I would like to give more information about the Ravenwood Ball/ Birthday Bash. Some of been asking me more information about it, and I would like to do another post about when it is, and where it is.
When: June 25th, 2011 6:00 P.M. until 8:00 P.M. Central, It might be later :)
Where: Ravenwood- Vampire, Realm 1- There will be mini parties because this realm may get full.
Why: Well Its Diary of a Wizards Birthday! Happy Birthday Diary of a Wizard! :)
Click on this link to go to learn more information about this: http://diaryofawizard.com/main/2011/05/29/the-2nd-annual-ravenwood-ball-birthday-bash/
I hope to see all of you there, and can't wait until the Annual ball and Birthday bash, diary of a wizard!
Contest Update:
Don't Forget to sign up for my contest, I stopped getting submissions recently. Remember, all you have to do to sign up is to be following, and send me an email about the things you like about Wizard101. If you would like to send me an email, I can be contacted by: edwardwintergem@yahoo.com. Also, don't forget, I am giving out the Sultans palace and a 10 dollar gift card! Good luck to all :) I really am enjoying this contest everyone. Are you? :)

Also, another thing to add, I will be giving out 10 Kingsisle free codes, Just because you guys helped, and or did a great 3rd place :) Thanks guys for helping me reach my goal, and I don't mind giving out contests! Good luck everyone!

Also, another thing to add, I will be giving out 10 Kingsisle free codes, Just because you guys helped, and or did a great 3rd place :) Thanks guys for helping me reach my goal, and I don't mind giving out contests! Good luck everyone!
Online Safety, Passwords, Usernames:
Okay, yesterday I have seen an example of asking for passwords, this time though, another wizard asked if someone could give him crowns and he would give him their password, I had to say no asap! If I didn't his account would have been gone, and banned. This is very bad when you have personal information on your account. Maybe not your wizard101 account, but when you log in to buy something, there could be a credit card, or maybe the place you live! You have to know that whenever someone says they will give you crowns or a membership and ask for your password, you tell them Kingsisle says not to give out passwords or its a ban. So, NO I am not giving you my password or user name. The people who say that will never really give anyone crowns, they will only keep your account and maybe buy the crowns for themselves on your account. I keep seeing incidents like these happening a lot. Let me tell you a story about my account. One time, this person said that their mother worked at kingsisle, and I told them, well does your mother have a character so you can show us? He said no she doesn't and then 10 minutes later he said she does. I knew something was happening in the lie. Then he told me he would take me to Celestia, I said well it hasn't even been released yet, so thats kinda funny! He said give me your password and user name and I will be sure to get you there, and I told some of my friends not to trust him. We all ported away because we was busy and we all ported. He was trying to scam us of our accounts. I told him after I ported that I worked too hard just to have some person take away my personal information and my account. Its really bad when people try to take away accounts, sometimes they do. It gets very annoying.
Make sure you stay safe online, and NEVER give away your password, or NEVER give away personal information to the Wizard101 world! You wouldn't do it in real life so don't do it on there :)
Thats it, See you all around the Spiral, and I hope you enjoyed this blog post!
~ Edward Lifegem
Hey, Ed! You followed my blog, I and followed yours. I added you onto my blog roll, so could you add my blog onto your blog roll? www.theheroicpyromancer.blogspot.com Thanks-Thunderblade
Yes, I just added your blog on to my blogroll! Thanks for following!
~ Edward Lifegem
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