October 18, 2014

Pirate101 Halloween Pumpkin Drawing Contest!

Ahoy Pirates!

Would you look at that title?! I thought I was making a second blog post when typing it into the Title box! I have been checking around to make sure no one (other than Pirate101) is having a contest that has something to do with pumpkins.. This contest will be about drawing a Pirate101 Themed Pumpkin. This contest will be VERY easy for artists and doesn't need much of a discussion.

  1. Draw A Pirate101 Related Pumpkin: I want you to draw a pumpkin that relates to Pirate101. There really isn't much more I can say other than that. What does a Pirate pumpkin look like? (Please make sure you sign your pirate's name on the pumpkin so I know it's yours :D). 
  2. Submit Your Pirate Pumpkin: Once you're done, please submit your pirate pumpkin to my email address (edwardfrostgem@gmail.com). Label it Pumpkin Drawing Contest.
  3. Contest Start/Ends: This contest starts TODAY and ends on Thursday October 30th, 2014. Winners will be emailed shortly after the contest winners are announced. 
  4. How many winners are there? There will be five winners! Five winners will receive a Halloween Prize Pack that includes the new Rainbow Friendship Mask which comes in white, but can be dyed; this code also includes 2,000 crowns! (see image below to look at the rainbow friendship mask accessory ;D). I will choose my top three favorite drawings & my two favorite graphics. Yes, Graphics are officially allowed! You can only submit one entry, so choose wisely. Don't forget to sign your pirate's name on your work. :D 

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