Hi there!
Welcome to the future. It's 2019 and in these current times we can fly & communicate by singing. Yeah, I needed to start this post with something that I can look back on in the future & laugh at. Anyway! It is the first day of 2019. Last year was a fun year, but I'm going to make this year an amazing year. So let's talk about some New Years Resolutions that I have for this website, the events, streams, and more.

I made a 2018 Recap Post yesterday (last year - hehe) stating all of the fun stuff that took place including all of the Holiday Events & Twitch Streams that we started doing in September of last year. I stated yesterday that 2018 was full of adventures and learning experiences. From these, we've decided to change a few things this year - mostly how the events will run. While we plan on changing the outline of the events, they will still be a lot of fun with our main goal still being to bring the community together. We're in no way planning on stopping these events anytime soon. Your support means the world to us and we'll continue having them. So let's talk about how this year's events will be different from previous years.
A Change In The Events + New Twitch Channel Name
Our plans for this year & the future is to bring back the main purpose of why we started having these events in the first place. While the events last year were still meant to bring the community together, we also tried to improve each event as we went to make them bigger & better than ever. That took a lot more work than anyone could imagine - especially for the Spring & Winter events. We've recently decided to scale back on the Bunny Run, Halloween Run, and Santa Run events to make life a lot easier. While we are planning on scaling back on the events, that doesn't mean they won't be fun. We appreciate all of your support & that's why we will continue having events in the future. While these three events will be scaled back, we are planning on making this year's Holiday Mashup an EPIC event. So I've already typed so much about the event changes... let's recap the changes.
Bunny, Halloween, & Santa Run
Scaled Back + Free To Play Areas
No Mounts or Memberships Required
Holiday Mashup
Improved + Variety Of Worlds/Areas
No Mounts Required
The Holiday Mashup will still be a Run-Type of an Event, but we're going to put a lot of work into this event throughout the year to make it, unlike any event we've ever had. Scaling back on the other events will give us time to make at least one event not a major, but an epic event, unlike any event we've ever had. There is so much we're planning on doing including a new Twitch Name to add to the events. We haven't officially announced our Twitch name to the public, but when we do, we'd love that you share the new name with your friends. We'll officially announce our new Twitch Name on Social Media sometime in the next week! This new Twitch Channel Name will be used for all future events & streams. We'll promote that quite a bit before our next event. Thank you all so much for your support on our events & streams. Let's make this year one of the best for the events! By the way, these event changes will also bring positive changes to this website!
The Future Of This Website
My website has declined on blog posts in recent years. When I first started this website, I would blog about just about everything from news to questing posts to events that I attended throughout the community. In recent years I started posting more about our events & streams. There hasn't been as much as we had before since it took 24-36 hours to prepare for each major event throughout the year. This website turns 9 years old this year. I'd love to show love to it again by making a variety of blog posts for Kingsisle games. On top of that, I'd love to have more contests again on this website. One thing I mentioned in a video that I made yesterday was Holiday-themed contests. I remember having art contests. We're going to bring that back this year! Scaling back on the events will allow me to do so much with this website including a potential redesign! My 9th Blogging Year will be amazing for this website. I already know where I want to take this website & I hope you enjoy this year's blog posts. While I am going to put more of a focus on my website, that doesn't mean I'm going to ignore our Twitch Streams. We will, of course, have plenty of Twitch Streams + we'll be streaming other games in other parts of the Spiral... What a vision we have for the future. ;)

There's no disputing that 2018 was a crazy year. But I'm putting all of the negatives behind me & focusing on positives this year. I have a lot to do, all of which I'm looking forward to sharing with all of you. This year will be an amazing year for the events, this website, and the streams. I hope all of you join me on this wonderful adventure. One thing I hope I can say at the end of the year is that I was able to further help bring this community together. I am so excited to celebrate everything that we have to look forward to this year. The events will be less stressful which means a lot more times to plan things out. I'm already planning on out a contest that I want to have on my website - specifically for Valentine's Day! Keep an eye out next month for more information about that. I think that's all I have for all of you for my 2019 Goals post, other than a major THANK YOU for all of your support. You have no idea how much your support means to me. Thank you for being such great friends. :) Now... let's progress through this year with a positive outlook & attitude on things. Remove that negativity & make this year a great year. Feel free to follow my social media below for updates on everything events, blog, and stream related! Happy 2019, everyone, and thank you for reading this blog post. Until next time, I'll see you around the spiral.
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