everyone who arrived. 

A Few Of My Screenshots

A Few Of Your Screenshots

Thanks again for attending this event. I hope to see you at our next Wizard101 event on Saturday, October 29th at 4:30 p.m. CST. Mark your calendars because this will be an event you should try not to miss. I think we'll be able to show Kingsisle that even though many say they don't play, there is still a major part of the community that still does love playing their game. Thank you all for reading. AND, before I end this post. Special Shoutout to James LifeMancer - his blog is pretty awesome. If you love catching up the latest Wizard101 guides & updates, this is the blog to look at. Click the image below if you would like to view his website! Until next time. I'll see you around the Spiral and at the Halloween Run. Spread the word to all of your friends. :D

August 12, 2016

Pirate101: Cotton Candy Adventure #2

Ahoy Pirates!

I hope you're having an awesome Friday! I've been updating my website and questing on both games as much as I wished I could have this Summer. I'm glad I'm doing it now because I have special plans this month and this Fall. My plan is quest more than I did the previous years. I think if I get a headstart on reading and don't procrastinate this year, we'll be great! Anyways.. Pirate101.. Cotton Candy?

Today I decided to start questing my swashbuckler again after a long break. I think the last time I made an Edward Cringle post was the beginning of Summer (if you count the months - that many months from now will be the Holiday season ;D). I'm sorry for such a long break. I really don't think I wanted to quest this pirate as much because I was mostly planning for school long before I should have. The good thing about that break is that I'm ready to make a lot more posts than I have lately. I should really get back to Edward Cringle now! Today I logged into the game to find one of the Turtle Balls. Monkey King had it, but a boss in a Cotton Candy vortex had it. Today we had to fight that certain boss to obtain the Turtle Ball.

Count Brastillo De Brass, a monkey Captain with 2,255 health, was the main boss on this ship. He had a few crew members with health ranging from 1,315 to 1,491 health. I had to defeat all of the enemies on this ship. I think this boss and his crew members might have had too much cotton candy because they were not difficult to defeat all. I only had to bring my original best companions into the battle. :) I defeated him without any issue, so that was pretty amazing. We took the Turtle Ball from him, but I wish we would have taken some cotton candy too. I'm sure Kingsisle had cotton candy on their mind when they made this Vortex. Who doesn't like cotton candy?? After we defeated the boss, we had to sail back to Subata Temple to tell Shunzang the Wise the news. With all good news comes more quests! :P He told us that there were a few four more Turtle Balls that we had to collect in the Temple of the Winds. Our first, next quest will be traveling to the Temple of the North Wind in Ashen Roads. This is where I'll end this post until I'm able to talk about my next quest. Until then, I'll see you around the skyways. :D

Seriously, KI. You owe me some Cotton Candy!

August 11, 2016

Vampire's Final Talent & Crafting Jewels

Hello Wizards!

I decided to take a break from blogging yesterday since I made a blog post every single day for nearly an entire week. I hope you're having a great end of the week. It's Thursday, which means the weekend is not far away (Speaking of the weekend I hope to see you at our little Wizard101 event this Saturday). As many of you know, I've been working hard gathering items and pets for my new death wizard that will soon be created. My new pet has taken the most time so far..

I actually enjoyed leveling my Vampire Pet for my wizard because I had a reason to do so. I was actually expecting a Derby talent at Mega (it's happened to be before which is why I don't really level my pets too much), but this time, I was lucky enough to get the May Cast Tower Shield talent. This talent has actually helped me a lot in the past, so I'm happy about that! I think having spritely on a pet when I went through Celestia was pretty awesome. We weren't as spoiled back when Celestia was first released as we are now. I'm sure I'll have a great time questing through Celestia with this new pet.

After I leveled my pet to Mega and earned that talent. I decided to craft a Death Pet Jewel (Jewel Of Death) which would in return give me a random Pet Onyx. After gathering all of the ingredients, I crafted the pet jewel and transferred it to my shared bank... I logged off and back onto my other wizard that had my death pet and I'm sure you'll know what happened from there...

NEVER affix a jewel to a pet if you're planning on transferring that same pet.

I actually earned a Mega Pet Jewel that gave me 23% Critical Death chance. I'm sure I'll be able to earn another jewel later, but I wanted to share that reminder with everyone. I forgot that you can't transfer jewel affixed items to other wizards. I hope Kingsisle changes that rule one day, I have some items with jewels on other wizards that would be very useful for certain wizards on my account. Well.. That's it for now. That was my day! I hope this post isn't too much of a read. I'll be back again with more future death wizard updates. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you something important! My next death wizard will be named Suri Skullshard according to the poll results. Thank you all for voting! I can't wait to create this new wizard. After I get everything together, I will create this new wizard. :D Until next time, I'll see you around the Spiral.

August 9, 2016

Pirate101: International Cat Day Recap

Ahoy Pirates!

I hope you're having a great week! Yesterday Autumn Walker had a Pirate101 event for International Cat Day (shortly after my Wizard101 Cat Day event). I mean cats are amazing, right? So why not celebrate cats for a day. :D

Yesterday we went to Avery's Court to celebrate cats. We had our Catbeard companions, cat pets, and cat mounts. This was pretty awesome for a last minute Pirate101 event. We still have Pirate101 players playing the game - but this event inspired me to plan one huge Pirate101 event this Fall. I'm sure we'll have other events too, but know that I will be planning for one awesome event. :D We will get a lot of Pirate101 players again once again. I hope we're able to have one of the largest Pirate101 events in years. I'm sure that's not impossible! Enough talk about that for now. I still need to plan for it. Until next time, I'll see you around the skyways. :D

Edward Cringle! He'll return with his questing posts soon. :D

Leveling My Vampire Pet

Hello Wizards.

I've been leveling a death pet on my fire wizard for my new death wizard. We know that death wizard will be a girl and will most likely be named Suri Skullshard! I've been looking forward to creating this wizard for awhile. I think this will be a fun blog project. If you've been a long-time reader, you'll know that all of my wizards are boys named Edward somethingGem. ;P So this will be a fun blog change. :D

Back to my Vampire Pet... I've been playing a lot of Grub Guardian & Pet Games in the Pet Pavilion to level him - with a few mega snacks. I actually leveled him from Ancient to the nearly Mega at this moment. This is the second pet that I will level to Mega. I'm worried the pet will fail and give me a talent that I don't like - but that's okay if it does. I'm proud of my pet's talents that he has at the moment. :D I think I'll be fine. I will update you in a few days of what talent I get at Mega. I'm currently nearly 1,100/2,000 experience from Mega. Wish me luck! By the way, here are the talents my pet has received so far.. 

Better than most of my other pets. :)

August 8, 2016

Cat Run... Recap?!

Hello Wizards!

I hope you're having a wonderful Monday. You wouldn't believe this, but for International Cat Day, I decided to host a random, last minute, event on the game. The turnout was pretty amazing considering I announced this event on Twitter & Facebook about three hours ago. :D

I actually took a few pictures of this event that I wanted to share with you. It was very nice seeing the support of the community once again. It was also nice getting the community together for this fun event. :D I can't wait until the Halloween Run. If we can get this many wizards together in 3 hours, imagine 3 months (of course the Halloween Run will be more eventful - afterparty, giveaways, etc). Anyways, thank you all for attending this random event. Happy International Cat Day! Here are a few screenshots of the event you can view. Until next time, I'll see you around the Spiral. :D

Okay.. I may have lied about ending the post early. I forgot to tell you. We had two areas in the Vampire Realm! That's impressive! It was nice interacting with you and meeting you. I wish I had more friends space on my wizard because I would have added all of you. Thanks again for attending this awesome event. :)

Arrrgust Week Two (2016)

Ahoy Pirates!

I can't believe it's August, or Arrrgust again! I feel like we just celebrated Arrrgust. Looks like time is flying by. Before we know it, it'll be Christmas again.. :D For Week 2 of Arrrgust, Kingsisle is giving away a free Captain's Hook (with a chance of winning Captain Blood's Hook - this weapon is very useful for pirates above level 35). If you would like to redeem this new code, click anywhere on the image below!

August 7, 2016

Poll Results & My Class of Choice!


Yesterday, I asked everyone on Twitter to vote for the gender of my next wizard. Over 200 wizards in the community voted... And the winner of that poll is..... GIRL. That's right. My next wizard will be a girl wizard. That'll be a huge change especially since all of my wizards/pirates on both games are boys and named Edward. I already decided the school, but the name is TBD. I'll update you on that soon. The school that I chose is....


I think it'll be a lot of fun questing a death wizard again.. :D I will start from level 50 from the new elixir that was recently added to the Wizard101 crowns shop. Well, I should be going for now... Check back later for more updates on this new wizard!

August 6, 2016

Choose The Gender Of My Next Wizard!

Hello Wizards,

I've been thinking about having a new blog project for Wizard101. Today, I decided to ask my Twitter friends to pick the gender of my next wizard in a new Poll. A little bit of a background: So far I have about 15 wizards and pirates - all of them are boys. I didn't want to create a new wizard without asking the community what gender my next wizard should be. This will be a fun blogging project! If you would like to vote, you can click anywhere on the image below. Boy or Girl? You have until tomorrow, 4:00 P.M. CST to vote.

August 5, 2016

Pirate101 NXP Recap (August 2016)

Ahoy Pirates!

I know, I know, I need to make blog posts that have nothing to do with events again. Thank you all for attending Autumn Walker's NXP Event today. It was a lot of fun and I'm glad we could bring the Pirate101 community together again. :) Well I don't think it was too much fun for Martin Chambers....

All of us made a great team! I actually nautical leveled from 64 to 69 today! I hope all of you had as much fun as I did defeat Martin in Valencia Part 2. I don't think he likes us much. I think Taco might have warned him, but that warning wasn't enough. We pirates are TOUGH. :D Let's prepare for the next Pirate101 event. Until then, I need to start making more Pirate101 posts... Hmmm, I'll have to think about which post to publish first over the weekend. Until next time, I'll see you around the skyways. :D

Fireworks, Krakens, Dryads, etc. I feel bad for Martin... NOT! :P

Wizard101: Halloween Run 2016

Hello Wizards!

I hope all of you are ready for another special community event! As many of you know, I usually host events in the game to bring the community together. This Halloween Run event will also bring the community together. Please read this entire post for more all of the important details about the Run. Afterparty, Contests, and a video guide showing where we'll be running has also been published on this post.

A Haunted House Tour
A Housing Game/PvP/ Visiting House

Port buses will teleport everyone from the Haunted Cave shortly after the Run to the Haunted House, and after the tour, to the second house. We hope to see you there! 

Check out my Blog, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram Contests!
There will also be random gifters at the event.
Please be polite by not begging to be gifted or you won't be gifted at all.

Edward Lifegem

Autumn Dreamwalker

August 4, 2016

Twizards Anti-Bullying Movement on Twitter

Hi there,

I've noticed a huge increase in bullying this year on Twitter. I've been bullied and I've noticed that others have been bullied too. I'm not longer going to sit by and allow this to happen to anyone else. I will not call bullying, drama when everyone knows it's bullying. I've decided to stand up against it by changing both of my Twitter Profile Pictures to an anti-bullying picture. If you're reading this, I urge you to do the same to let everyone know that we're against this bullying that has occurred in the community lately. We can also let those who are being cyberbullied or bullied in real life that we're with them. You can change your profile picture for a day, or however long you would like.

To Download an Anti-Bullying Picture, Click on the link Below: