July 29, 2014

Edward Lifegem's Favorites

Hi there!

I don't have a game blog post that I could make today. I've been trying to blog everyday of the month but sometimes there's nothing to make a post about! :O I challenged myself the beginning of this month to make a blog post everyday in July and I will do it. :D Today I have a Q&A of my favorite things in real life :P. 

What's your favorite movie?

I have many favorite movies! My favorite Christmas movie is Home Alone. A normal movie though? well..  I love Iron Man so... I guess the first Iron Man! :D

What's your favorite television series?

If you follow me on Twitter, you should know that my favorite show on t.v. is ONCE UPON A TIME! I could make an entire post about this show but I won't now.. You should check it out on ABC! Btw... If you like Frozen, Elsa is going to be on it... Okay I'm done talking about the show, for now... :P

What's your favorite food/dessert?

Pizza! I love Pizza, and I have many favorite desserts.. I guess I'll say cake because my Birthday cake yesterday was delicious and it's my new favorite. :P (with cotton candy ice cream)

What's your favorite console game?

I have an xbox 360 and I love playing the Bioshock series. This game is for 17+ and if you're any younger, you shouldn't be playing this game! :O I still like this game though, it's one of my favorite console games. I can't pick one with this because I have a second favorite that's also my favorite... Crash Bandicoot The Wrath of Cortex. I told you about this game a few weeks ago. I played this game on my Playstation 2 when I was younger. I still love it today!

What's your favorite PC Game?

I don't have a favorite PC game... KIDDING!! I have two favorite PC games. I created a blog in 2010 and started making blog posts about my first game I started playing and a few years later I started to blog about my other favorite favorite PC game... WIZARD101 & PIRATE101!!! :D

What's your favorite season?

I love Winter! I love cookies, hot chocolate, Christmas, New Years, and of course SNOW! :D Most of you know that by now.. That's why my first wizard was an ice wizard. :)

What's your favorite sport?

I have two favorites.. I like Football (American Football) and Basketball! :D

Will I do another Q&A?

I don't know if I'll do another Q&A anytime soon. I wanted to make this Q&A since I didn't have anything to blog about today and thought it would be fun to blog about this. I won't let you all know that this post has been published on my social sites, so you'll have to find it! Thank you for reading. If you want another Q&A click on one of the reactions below!! :D

July 28, 2014

Birthday Post!

Hi there,

I wanted to make a blog post thanking all of you that said and will say Happy Birthday to me. I'm having a great day so far and it's only 9:00 A.M.! How am I having an awesome day and it only be 9:00 in the morning? Well.. I'm happy God gave me 21 years of life and I'm celebrating by eating cake, ice cream and celebrating with my family by eating pizza and possibly watching a movie at the end of the day. I also get to celebrate on here with you all (my 2nd family) and I'm thankful I have all of you too. Thank you for supporting me and everything I do! Well.. I should go.. it's going to be a long, fun day! :D

Oooh, Balloons! :O

July 27, 2014

Edward Mythgem Finishes Zafaria!

Hello Wizards!

I made a blog post a few days ago (click HERE to read that post) and I promised you that I'd make a blog post about the last dungeon of Zafaria. A few days ago I wasn't feeling well and I couldn't log onto the game so I decided that I'd enter the Mirror Lake dungeon. I'm sure you know by now that I didn't solo this dungeon because if I did, I'd be in the dungeon until 2090 or a maintenance. :P

Autumn Dreamwalker offered to help me on this dungeon by bring her life and balance wizards! Autumn's life and balance are currently level 100 so I knew we wouldn't have any trouble. I told her that this dungeon was a difficult dungeon and not even a level 300 wizard could survive it... KIDDING! I knew we'd make it through even if Autumn was my level. :) I took a lot of screenshots so I thought I'd share them with you and then tell you what I thought about the dungeon.. :D 

There were four different fights in this dungeon. We had to defeat Tse-Tse in the first fight and I'm glad he didn't have his cheats because that would take forever if he did. The second fight was with four different bosses! I am not going to explain everything to you all since most of you have been through this dungeon but we made it through this fight okay. We had to defeat the minions first which wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Autumn hit the boss with Artorious and then I hit with an Orthurus which killed the boss. :) The third fight was a lot easier since there was ice enemies. We got low on health for a little bit and Autumn healed us over and over again! :) The fourth fight with storm enemies was difficult because they kept hitting us with a lot of hits and got me down to 800 health! Autumn cast a Rebirth on her life wizard which saved all of us and we were able to kill them. If you're close to starting this quest.. Know that you should try to find someone to help or use the team up option so you're not in the dungeon long. It didn't take us long to finish this dungeon (30-40 minutes). Thank you Autumn for helping me! I would be stuck if it wasn't for you. :D That's all I have for you now other than a few screenshots below. I promise I'll make another post about the beginning of Avalon once I quest a little bit through the world. Thank you for reading!

Ooh! Look!! A Christmas Tree! :D