March 28, 2019

Bunny Run 2019: Sunday, April 28th

Hello Wizards!

As many of you already know, we have many family-friendly holiday-themed events throughout the year. With Easter quickly approaching, we've already scheduled our 4th Annual Bunny Run! This year's Bunny Run is set to take place on Sunday, April 28th - The Commons, Greyrose Realm! Keep reading for a video guide of where we'll be running, a schedule of activities, and more.

1:00 pm Central / 2:00 pm Eastern
Twitch Stream Begins / Dance Party

1:10 pm Central / 2:10 pm Eastern
 Farm For Outfits - Nightshade

1:30 pm Central / 2:30 pm Eastern
 Pet Derby (Easter-Themed Teen Pets)

1:45 pm Central / 2:45 pm Eastern
 The First Bunny To... (New Activity)

2:15 pm Central / 3:15 pm Eastern
  The Caroling Bunnies Raid

2:30 pm Central / 3:30 pm Eastern
 Countdown To Bunny Run - Line Up
(Rental Bunny Mounts Will Be Provided)

3:00 pm Central / 4:00 pm Eastern
Bunny Run Begins (Watch Video Guide Above For Run Pathway)

3:15 pm Central / 4:15pm Eastern
Afterparties Begin (Watch Official Stream For Port Wizard Info)

Bunny Run 2019 Hosts
Edward Lifegem
Autumn Dreamwalker
Iridian Willowflame
Sarah Skystrider

More Information About Our Events:

Follow SpiralVision On Twitter:

Everyone is invited to attend the Bunny Run - rental bunny mounts will be provided to all thanks to Kingsisle. If you do plan on attending, please remember to keep the event family-friendly! I'd also love to thank everyone that has continued to show support for these events. They do take a lot of work to prepare, but your support for these, especially after years of having them, is well worth it. It's going to be a lot of fun hanging out with y'all at our 4th Annual Bunny Run. Feel free to invite your friends by linking them to this post! We hope to see you there!

March 26, 2019

Kingsisle Live: Thursday, March 28th

Hi there!

Today I'm making a new blog post to remind everyone that this month's Kingsisle Live will take place on Thursday, March 28th. There is much to look forward to. The winners of the Spring Decorating Contest for both Wizard101 & Pirate101 will be announced towards the end of the stream! Kingsisle may also hint at some new content heading to the Wizard101 Test Realm very soon! Here's more information about when/where you can watch this week's Kingsisle Live:

Thursday, March 28th
4:00 pm Central / 5:00 pm Eastern

March 13, 2019

Kingsisle Stream: Exploring The Spiral - Thursday, March 14th

Ahoy Pirates!

Our awesome community manager, Mathew Anderson, recently announced that he will be having a Pirate101-Only Livestream! You can catch this stream on the official KingsisleEntertainment Twitch channel. Word is he'll be questing in the game. So if you have a pirate that can help out, get them ready. :D Here's more information about this upcoming Pirate101 Stream:

Thursday, March 14th
3:30 pm Central / 4:30 pm Eastern