May 5, 2016

Pirate101 Raffle (Valencia Part Two)

Ahoy Pirates!

I hope you're having a great week. I know I'm already having a great week because our amazing community managers sent me crowns codes today to giveaway to you! :D I'm going to make this a simple contest just because Valencia Part Two is on its way to Pirate101. Follow all of the rules in the Raffle below to have a chance to win one of the following codes! I decide to include a little bit of information about two entry options below (there are two others - scroll through the Raffle to view that). There will be 9 different winners. Good luck everyone!!

  • Comment Below (Mandatory): You have to comment below before you can access all of the other entry options. Click on the "Leaving a Blog Post Comment" option and follow what I want you to comment below. After you comment you can access the other entry options!
  • Tweeting a Message: Click on the "Tweeting a Message" option below every day to tweet a message about these contests. Please follow the rules!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

May 4, 2016

I'm Ready For Summer & Wizard101!

Hi there!

I hope all of you having a great day. I know I am because I'm thinking about how many fun times I've had on this website. I can't believe that nearly six years ago, I created this website with Mary Dreamshade! I guess I'm shocked because it feels like it was just yesterday that I created it (it wasn't called Around the Spiral with Edward Lifegem - more like Wizard101). It turned into "The Life of an Ice Wizard" and eventually what it is today. :D I've had many moments on this website! I'm glad I can still stop here every now and then and make blog posts about the game and a few times online safety posts to keep you safe online! I wanted to make this short little post thanking all of you for your support over the past 6 years! Speaking of this website, I can't wait to get back to blogging again. The events this Summer will be a lot of fun. :) Seriously.. I'm ready to have events on the game again. I hope we can have a few contests too! I promise I'll have more Wizard101 posts soon, including a little information about a new Wizard101 event that I'm planning on hosting! I'll let you know more soon. Until then, I'll see you around the Spiral. :D

May 3, 2016

Social Media and A Note to Blog Readers

Hi there,

I wanted to make this short little blog posts to let you know that I'm no longer going to personally be on Social Media. I am going to have tweets and/or Facebook messages going out through there from now on to update everyone when I have published new blog posts. I'm also adding a new feature to this blog to let you sign up to give you alerts when I've published a new blog post, called "Follow By Email"

-- Edit --

I decided to only take a break on Twitter. I will still have the follow by email option and blog post tweets going on there. I will no longer reply to anyone or make individual tweets like I have. I will be back. I will also make sure that nobody is bullying every now and then. I can't leave and allow this to continually happen. This is much more than being offended by opinions. I love different opinions (unless they hurt somebody), but I don't like bullying at all. I made a Twitlonger explaining more. If you would like to read it. Click the link below!