May 23, 2014

World Turtle Day!

Ahoy Pirates!

Today is World Turtle Day and Kingsisle is celebrating the day by adding a new turtle mounts in the crowns shop! You can buy the permanent mount for 7,500 crowns or you can buy the 7 day turtle mount for 2,000 crowns . Thank you Kingsisle for the great mounts! If you want to read some interesting facts about turtles on Kingsisle's Blog, click HERE. If you want to buy crowns so you can purchase these two awesome mounts, click the image attached to this blog post. :) I hope you have an awesome day and enjoy your new turtle mounts!

May 17, 2014


Ahoy Pirates,

I apologize for not making as many posts as I usually do the past week or so. I've been on Wizard101 a lot lately and I've also been very busy on the days I planned on making new blog posts. I promise I didn't quit the game (after all it's my favorite game) and I will blog a lot more soon! At the moment I'm trying to get real life things out of the way and then I'll start making a lot more posts such as questing posts on my swashbuckler. Yesterday I had a chance to log onto the game a little bit and train my companions with all of the new training tomes Kingsisle gave us!

Most of my companions are now level 65 and I only have a few left to level which shouldn't take too long! I think I'm doing great on leveling my companions. Kingsisle gave my witchdoctor 34 companion tomes, I should have had 35 but I didn't get a side quest companion. Thank you for the training tomes, KI! :) I also logged on the game to get my new companions for my witchdoctor and swashbuckler. I already know they will be useful because I remember testing them out on the test realm not long ago. :D I can't wait to quest on my swashbuckler because of my companion and the new visuals the game has each time we get ready to attack. Who's excited about that? Oh wait... Mark and Recall! That'll be so helpful when I'm questing which will make questing faster than it was before. :D Well that's all I have for today. I hope all of you had a nice week and have an awesome weekend. :) Thank you for reading. I'll see you around the spiral!

May 14, 2014

Edward Firegem Made It To Level 100!

Hello Wizards!

I have great news! My fire wizard, Edward Firegem, finally made it to level 100. :D I can't believe how much I've leveled. I plan on leveling like I did yesterday for my life wizard and level him as fast as I can so he makes it to level 100 soon too. My fire wizard is one wizard that I knew would make it to Exalted first. I haven't finished Khrysalis Part 2 but I have leveled far enough to almost finishing the world up. I was only planning on making this post to tell you that I've leveled to 100 but decided I'll also make this post to let you know I also got my level 98 pet. :D

I've leveled about 3 times on my fire wizard so far this week (3 million experience+)! The past few days have been crazy but I'm happy I can finally say that 1 of my wizards made it to level 100 and finally have their level 98 pet! I love my efreet pet and hate snakes but I still think this pet will be my main pet for my fire wizard just because he's not as bad as I thought he would be. I only thought he was bad because he's a flying snake.. LOL. Anyways, I can't wait to show off that pet. My ice wizard is busy gardening so I can get those mega snacks to level him up, hatch and level him again so I can use him as my main pet. I'm sure this is old news for a lot but this is the first time I've made it to level cap since a recent world release since 2011. :D I also have been focusing a lot on gardening and pets which is also awesome. :D Anyways, that's my update for now. ONE WIZARD DOWN, FIVE TO GO! Thanks for reading and I hope to see you around the spiral. :D OH. My Sun Serpent's name is Princess Cocoa.