October 1, 2014

October 2014 Wizard101 Newsletter!

Hello Wizards!

Today Kingsisle released the October 2014 Wizard101 Newsletter with awesome news! Lets start about talking about Halloween.. :D I count this month as a Halloween month (see background image ;D) and I guess Kingsisle also does because Spooky Bob is back and so is the other awesome Halloween themed quests. :D Now... I love Halloween but I also love Doctor Who! Have you ever watched Doctor Who? I bet most of you reading have!

Kingsisle released a little gif of a dog named, The Professor, inside a Tardis like building/ship. If you look at the picture above, it looks exactly like a Tardis.. Do you remember the tardis in the test realm a few months ago? I think Kingsisle has plans to let us travel with The Professor. I really hope we get to travel back in time and in the future of Wizard101.. Can you imagine how cool that would be?!?! Well.. I guess we'll have to wait and see.. ;) 

One last thing I want to talk about before ending this post is the Extra Life Team that Professor Greyrose & Kingsisle created to raise money for a Charity that helps provide treatment to millions of sick children that are admitted in the Children's Miracle Network Hospital. Look at the image above to see what you can win if you donate enough money! If you would like to view Kingsisle's team page just click the image above. I bet we're going to end up raising a lot of money for this charity! Kingsisle is an awesome game team.. I am happy we have an awesome game team like this to help get the word out about these charities and we get to raise a lot of money for them! If you would like to learn more information about this charity and read the rest of this month's newsletter, don't forget to click that image above!

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