June 15, 2011

Red White, and nothing to blog about blue

Hi Wizards,

I hope you like my new background and header to my blog, even though some don't :) Well I do. I just wanted to tell you why I change my background and header all of the time. I do this because I want it not to be boring. When wizard101 has an update its not boring at all, so that is what I am doing, changing my blog around a little :)  If you aren't from America, I am sorry about the Red white and blue colors, Its just where I am from plus its my favorite colors! Another reason I made it red white and blue is because of the Fourth of July which is coming up so I am keeping it like this until July 5th regardless of the voting :) The voting was for my other blog background/header so I will be removing that soon. I hope you enjoy it until then! Oh and I will not be doing a blog post on the Fourth unless its a bunch of firework videos :D

Okay other than the fourth of July, there is now a new pet in the crowns shop! Here is a photo of the pet if you would like to see it!
Having 27 crowns LOL, I don't think I could even buy a minion :) yet alone a new awesome pet! I wish I could get this pet for my balance character. I have to buy a membership though, because my membership will be running out soon and I will certainly not have nothing to blog about :) Lets just say I have most likely the least amount of crowns! Thats awesome right? 

Since I have nothing else to blog about



Okay see you all around the Spiral! Oh and I will try to have more to blog about tomorrow. I have been busy and haven't been on wizard101 much to blog about something :) Seems like every time I am on wizard101 I have a lot to blog about and when I'm not I don't. Sorry guys!

~ Edward Lifegem

June 14, 2011

Lotro- Pet A Palooza ending- Canada W101 Cards- Online Safety

Hi Wizards!

I am going to talk a little bit of lotro. This isn't going to take over the Wizard101 in my blog don't worry :) I have been hearing that a lot of people from wizard101 love lotro. I tried it out yesterday, I made a character named Edward Lifegem. I will not be talking about this everyday because most do come to my blog to read about wizard101 :) I just wanted to show you guys a very cool picture that I probably would never get from wizard101 that I got from Lord of the rings. Here it is:
And one more screen shot below!

Okay that is it for Lord of the rings, Now to get to talk about Wizard101!

First off, today is the last day of the Pet-A-Palooza. You can still get them half price but after today, you won't be able to anymore. If you would like a link to more information about the Pet-A-Palooza click on this link: https://www.wizard101.com/game/promotions/petapalooza

In other news,
The Prepaid game cards will be coming to Canada  in the Fall, I bet a lot of wizards from Canada are excited about this, because the only way they had to pay before was most likely by Credit card, and most wizards don't have the choice to pay by that. I really do like this photo, its from the Wizard101 Website and it has a wizard casting a Canada Flag! :) 

So other than news around the spiral, I would like to talk about Ditto's post. If you haven't seen his post it can be found here- http://dittomonster.com/2011/06/14/play-safe-check-those-links/

I actually found a site that I was talking about in a earlier post that said he would answer questions or give you crowns if you gave him your w101 password and user name. Now if that isn't a way to tell that something isn't right I don't know what is. He actually put this on the main wizard101 Facebook page, I clicked on it to see what it was- At first it looked like a very nice website and then I looked on a contest link page. It said this in order:

Wizard101 User name: Not giving you my User name
Wizard101 Password: I am not giving you my password
Email: I am certainly not giving you my email

A couple of other things along with that. I knew when I looked at the Wizard101 user name and he also said give me it and I will give you crowns or a membership. Now, that is something for not staying safe online and its also something that Kingsisle says- Not to give out your password to anyone on the log in screen. If you see a website like the one I just mentioned send it to a wizard101 email, and tell them about the website. Also, the things I said above, yes all true :) I sent that in and I went on the website the next day and It was gone. Before I didn't know about reporting a website to kingsisle so I guess someone else did, or he found out it was wrong to take things away from other Wizards. Anyways, sorry I have talked about this a while its something that needs to be talked about though because Wizards keep doing it.

Other than the blog post, I hope you enjoyed reading! I will see you all Around the Spiral, and Stay Safe!

~ Edward Lifegem

June 13, 2011

Longer Post than Yesterday?

Hi Wizards!

Wow, I read all of yesterdays post and it was worse than typing it! Way too much to read. Anyways, I am still trying to get 90 followers somehow. Lol just a goal for me right now since I didn't get followers the past couple of days :) I love setting goals as you see now. Talking about goals, I would like to ask what is your goal for wizard101? Mine is getting all of my level 58 pets no matter how long it takes. Which will probably be after Christmas before I do! Not telling a joke on that one, It will probably be a while before I do get all of my level 58 pets because I have some characters that haven't even started Grizzleheim. I have a lot of work to do if I do want to get my new pets. I am just going to look on the bright side and say: I will get the level 58 pets before 10 years. 1 Year! :) +9

Anyways, other than talking about pets, I would like to show you a screenshot I had a couple of days ago but I didn't get to post it in a blog post. Sorry guys I didn't post this until today :)
Talon Thunder Blade, Me, Elijah Lightthief

Another thing I would like to talk about it what is acceptable and isn't on Facebook. I have seen a couple of problems with wizards posting evil questions on Stephen Spirtcallers wall on Facebook. First off, That is not right at all, I feel sorry for other wizards having the same problem with the questions including myself. I see that a lot of wizards on Facebook are obsessed with the questions. If you are one of the people that are posting those type of questions on the walls, please say sorry, because I am sure you guys wouldn't want a bunch of questions for example: Are you a troll?  You wouldn't like that question on your wall would you? So either erase the post, or stop doing the questions, they are very mean, and I know you don't want to act like the trolls in Cyclops Lane do you??  Well lets hope not. Anyways, Thanks for reading this little different post over Facebook. Remember, If you are one of the people who have been doing this please say sorry to the other wizards who have the questions on their wall. 

One more thing, Sorry about another long blog post! I have one more thing to talk about though :) 

Trolls VS. W101

Now, Most of you know the world is made up of these two monsters. I talked about trolls in my post above dealing with Facebook. If you don't want to be a troll please say sorry, The trolls in cyclops lane don't like saying sorry because well they are trolls! I think most do see the trolls messing up wizard101 at times. Also, sorry if I am using this word too much, but its the correct word to use. I have seen there have been a lot who have escaped from Cyclops Lane in order to ruin the commons. Look at the Images below: Also remember, I am not talking about anyone, this is just a little post to show that its wrong to ruin Wizard101 :)
This lumbering troll is casting because he is either mad, or who knows?= Bad Language
Remember, You will get in trouble either by Centaur or...: Muted or Banned for Bad language and all.

Sorry about the trolls vs. w101 post, I just really wanted to show what happens when you ruin the game in either way. I really want everyone to learn what happens. I know you guys sometimes don't do it on purpose maybe because something is going on in real life. Please don't ruin the game though, I understand that the world isn't perfect, but please try to behave :) Thanks! This is all for this post, I hope you enjoyed it! 

~ Edward Lifegem