May 12, 2014

Edward Lifegem Gets His Level 88 Spell!

Hello Wizards!

I can't believe how much I've leveled this week on my life and fire wizards! Today I'm going to talk about my life wizard since he made it to something I've tried to get for a very long time. I've been wanting to get my new level 88 life spell for awhile now and I'm happy to announce that I finally did the other day. I've been trying to level as much as possible because I know July 4th is not long from now and I'll have to change my background just for the 4th of July. :) I think the 4th Of July is the only reason I love Summer... :P

I really can't believe how much I've leveled this week. It might not seem like I'm leveling that fast but I don't have crowns and I certainly don't have two different accounts to level two or three my wizards at one time. I know that I can level my wizards fast because I have in the past. I don't think it'll be too much of challenge mostly because most of my characters are already close to Khrysalis. :) I know my balance and myth might be a little trouble but I have a good feeling I'll be able to level them too.. Oh wait! This post is supposed to be about my life wizard right?? Uh.. yeah.. Lifegem! 

I've been leveling him through Cloudburst Forest, Alto Alto in Azteca and I think he's doing great so far. I've leveled a level each day. He was level 87 a few days ago and I leveled him to level 88 and he was able to get his new level 88 spell that I'm not even going to try to spell on this post. :) He's currently level 88, about a bar or less from leveling to level 89! I don't think I'm doing too bad considering I've been busy this past weekend. I can't wait to level him again. I think I might do another update at level 90 just because that's 10 levels away! My life wizard is only 11 levels and one bar away from level 100. :D Wish me luck! :) Oh.. the boss for my life spell was hard to defeat because he was myth but I made it through thanks to Gnomes. :D Here's a picture of my life wizard casting his level 88 spell on a golem for the first time.. :) Spinysaur?!

Pirate101's Updates Are Now Live!

Ahoy Pirates! Today Kingsisle released the updates for the Pirate101 Spring Update to the live realm! This means that we can see a lot of new features in the game such as new advanced pets, advanced companions, mark and recall and so many other awesome features! I'm happy this update was finally released because this means that we'll have a lot of new things to test out. :D If you like marking places that you port from so you can port back without having to travel back there by ship, mark and recall is a great feature. With mark and recall you mark your spot you want to port to and then you can travel somewhere and then port back to that spot without having to take time to get there. This feature is as awesome as the mounts. The advanced pets and companions are awesome too! All schools also get new companions, make sure to visit your school if you're above level 4 to recruit your new companion. :D Okay I'm going to stop typing now so you can log onto the game and have fun with the new awesome updates KI released. Thanks KI for all of your hard work! :) If you would like to read through all of the updates KI released just click on the image that's been attached to this post. Thanks for reading and  I'll see you around the spiral!

May 10, 2014

Happy 4th Birthday!

Hi there, today is Around the Spiral with Edward Lifegem's 4th Birthday! This means I've been making blog posts for four years. I remember creating my blog on May 10th, 2010 with Mary Dreamshade and even though it feels like yesterday, I'm still happy I have been blogging this long. I really want to thank everyone for helping me stick around this long. I almost quit the game in 2011 but I'm glad I'm still here blogging and having fun on the game. I hope to stick around another four years (that would be epic would that be to make an 8th Birthday post). Anyways, thank you soooo much! I really don't know what else to say than that. I plan on making tons of P101 & W101 posts this year, next year and however long I'm here. :D I can't believe how much this blog has grown since 2010. I have made nearly 1,000 blog posts on this blog! I think that's impossible because I've had so much fun and it's crazy to think that I've blogged that much. How about another 1,000? 2,000? Well we'll see :). I would like to thank One-Eyed Jack for accepting my submission for Pirate101 Fansite and Kingsisle for amazing games to blog about. I would also like to thank you for reading this blog! It's amazing that I have so many readers. I don't know who's reading my blog, but whoever you are.. Thank you so much. :) I'm going to end this post now by sending you to all of my posts I've made in the past over my blog's blogiversary. Thank you again and I hope to see you around the spiral. :) Click on the images below to view my blogiversary posts from the past. :)

My First Blog Post

2011 (1st Birthday Post)

2012 (2nd Birthday Post)

2013 (3rd Birthday Post)